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All Things Rhapsody

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    Originally posted by ipquilter
    Got the piecing done this evening. I worked on it all day. Really--ALL day. And...the parts I did right are really good. The parts that aren't good are very not good. But, I'm okay with it. I got better at the sharp angles. At one point I did a whole seam line not noticing my bobbin had run out. Bad words real loud!! I'm probly the only quilter on the planet who's ever done that! :wink: It's still really cool looking but it sure ain't gonna lay flat. Some of the hills will probly quilt out but surely not all of them. I'm okay with that too. I designed and pieced my very own Rhapsody! How awesome is that?? Thanx Ricky!!

    Sherry in S. MS, tired but satisfied. 8)
    Sherry, When I got mine pieced I had such a big mountain in the middle I was sure I would have to scrap the whole thing. I it in an embroidery frame and stitched the heck out of it and it lays flat. Of course that hasn't gotten rid of the pleats but I am pondering how to solve that problem; and I will. I decided, very early on in this project that I was doing it for the learning experience. If I like it when I am done--then we will do the happy dance. ritzy


      So, Ricky...How many Rhapsody quilts did you practise on before you perfected your technique? (Please don't say you got it right the first time!)


        Just received my Keepsake Quilting in the mail yesterday. On page 46 There is Ricky's new book? "Rhapsody Quilts" Price 27.95 Goin to get my copy today.
        Living Threads


          I had my copy pre-oordered at Amazon and got a notice from them today that delivery is delayed until 11/21!! I'm bumming...


            Originally posted by jackieb
            I had my copy pre-oordered at Amazon and got a notice from them today that delivery is delayed until 11/21!! I'm bumming...
            I got the same note. But the book was auto-shipped to the shop where I work PT. I cancelled my Amazon order and will pick up a copy tomorrow. I'm kinda ticked that I waited for Amazon this long. The shop has had it for more than week already, so Amazon seems to be the party at fault on this.


              I was at the quilt store today and was so excited to see Ricky's book on the shelf. I picked it up right away and got a copy for my guild's library as well! Yeah!


                I got my Rhapsody book Saturday. Not read from cover to cover yet, but I have flipped through the whole thing and read here & there.
                My rhapsody quilt is being quilted now. I had to order some thread to get the colors I wanted, so now I have to wait for the mail. I'm quilting the whole thing (both top & bobbin ) with Invisafil, a Wonderfil thread, 100 wt polyester with a matte finish. It hides almost as well as monofilament, without the shine, and after a little tweaking of tensions, it plays nicely with my Janome 6500. Since there is (to me) a lot going on in the quilt already, it does not need the addition of contrasting color thread. I just want the texture, so am using matching colors. I used on back a busy print with the same colors as the quilt top, and you can hardly see the thread color changes on back!
                I will post a picture when I get done.


                  Hi Girls,
                  I am a little busy but I just watch the Daily from Japan, they are fantastic. I love them, it is if we are there and have a peak.
                  What a tread !!!! Thanks Ricky! It made my day.
                  It was so nice to see the Daily Blog from the Netherlands. The live here right above us you know and the have great Quilt shows in Waalre( tree weeks ago and In Rijswijk( in spring). I also give workshop handbags in the Netherlands. They are very nice neighbours.
                  Maybe Ricky you can find some Belgium quilts over there. I would love to see some.
                  What Ricky book concern. Yes girls……….even I have order my Rhapsody Quilt book by Amazon and I expect the book everyday now.
                  Ritzy a did receive your mail thanks for thinking on me but I have so little time It is extremely busy I soon will take some time to reply. I have to give workshop all over in the Netherlands, some places here in Belgium and I made four new handbags and I am working on a new one. You all can take a peak if you want on my space.

                  I also made a litle quilt from Jean wells Book Portraits from nature (that we saw one the show ) for in my studio. I loved the show and bought the book. Photo’s wil be showed later… have to correct a few thing. It looks like I was dronk wen I place my little quilt one the big one. ops: ops:
                  Hopfully we will see more of the Rhapsody quilts in progress soon. I looking forward to see what you all have done with them. Maby I find some time to work furder on my quilt.
                  Byby for now and lots of Love from a could wet Belgium.
                  Kisses Duffy


                    Duffy, YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY!! :shock: Loved ALL of your handbags!! They are BEAUTIFUL!! Damaris here in getting VERY COLD, High Prairie, Lyle, Washington!!


                      "Duffy, Empress of Belgian Bags" !! What an impressive range!

                      Lorchen (especially drooling over no. 43)
                      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                        WOW Duffy, I looked at all of your handbags and the ones of your students and your quilts. You have been a very busy girl. They are all beautiful.
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                          Well Lorchen, they are actually Japanees Bag. Yes I am just like Ricky in the spirit of Japan. Some of them bags are my own creations, but here in Europ we buy Litlel Japanees books, full of lovely en intresting Bags and Pouches.. You do not have to know Japanees. In the back there are a kind of drawing with the messurments on it. Very easy to use and to understand. I have a collection of over 80 of these books.
                          I am made about them. We also have lot of Japanees Fabric. It looks like havy wover wool fabric but is is accully plain Cotton. A litlle expensive. We pay someting around 30 dollar for 1 Meter.The collours are mostly brown, green,black, grey, beige and red. Not very bright colour, but perfect for handbags.The bag one my space 8-15/20/41/43/44/46/52/48 are made with Japanees fabric .

                          ....And Lorchen your from England. Well Next year in april I will give two workshop for handbag in Suffolk (Nord- East from Londen). In the Sew and so's shop. Maby we can meet. Who knows?
                          Thanks for the commpliments and by for now.
                          From a sunny, cold Belgium


                            Originally posted by jackieb
                            I had my copy pre-oordered at Amazon and got a notice from them today that delivery is delayed until 11/21!! I'm bumming...

                            I received my copy. I had already start creating my Rhapsody, but I am going to redo all that I already did. I can use what I have just revive it, in January.


                              What do you guys think about this design (posted in my profile)? I think I need to make the corner points more dramtic (i.e. larger).



                                Nice, but those tiny little corner points will be very difficult to piece.


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