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    Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. Pam has given you an update on Wolf (thank you Pam) and we are all hopeful of a good recovery it will just take time and that is something we have plenty of.
    I'm sure with patience he will make good recovery.....he can be a stubborn b****r and that should help.
    I send my thoughts and prayers to all those suffering pain or loss.
    Thank you again


      Thank you, Pam, for the report on Anne and Wolf. I'm glad to hear that the news is relatively positive at this time. I will keep praying for a complete recovery for Wolf and comfort for Anne.


        Good news, yesterday Wolf was able to shower.....supervised, and has been walking upstairs with the aid of a stick. Still waiting for the MRI but occupational therapist says he may be home by the weekend or early next week. I can't wait.
        It's going to take time and there will probably always be a weakness on the right side but things are looking promising
        I am going to borrow a wheelchair from the red cross and take him out ......he can walk a little then have a sit down them walk a bit more.
        We have a lovely lake within walking distance and weather permitting I will take him there.
        The weather is good at the moment so hoping it will last as he loves the sun, it's looking good but I know that things can change but I intend to look after him, we celebrated out 50th wedding anniversary last year so hope to have him around for the next 50.
        When you live together for so many years you get into a routine and you don't realise what the other person does, well I know. I can now put the dishwasher on, put the correct garbage bin out on the right day Wolf did all these little jobs while I looked after the house stuff. I appreciate all that he does for me and will do again.
        Again I say to everyone.....if you have the slightest inkling that some one is having a stroke get help.....if it's a false alarm so be it but better to be safe than sorry.
        Sorry about my ramblings, look after your loved ones.
        Thank you all for your prayers I'm sure they helped


          So glad to hear that Wolf is on the mend, and that there appears to be relatively little lasting damage. And as you say it is great to have a little sunshine now.


            Anne, so glad to know your husband is doing better and that he will be home soon.


              Anne, (and Pam!), thanks for the updates. Good to hear that he's on the mend! I will continue to pray for you both.


                Anne, I'm so glad his recovery is looking good! I'll keep you both in my prayers. These husbands can be so difficult with their nonsharing of health symptoms!
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Anne, That is such wonderful news. And thank you for the touching words. Sometimes in the busy-ness of life we forget that the important things are those that we love. Thank you for the gentle reminder. God Bless you and your husband. Take care,

                  in Northern CA


                    WooHoo God--thank You for answering prayers.
                    Great new Anne!


                      Thanks for the good news, Anne. I'm very happy for you and your hubby!


                        Anne, I am so glad to read that your husband seems to be doing fine - and long may it continue. Best wishes to both of you. Rita.


                          I just got the news that my youngest sister #4 has breast cancer. She has had two other cancers in the last year and a half. I learned the news from sister #3, so haven't even spoken to her yet. (I am sister #1) I am still a bit numb, from the news,but thought I'd ask you prayer warriors to do battle on her behalf. Her name is Pattie. Hits you like a bomb.


                            Terri, so sorry to hear that. Will keep Pattie in my prayers.


                              Terrie, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your sister! Sending prayers for her and the whole family!

                              Anne, I'm so happy to hear the good news! I pray it continues!


                                Hi everyone, in the light of all the very serious health concerns listed here my prayer need at the moment seems insignificant. Yet, thankfully, God is big enough to handle it all and then some. So here is my prayer request. I have to make a career decision very soon that will have significant effects on our lifestyle. That's it in a nutshell without boring you with details. I need clear direction from the Lord and soon! Thank you all in advance.


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