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The Prayer List

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    Dawn, I am so sorry and I will most definitely continue to pray for both of you!

    Rita, thanks for sharing that wonderful prayer!


      I just wanted to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, phone numbers, cards, poems (Thanks Rita!) and sisterly love! I will be away from my computer most of tomorrow and Tuesday, and didn't want to let another day pass without saying "Thank you!" Terry has three separate appointments at the hospital tomorrow. One for an MRI at 7 AM, one for a dye injection at 11 AM, and one at 1:30 for a bone scan. So, he will be busy! Somewhere between 9 and 10:30, I need to turn in all of my items at the fair. I will take a book and a quilt that has a few dozen knots to tie and bury, for my down time. Again, thank you all! You mean ever so much to me!

      In beautiful Northwest Montana


        Dawn I am so sorry to hear about the problems that Terry is having what a very stresfull time for you both .
        I will be thinking of you both, its amazing what modern medicine can do so lets hope for a good outcome,
        keep posative and keep fighting it . Sue x
        Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


          Dawn, I am praying for Terry that things go well and it has not spread. For you for the strength you need. For the doctors that God guides them through the care of Terry.

          Jan I am praying for you today also that your procedure goes well and you recover quickly.

          I also have a request for everyone to pray for my cousin who was diagnosed with stage 2 ovarian cancer on Friday.

          Thanks to all,


            Got word today that Jerry is not doing well. "Took a turn for the worst" was what was said. Please pray for God's hand of mercy to be on this family.


              Ritzy, Kathy, Jan and Dawn--I am praying today.


                WOW! I just found out about this thread that began in August of 2008, and it seems to be going stronger than ever! Thank you, Dawn, for referring me to it. My prayers are for you and DH Terry, and everyone else who has requested a prayer. May God bless all of you and your loved ones/friends, and may the Holy Spirit bring peace to each and every one of you. Maybe altogether we can kick the cloud of doom that seems to be hovering over our planet right back to where it came from!!! I don't know about all of you, but I'd like to hear about more positive happenings in the world (and I know they're out there!).

                For now, I'm going to LET GOD, AND LET GO... :lol:

                Hugs and Blessings to all,


                  Prayers are being said, Ritzy. Hugs

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    praying hard - big hugs


                      Oh, Ritzy, I'm sorry. I'm praying for Jerry and his family, you and your family.
                      Rita, that is a lovely prayer. Well worth remembering!
                      Dawn, I hope Terry's tests haven't been too stressful for either of you. I'm praying for localized!


                        Ritzy, I pray that Jerry and his family can have the "peace that passeth all understanding" in this turn of events!



                          Ritzy, Best wishes to you and all your family at this difficult time. Rita.


                            Dawn, when will you get the results of Terry's tests???

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by Margo
                              Dawn, when will you get the results of Terry's tests???

                              Supposedly, we will hear the results at an appointment we have set up for next Wednesday, the 24th. I'm sure she will know EVERYTHING before then, but this is the appointment she set up to discuss treatment options. My feelings are, If we get hit with a really bad diagnosis, will we be in the proper frame of mind to hear everything she will be telling us? I'm sure we will want to come home to digest all of the information, and sleep on it. I guess ignorance is bliss, for now!



                                Just take one day at a time, and do your research!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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