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    So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, Sue, but glad she isn't suffering any more.


      Sorry about your mother in law, Sue. Sounds like she had a good long life. I'm sure she'll be missed.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Yes, Sue, it is a blessing when it happens and relieves suffering, isn't it? We miss them, we are sad, but as it says in the Bible, "A time for all seasons..."

        But the way I love your white lab! Beautiful!


          Sue, I too am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's passing. She is at peace now and hopefully you have many many happy memories of her. I am thinking of you at this diificult time.

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Sue, I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, and I hope you, your husband, and family can find comfort in happy memories.

            My brother is doing well. He got home from the hospital on Sunday (only 5 days in the hospital!), and is already ignoring doctor's orders about what he should not do. My SIL is going to have her hands full! Fortunately, the pain meds still knock him out, so he's at least taking the naps the doctor orders :wink: Knowing him, he won't do anything truly stupid, he'll just push things a bit ...

            I'm continuing prayers for others on this list.


              Robin, glad to hear your brother is doing well.


                Thank you all for your comments you are all very kind keeping you all in my thoughts
                Sue x
                Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


                  My sister's oldest step grandson died unexpectedly over the weekend. He was only 21. Please pray for the family.

                  My cousin who had the stroke is doing well in therapy so they're giving her 2 extra weeks of it. She is getting passes to go to her son's football games, shop with her daughters and soon she will get to spend the weekends at home until she is released in a few weeks.

                  Continued prayers for those that are in need.


                    Oh Annis, I am sorry. Your family has had a lot to deal with this year. I am glad your cousin is doing well.

                    Update on Merolynne: I talked to her husband today and the tumor on her brain was wrapped around the aorta and they were not able to repair it. He said they clamped it off and they thought the other blood vessel would be able to do the work. They raise her blood pressure to get this to happen and she had a stroke. She also had to have part of her skull removed because of swelling of the brain. Needless to say, she has a lot of rehab ahead of her. Thank you for your prayers.


                      Ritzy, you too have had a lot to deal with this year. Praying the rehab will go well for Merolynne.


                        Dear Annis and Ritzy, you both have had way more than your fair share to deal with this year. I pray for comfort and healing for your friends and families. Hugs, Robin


                          I want you all to know that I am praying for your specific requests! Ritzy, Annis, and Robin I do pray that the Lord place his hands of healing on those near and dear to you, and give you wisdom as you support the ones you love.

                          I will give an update on Terry, later this week, after his doctor's appointment. The last appointment was worthless, as the xray was unable to see what they wanted to look at (any stones left behind). So, he had a CT scan on Friday, and sees the doctor AGAIN, late today. The stent is still very uncomfortable for him and he is still having a hard time regulating his body temperature. But, he goes to work every day, and learns new stuff on the computer every night.

                          In beautiful Northwest Montana



                            At Terry's doctor's visit yesterday, they did remove the stent. He felt he was not passing the fragmented stones, but the CT scan showed they all did pass, but only from the kidneys down into the bladder. We just need them to completely pass! Added a pill to help with that. While there, they drew blood for the PSA test to see if the hormone treatment is working on his cancer. Hopefully we will know in a few days. He is having a terrible time with the hot flashes (5 or 6 an hour) so got a pill for that. The pill's side effects are worse than the hot flashes! He was dizzy, lathargic, felt drunk, dry mouth, had a hard time focusing and talking, and was sleepy. He was told not to take any more, and they are looking into another pill. Would you believe this is the same pill that our son took for ADHD when he was in high school? :shock: No wonder the kid seemed like a zomby, slept all the time, was quiet, and fainted once. We will write a formal appology to him, for making him take his meds! :lol:

                            Terry has a new friend! It is our window fan. He sits in his favorite chair (when at home) and has it plugged into a remote, and sitting right in front of him. Hot flash hits, he clicks it on, hot flash over, he clicks it off. At night he just has it aimed at him, and it is on all night. Covers come on and off. I'm sleeping okay, now. He is still restless. Please pray the PSA numbers are down and that whatever new pill he gets for the hot flashes, agrees with him!

                            Thank you, all!
                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              Glad the stent is out but the rest of the news is challenging. Praying for both of you as well as all the needs on this list.


                                Cancer sucks! Just deal with one day at a time. Hugs to you both............

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