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    My sister made a suggestion for quilting thread for my scrappy pineapple swirls and I thought it was worth sharing. If you enjoy using King Tut thread for quilting, color no. 921 (Cleopatra) is a great option. Since it may be hard to pick out one color over another for a good thread to use on a very scrappy quilt, no. 921 is not only variegated but it has many of the colors you would find in such a quilt. I found the thread, and it was a perfect match for my purpose. Hope this helps someone...


      i love this thread - it's great for anything very colorful - or for something that needs brightening up



        Love your block, very pretty. Fun to hear everyone's idea's on the quilting.
        Going to try and find your picture of it.


          Thanks, Terry. I'm glad I asked for help.


            How about some pebbleing in the white portion of your block. I have seen your practice pieces and you do this technique very well. You've done a great job at putting this block together.


              Pebbles are an idea... I'll have to try them on my practice block that I just started playing with. Frankly, I hadn't even thought of it. Thanks!


                Rita Connolly (screen name: Reetzbobeetz) has a beautiful pineapple block quilt in Show and Tell. The quilt is named "Swirling Chocolate Ganache." Doesn't that sound yummy?


                  Renata I just love your pineapple block, simply stunning in a quilt and cant wait to see it, I also use that particular king tut thread a lot as it seems to work with so many fabrics, anyway good luck with your quilt.

                  Taree NSW - Australia
                  My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                    Diane, thank you for your kind comment about my quilt! I must say if it hadn't been for Lotti doing her black and white snail trail I don't know if I would ever have come up with this idea, so thanks Lottie

                    You were asking about the border on 'Swirling Chocolate Ganache' - yes the inner border is a finished 1" and the outer border started at 6 1/2". DH thought that it was a bit too wide but I like it. Hope that helps.


                      Jill, thank you for you note below about my pineapple block. It started out as an experiment to see what would happen if I controlled the design of the pineapple to look a little bit like a Japanese hexagon block I was was familiar with. It was entirely made from scraps. As it sat on my wall, I stared at it and liked it too much to do nothing with it but did not have enough fabric to do anything more with it nor did I have a good idea for building a quilt from it. The more I stared at it, the more I knew it belonged to the Alzheimer's Foundation, so I quilted it and sent to them hoping it would contribute a little bit to a very deserving cause. I added a bit to the block--you can see it in my show and tell. Renata


                        Just had a look and it must have gone down well with the Alzheimer's Foundation as its just lovely finished, and a kind thought on your part.

                        Taree NSW - Australia
                        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                          Thank you, Jill.


                            Any ideas for quilting this would be much appreciated .....bearing in mind that I'm not very good at machine quilting so it will need to be SIMPLE -

                            and for some reason this photo has turned itself sideways and I can't rotate it back again - the wide black border is actually on the left!!


                              Hi Robyn, your quilt looks great. What I would do is start off with stitch in the ditch around all the blocks to stabilize them. Then you can work on each individual block without having to worry about things shifting too much. Gyleen in her book suggests a pantograph style of quilting and I think that she's right. The individual strips are too small to do anything with. If it was me I would get an 8" or 8 1/2" template and do that in each block. You could use invisible thread so that the stitching won't show too much as well. I have my next one on the design wall waiting to be put together. Good luck with it.


                                Hi Robyn, I agree with Rita. Your quilt is so pretty that a simple quilting design will allow the beautiful pattern to stand out.


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