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The Prayer List

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    Frances-Happy-Jan...I will keep your loved ones in my prayers and pray for very quick healing to come to each of them.

    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


      Patti, I have a smile on my face imagining the dance of your mother and father in heaven!

      Whenever I go thru my Mom and Dad's momentos from WW II, I am struck with how little I can really know or feel of what went on in their minds during that time in the 1940's and how each of the things they saved had special meaning for them! My dad's little Bible, shells and a hula skirt he sent Mom made from parachute string silk (beautiful!) etched empty shell casings made into beautiful items, a cigarette lighter. All just distant memories now since the owners have long been gone.

      My DH and I went through VietNam together in 1968-9 and it doesn't seem as bad as WW II seems to me.....although to later generations, I'm sure it does.

      Anyway, God Bless all of you as you grieve!


        Lynn, we used to have a parachute from dad's army souveniers. I wish I had that now - what great material to put into a quilt! I still have my head in those wonderful letters my dad wrote that we read the night mom passed. They were simply magical and were a perfect mood setter for me last week.


          Hi all Sorry to hear about not being on in so long or being able to check in. I have been saying a general encompassing prayer for my quilting family. I feel like such a hack for it but my sister's life is falling apart. She isn't doing so well and her youngest isn't helping much. My mother is with her today so I have a few hours by myself. I do wish you all the best and please know that even tough you may not see me on here much everytime I look at my sewing machine I think of you. By the way that is all I get to do is look at it. I haven't touched it at all. in over a month. My BOM is going to be a BOY (block of the year) ops: Lots of love to all.


            I'm with Rachel. You are all in my prayers every day. I have been having terrible headaches, from what I have no clue. TMJ, stress, sinuses, Virginia weather, who knows? I've been trying to do a little quilting here and there, and I enjoy it. I will call the dr on Monday to get results I hope from the MRI and may have to do a gastric emptying scan! That's a new one! I spoke with two of my boys today, so that was a treat, and my oldest FINALLY bought a bicycle helmet!! Another prayer answered! I miss my mom and have been praying about that situation. So that is all the news from here. Take care and God bless.



              My thoughts and hugs are with you. I Lost my Mom 1 1/2 years ago and I still miss her, so my heart goes out to you. What a blessing to be able to read those letters from your Dad and know they are reunited forever in the presence of the Lord.

              I pray you'll know the peace of God that passes all understanding,



                Please I need you all to pray for Mr.Stuart he is the father of my oldest son girl friend he was taken to the hospital to they found a mass in the front part of his brain they have 7 girls and just found that his wife is going to finaly have a boy he is also a decon in the church this family really can use some special prays thank you Happy


                  Thank you Sue. I've gotten awfully weepy since Friday which was my mom's birthday. I know this is all apart of grief after the distractions of the funeral are over. I appreciate that God gives us freedom to grieve but also the comfort that life doesn't end here.

                  Happy, I'm praying for your friends. I pray for wisdom for the doctors.


                    Hello everyone,

                    I'm glad I was able to stop in yesterday and today so that I could get up to speed on the prayer requests.

                    Unfortunately, I've been so sick that I don't even feel up to thinking about quilting. :cry: DH says that if he tells the doctor I don't even feel like looking at quilt things on-line, the doctor just won't understand how serious that is :wink:

                    My GI tract has been rejecting all foods. I've been "losing" acceptable foods for years, but it has really acclerated in the past couple of years, and now is really bad. I've lost 12 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Well, at least there's a little positive part there.

                    We are trying another approach and I started a new drug today. I'd appreciate your prayers that we could figure out what to do to make my GI tract happy enough to do its job and absorb some nutrition. Since my nutrition has been poor for so long, my adrenal glands are again on the downslide so that means I have the energy of a boiled zucchini. And I'd dearly love to get off of the steriods I have to take for that, since I'm having unwanted side effects.

                    Thanks !



                      Sue will keep you in prayer as you work with your doctor to find out what's going on...

                      I've been praying with and for each friend through the grieving process.

                      Please rejoice with us as we celebrate the good news that Bob will start his new position in two weeks. I'll share more later, Bob needs to use the computer etc.

                      God bless!

                      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                        I've been quietly praying here for all.

                        That is such good news on the job Teri! Karen
                        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                          Teri --- Wonderful news about dh's job. I know the pain of unemployment so am doing a happy dance for him.

                          Sue, so sorry to hear about your digestive problems. That is no fun. Have you tried yoghurt? When I was having problems this winter and unable to eat anything, the doctor finally suggested yoghurt and jello. That worked. Then I was able to add ramen noodle soup and slowly add other foods. Lots of homemade soup (thank goodness dh loves soup). Also is there a medication that you possibly are sensitive to? I am sensitive to codeine and erythromycin. When I was hospitilized in 2004, I lost 70 - 90 lbs, depending on which doctor you asked. They kept telling me I was depressed and pushed antidepressants, pain pills and sleeping pills. Once I was out of the hospital, I found out that one of my pain pills was a codeine based pill and even though it was listed on my allergic list, I was given it on an every four to six hour basis. Once I quit taking that my appetite returned and I was able to eat anything I wanted. Never overlook possible drug allergies or drug interactions, they can do a number on your digestive system. (and tell dh that when you don't want to quilt or read TQS, you are really sick and there are a whole lot of us who will tell your doctor if he won't) Hugs and prayers for a speedy diagnosis and recovery, Ann


                            Sue I will be keeping you in my prayers and pray that the medical world quickly finds something to help alleviate your pain and speed your recovery. Karen

                            Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                              Thanks, everyone for your prayers--I certainly need them !

                              Teri, So glad to hear about your DH's new job

                              Ann, When you were having GI problems I definitely prayed for you with understanding ! I've taken probiotics for years, can't do any dairy. About all I can eat is types of meat, and a very few vegetables.
                              Well, this week has been just a little less awful than last week, so that's good.
                              My poor DH, I'm just glad he was able to make any joke about it. It's hard to have a DH who feels helpless to help. Since this is the man who doesn't think I have too much fabric, even though it pokes out of everywhere, I'm keeping him


                              Will pray for you and your surgery on Tuesday. Please let us know how you're doing when you are able.

                              Sue R


                                My dear quilting friends, u are all in my thoughts as each of u goes through ur trials each and every day. We all have our heavy loads to bear and it helps to know that others are thinking about u. [[[HUGS]]] to all of u.



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