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Holiday Quilt

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    Originally posted by "Sondra17" post=151895
    I certainly hope it turns out! It looks OK, but where the seams cross, it's just so thick!
    Sondra17, Have you tried twirling the seams at the intersections? HelenW


      Playing with leftover hst's to make a new gift for one of my friends. This star is sew much fun!



        Building a whimsical holiday wall hanging...HelenW


          Here's the latest on my holiday quilt. Can't iron on my design wall as it is a plastic table cloth. I need to get a new wall.
          Working slowly since I have to use my dining table to lay out the "rope".


            Here it is, bound, quilted and sitting on my front porch to add some holiday cheer and color to our world!


              Flynda, it’s fabulous!


                Wow! You ate done already? Beautiful!

                Originally posted by "Flynda" post=151912
                Here it is, bound, quilted and sitting on my front porch to add some holiday cheer and color to our world!



                  Took me an entire day to wash, rewash, and rewash the Reds that kept bleeding even with Synthrapol and color catchers. Some of my white backgrounds are now pink. Then dry, starch, iron, cut into 5 inch strips, then re-starched and re-ironed. Made my very first ever half square triangle with the star singles paper today, came out perfect I think. And by the way, they do not make a single hole throat plate for my singer machine, and the feed dogs are far apart, but with the paper piecing and heavy starch, it seem to work fine.


                    Beautiful! Love the sleigh and the border is wonderful!

                    Originally posted by "HelenW" post=151909
                    Building a whimsical holiday wall hanging...HelenW


                      Hi SueGee -

                      Don't hate me.

                      I just saw Alex's broadcast today, but couldn't get this done in time to post while she was live.

                      Your Stars of David are lovely (the ombre fabric is fabulous)...but, alas, the order of the letters matter. The top two blocks should switch positions, as well as the bottom two. IOW, upper left to upper right, and lower left to lower right.

                      ?-?-?-? (it's read right to left). The letters in the blocks would be read UppR, UppL, LwrR, LwrL.

                      Also the letters on the dreidels around the perimeter should be in the same order as above.

                      You've got the letters in an English order orientation (left to right) when it's meant to be read right to left.

                      Be glad it's just a quilt and can be fixed (relatively) easily (if you so choose). There's a whole blog dedicated to people who went out and got Hebrew tattoos without checking with anyone even remotely familiar with the language. Tragic, but I'll admit I did chuckle when I saw some of the results.

                      The letters represent the first letters of four words "?? ???? ??? ??" (a very popular Chanukah song) which translates to "A great miracle happened there" - (re: oil burning for 8 days story).

                      Edited: Just noticed in an earlier post you already posted the translation.


                        Hi Michele,
                        You are so right!! I completely forgot in my haste to try to get it done. At least nothing is permanent....yet, so it can be changed. Thanks so much for catching this.
                        Virtual Hugs,


                          And that is why I intensely dislike using red! In fact there is NO red in my stash.


                            yeah can’t say as I blame you!!

                            quote="SueGee" post=151920]And that is why I intensely dislike using red! In fact there is NO red in my stash.[/quote]


                              Sue Gee , When I saw your holiday quilt, I thought to myself, I wonder if swags would work in place of the rope. I tried it out in EQ8 and thought I would just
                              post it so you could see too. HelenW


                                Helen W. Interesting, but I'll stick with the "rope" Besides I now have it all sewn on. Adding dreidels, letters and coins today.


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