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The Prayer List

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    Jan, I will add you to my prayer list.


      Oh, Jan, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with so much right now. I pray everything turns out the mildest form possible! Please know that there are a whole lotta people — even better, quilters! — pulling for you. Don't forget to fondle some fabric before you go for your D&C! Hugs, Robin


        I'm praying Jan.
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Good idea Robin. I need to work on my son's wall quilt, but it has me stumped on how to do the first part. Thanks also Karen. I am glad to be getting this over with soon. Jan PS I will post as soon as I'm able after my D and C. Thanks so much.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            UPDATE: Yesterday was Terry's biopsy on the prostate. We were both very nervous, but I had to pull it together to drive, as he had taken medication to relax him. (Which never really kicked in.) He is very uncomfortable today, and feels like h***. Probably because of the TWO valium yesterday! And, of course, from being poked so many times. Now we wait. The doctor said she'd call sometime the middle of next week with the results. Like I said before, all indications so far look like prostate cancer, but we are still praying that it might be some other unkown reason for the high PSA and firm prostate. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you all! You mean so much to me!

            In beautiful Northwest Montana


              Dear Dawn, big hugs to you and Terry. At least that part is over. I hope once Terry gets over the valium, you two can come up with something fun to do for the next few days. I'll be thinking of you! Robin


                Dear Dawn, Praying for a good biopsy for Terry. Jan


                  Dawn, prayers for Terry and you. Hoping for good results. Love - Margarita in Auburn, CA


                    dawn, my thoughts and prayers are with you as well - hoping for the best.
                    big hugs


                      Jan, Dawn and Terry ~ you are in my thoughts and prayers.

                      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                        Scoopie, You and your DH are on my prayer list. My DH was diagnosed with prostate cancer about four years ago. Interestingly enough he had an extremely low PSA but on rectal exam our doctor found a suspicious lump on the outside of the prostate. I was very confident it was nothing because of the PSA test. Oh well, I was wrong. He had a series of radiation treatments and has been cancer free since. So I will pray that they find out it is not cancer but even if it is, there is hope. Keep up your spirits. Just remember God is Good, All the Time, All the Time, God is Good. Hugs, Ann

                        Ritzy, you and all of your family are always in our prayers. Will keep up the count on Elisha's next 20 or so days.

                        Hugs, Ann


                          prayers for all


                            Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers! One thing I had forgotten, was that the doctor doubled up Terry's antibiotics for 5 days. So, having just gone through that double dose of antibiotics myself, I finally realised why he feels so yucky!!! And, of course his appetite is way down. Who wants to eat when their stomach is unsettled? So, he's losing weight (a good thing) and I splurged on three cookies at guild meeting last night. (Probably not a good thing!)

                            Jan, You are in my thoughts today, and I am praying for the polyp to be benig! Hugs!

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              Hugs, lots of prayers and very positive thoughts for you and Terry. Do something fun to make the time pass quickly. Carolyn in Kerrville, TX


                                Well I made it through the D and C. And I feel nothing yet. I am so thankful to the Lord and to all who prayed for me. And I am committed to praying more in general. I need to do that. So I will be a regular here now. Now I am praying for all who prayed for me. You are a Godsend and I can't thank you enough. Love, Jan


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