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    Dawn--I am glad to hear that Terry has the stent out and I continue to pray for you both.


      Oh Dawn, big hugs!!! It sounds like some progress is being made, though, so that's good. I just pray it speeds up a bit!


        Just got on the forum for the first time in a while and was sad to see all the bad news but happy for the good news. So many of you have had so much to deal with! I really do pray for all of you and I'm sorry if I don't tell you often enough that I do.


          Scoopie, I've been praying for you and Terry a lot. I know black cohosh and evening primrose are good for hot flashes, but of course check with your doctor before taking anything. Also Effexor is an antidepressant that gets rid of hot flashes as well. I would take the lowest dose if approved by your doctor. Praying for good result on the PSA.

          Ritzy, the aorta is in the chest. You must mean some other artery or vein in Merolynn's brain. Praying for her that they will be able to do something good for her.

          Annis, prayers going out for the family of the young man who died so young. Praying for the Lord to comfort them Prayers for all. Jan


            Annis, I'm so sorry about your sister's step-grandson. So young.

            Robin, sounds like your brother is mending very fast; he'll be up to speed in no time.

            Ritzy, your friend is going through such difficulty, but with friends like you she has so much support.

            Dawn, I really hope the PSA is good for Terry. Mike had a scare a few years ago with an enlarged prostate; we were very lucky that's all it was.

            Like Kaylnn, I don't come here often enough but you are all in my thoughts everyday.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Yes, I know it is a major artery but that is what he told me so I just wrote what I was told. I did question it in my mind but I don't know which vein go to the brain. I guess the important thing is that some major one was compromised and now she has to make due.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                GOOD NEWS!!!!

                Terry's PSA went down from 29.5 to a 10, with the first hormone treatment. He got another shot and will be seen again in a month. Wow! A whole month with no doctor visits, and no hospital visits! Yea! Thank you s-o-o-o-o much for all of the prayers! Now I just have to study up on all of natural stuff for the hot flashes, that some of you have mentioned to me. I really would like him to be more comfortable! Again, I love you all for being there for me!

                In beautiful Northwest Montana


                  Dawn that is such great news - they are powerful people these quilters!


                    WOOHOO--way to go God!


                      Dawn, how wonderful that you and Terry had some positive news. I pray the the improvement continues. Hugs to you both.

                      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                        Dawn--I am so happy that you and Terry had good news. I can totally identify with your joy over no medical appointments for a whole month! I will continue to pray for good things.


                          Wow! Dawn, what fantastic news!! That's probably worth a few hot flashes, but I hope now you'll be able to concentrate on doing something about those. Hugs to you and Terry!
                          My brother is recovering well and fast. He can't drive until the middle of October, but he can go back to work starting Monday for a few hours a day and increase if he feels well. He's already bored being home, so this is good.
                          Ritzy, I'm praying for your friend and hope that she and her family get some good news soon!


                            Dawn, That is such wonderful news! Thanks for letting us know.


                              Dawn, so thankful for the good news! Continued prayers for all the needs mentioned here.


                                Great News Dawn, keeping you both in my Thoughts .
                                Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


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