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    I too will be leaving - it has been too much hassle to keep up with the site that launched far too early with too many bugs and no introductory video to help members get to grips with the change. I go to TQS forum to read and relax not to try to figure something out that doesn't work properly and end up being nothing but relaxed but rather frustrated and annoyed. I will spend my time sewing instead and catch up on other quilt forums and blogs. I have liked TQS because everything was in one place - now it is spread across the forum and groups and the blog is no longer what it used to be either you have to go a different place to find the daily quilt and the blog should change its name - it is no longer a daily blog.
    Take care everybody. All the very best for 2015


      I too have been very frustrated by the new site that was launched way too early. Having said that, I don't belong to TQS for the forum, I belong because I LOVE the shows and the instructions that come with it. I enjoy the forums, but it isn't something I go to consistently. The quilting friends have been a wonderful bonus.

      I definitely agree with the other members, where was the instructional video for this site, its been hunt and peck the entire way. TQS can put all kinds of videos, quilting related, on the site, you can with this too. Take it one step at a time and I think we will get it. I certainly do feel that you will lose many members because of just throwing us into the water and say "swim". Not all of us like the water.

      Just my humble opinion,
      Sharon in, we had a white Christmas, Colorado


        I'll continue to be a TQS member for the shows, DVDs and the forum, but I'll be scaling back my participation. I don't like the way the groups are set up and I'm tired of pointing out problems and having them ignored. Just a response saying that they have put the bug on their list would be nice. The photos in the group area are not very useful, as far as I'm concerned. Yes, you can add text to your photo, but that only works about 80% of the time. And there have been permissions issues such that I haven't been able to update that text in some group photo albums. You can keep saying "Hey, use the group photos instead of the old show and tell" but with the limited text length and the problems I've mentioned, I just find this unusable. And my comments on this have been completely ignored to this point. I also get tired of being told that I just need to get to know the site, when my complaints are with bugs, poor feedback and things that don't work at all. These are not learning curve issues and I think it's insulting to imply that it's a learning issue on my part rather than a programming issue on yours. So I'll be sticking to the areas of the site that seem to work, and leave the rest of it to others.


          To each their own. The cup's half full, the cup's half empty. I retired from a very up to date, electronically progressive company a few years ago. There was constant change in payroll programs, accounting programs, production programs. While most of us preferred the older programs because we were familiar with them, they no longer met the Company's current requirements. So the new came along from time to time. And there were bugs in the programs and they got fixed in due time. I learned that change was good and enjoyed the learning process. I bought a Bernina 730 several years ago with embroidery and it was up to me to learn everything new and electronic - and I did. We just went on Medicare and you can believe their website is not the easiest to use - but it's up to me to make myself familiar with it to use it. The same for our new insurance website. Because TQS has been the best money I've spent on quilting education for years, I'm going to use their site. The other option might have been to loose the whole thing. And that would have been so awful I've noticed in the past few days over six thousand guests using the site at one time. Apparently they're OK with the site. I didn't mean to get on a soapbox - I'm just giving my view. Everything in this world is going to change electronically as time goes by because that is how the world is today.


            The most frustrating problem most people seem to be having is navigation. Some useful navigation tips have been posted, but they are scattered here and there. Many of us won't be able to remember them later, and won't want to spend a lot of time trying to find them.
            We need instruction on how to navigate/use the website all in one place. The instruction needs to be organized in a logical manner, so it will be easy for both new users to learn how to fully utilize the website, and for older users to use as reference in years to come.
            I envision a TQS Website Help tab, available at the top of the page, with different options under the tab to choose from. A TQS User's Manual could be one option, written in a logical, organized manner - like a Word document - with instruction on how to use each section, with links. You could start out simply and modify it as needed as the website changes. Another option under Website Help could be short videos. I would start with a few short videos on the things people are having the most trouble with. I think several short videos would be more useful than one big video that could become outdated quickly.
            Do you have Electric Quilt 7? The EQ Help tab in the software is an example of what I am talking about.
            This would take time. I know everyone at TQS is working hard, and we appreciate that. Keep up the good work!


              Originally posted by "rehak" post=125133
              I'll continue to be a TQS member for the shows, DVDs and the forum, but I'll be scaling back my participation. I don't like the way the groups are set up and I'm tired of pointing out problems and having them ignored. Just a response saying that they have put the bug on their list would be nice. The photos in the group area are not very useful, as far as I'm concerned. Yes, you can add text to your photo, but that only works about 80% of the time. And there have been permissions issues such that I haven't been able to update that text in some group photo albums. You can keep saying "Hey, use the group photos instead of the old show and tell" but with the limited text length and the problems I've mentioned, I just find this unusable. And my comments on this have been completely ignored to this point. I also get tired of being told that I just need to get to know the site, when my complaints are with bugs, poor feedback and things that don't work at all. These are not learning curve issues and I think it's insulting to imply that it's a learning issue on my part rather than a programming issue on yours. So I'll be sticking to the areas of the site that seem to work, and leave the rest of it to others.
              I check the forum discussions every day and particularly this one. I may not comment on every single suggestion, there are a lot after all, but I do pass them on to John and Bob. So yes, you are being heard, not ignored.

              Thanks for the info on the Group photo album, I was not aware that there was a problem, it's been working for me. Keep the comments coming or send me a private message.

              I will talk to John about adding a Users Manual for the site as suggested by a number of people here.



                I agree that the group thing is a disaster. I can't figure it out. Threads on a topic worked best for me. Can't we still do it that way?


                  Kathy, I like your idea of starting a new thread with answers to the questions people have and making it for just you to post in so we don't have to search through pages of "thank you"s and comments.

                  These are my thoughts on the whole problem. I remember when TQS first started, I remember how difficult it was for me to find my way around(I considered myself computer illiterate), I remember the struggles each time they added a new feature. I didn't stop struggling because 1) I refuse to be defeated by a computer 2) I wanted to keep my mind active and keep learning 3) the benefits were wonderful 4) and in the end--it was well worth the effort. All that we had at the old site was NOT done at one time, there were new things added all the time. Yes, there are some things I liked better from that site but there are many things that I enjoy here.

                  I find that I don't spend any time at the daily blog any more; I do miss the members blog(but, I know you are doing your best); I still love the interactions with other quilters on the forum but I do feel things are really spread out. I will continue to be a member because as others have said--it is the best deal for the money. I will miss those who choose to not continue to post because it is hard for them--I understand--but you will be missed.

                  To the staff of TQS--I appreciate your hard work and sometimes being computer illiterate is good--I can't tell the difference in what you have not accomplish and what I have not accomplished. THANK YOU


                    Originally posted by "loise98" post=125139
                    I agree that the group thing is a disaster. I can't figure it out. Threads on a topic worked best for me. Can't we still do it that way?
                    Basically, a Group is a discussion area for people interested in something specific, i.e. the BOM, the Mug Rugs, etc. A Group can have multiple discussion topics just like here in the forum. The big advantage of the Group is that there are photo albums attached to it so that people can share their work. Most Groups are open meaning you just have to click to join and no one has to approve you - you are in right away. You can stay here in the forum and discuss whatever you like and add your photos to the posts; the Group area is just another option for those who want to take advantage of it. Something for everyone.



                      Originally posted by "jansk44" post=125120
                      Still prefer bobs program! Viewing this new site with iPad is not so enjoyable. Got so frustrated trying to add photos from my iPad i have just given up. I just hate that group thing! Janet
                      Can you give me more specific information on what is causing the problem with adding photos from the iPad? I don't have an iPad, so can't try it myself, but I will send your comments on to Bob to see if he knows of any solutions.

                      Can you also give me specifics about why you hate the Groups area? Again, your comments will help us make improvements to the site.




                        I can get to a group, such as the Grand Illusion group, and I can add a photo to the group's albums, but I see no way to put text with the photo to identify which photo is mine. I've looked, and hovered my mouse, and right clicked and still haven't come up with anything. So I can see an album with people's Step 5 photos, but I have no idea which photos were posted by which users. Am I missing something very obvious? :S


                          What Ritzy said.....

                          New stuff can be overwhelming, but I love TQS and especially the friends I have made, literally, all over the world.

                          This past year I had to deal with California and Washington state's health care sites and truly, this new TQS is a breeze compared to that. (And the health care cost a lot more!!! And I didn't get much for my money!) In any case, I'm learning my way around, we have tribblemom who keeps up with us and I really think the yearly fee is a deal given all the really unique and wonderful teachers, ideas, techniques and friendships. Have there been problems? Sure.... but my glass is half full.

                          Ok, back to working on the Grand Illusion quilt, and the other quilts I'm working on! I can't wait for the party on New Years Eve!!

                          Geneva in sunny Washington.


                            Originally posted by "CaroleD" post=125148
                            I can get to a group, such as the Grand Illusion group, and I can add a photo to the group's albums, but I see no way to put text with the photo to identify which photo is mine. I've looked, and hovered my mouse, and right clicked and still haven't come up with anything. So I can see an album with people's Step 5 photos, but I have no idea which photos were posted by which users. Am I missing something very obvious? :S
                            In Group Photos, after you post your photo in an album, you can then scroll below your photo and there is a space for a description which you can then fill in after you have uploaded the photo (I know, logically you should be able to do that when you are uploading the photo, and maybe we can eventually fix it). Also, when you scroll down a bit below the photo you should be able to see the user name of whoever uploaded the photo on the right side. The pictures take up a large portion of the screen, so you need to scroll down to see the other info below.

                            Further below that description area is a Comment section for others to ooh and ahh about your marvelous work! For example, go to this photo in the 2014 BOM and see my comment when you scroll down:

                            Ok, there are awkward things about this - I added my comment, but didn't see it until I went back to the album and then clicked on the photo again. Sigh, another thing to add to poor Bob's list.



                              Just thought of one more thing Carole - when you click on an album in a Group, it shows you thumbnails of the photos in the album. Click on one of the photos and you will go to a page for that photo which takes up most of the screen. That page is where you scroll down to see the upload username, description and comments. Hope that helps.



                                Thanks for your help. When I have a little more time I will go back and check all this out again. It certainly isn't "intuitive" at this point, though. I guess we've gotten too used to instant gratification!


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