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All Things Rhapsody

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    I made a few drawings and watched all the videos, but with this break my interest has fallen. This past weekend I was out-of-state and exploring a small town and spotted a quilt shop! I had to go in. They had some small bags of fabrics in a basket, so I picked out two for fun. Later in the day I took my new treasures out to look them over. I was so surprised to find one of them a Ricky Tims Rapsody fabric! I never expected to buy any because of the cost, but here I had a small piece of my very own! Now I want to do some more drawing and find a way to incorporate this little find. It seems that all the pictures that I have seen of those who have forged ahead with their Rapsody quilts are very detailed and busy. Is that the point of a Rapsody? I have trouble working on something step-by-step if I cannot visualize the final product. I usually like simple designs. I guess I need some encouragement.



      Joyce, Lucky you to have some of Ricky's new fabric.
      You may have enough of that fabric to use for the applique part of your Rhapsody. Keep the drawing kind of simple. The "fancy" part of a Rhapsody is the applique and quilting. Just be sure the shapes you create in the drawing are pleasing to the eye. Look at the shapes created by the lines.
      Check out Ricky's web site for a look at some of this Rhapsody quilts. That may help you have a better idea as to where we are all headed. Like the rest of us, Please be hang in there. Betty Ann in Florida


        I've picked out my sketch and made my freezer paper drawing. About the time I got that done we bought a new house (love it!) and my dear sweet mother-in-law went into intensive care. Bless her heart, she's been there two weeks and may not recover. Anyway, all that happened when the instruction videos paused, so the timing was good for me. Hopefully I'll be ready to resume the process when Ricky starts them up again.
        Sherry in S. MS where we're supposed to get some rain today. PS--DMIL has had a longish life and I think she maybe ready to "go home" and see her mama and daddy. I'll miss her alot when she's gone.


          WEll, as soon as my Halo & Razzle Dazzle thread get here tomorrow from Bob, I can finish the quilt for the Special Olympics fundraiser that is in 3 wks and then on to my rhapsody. Ricky, Thanks for slowing down the blog giving me the time to catch up and for letting me stop & smell the roses once in a while.

          Linda in SD where the rain smells soooo nice!!!


            Does anyone know if Ricky use fusible web for his applique?


              Judy, Ricky uses Steam-A-Seam 2. I just tried it for the first time a few weeks ago and it's a great product......

              Dana in Olive Branch, MS where there was MUCH needed rain tonight


                Originally posted by dlquilter
                Judy, Ricky uses Steam-A-Seam 2. I just tried it for the first time a few weeks ago and it's a great product......

                Dana in Olive Branch, MS where there was MUCH needed rain tonight
                Thank you Dana, I have used fusible fabric quite often so that will make this project easier.

                Judy in sunny California.


                  Does anyone know when Ricky may resume the instructions? Has he forgotten us? :?


                    KT, I don't know Ricky's entire schedule, but the Knoxville seminar is Sept. 13-15. Add to that drive time of 2-3 days before and after. After that, I don't know what he has planned, but I know he hasn't forgotten us

                    Ricky and Alex are both 'energizer bunnies'! Just reading their schedule makes me tired! So, Ricky and Alex, take lots of vitamins and have fun!!

                    Sharon in TN (very near Knoxville)


                      Well If you go way back to #1 he says in it this may take a few weeks or it may take several months all depending on how things go, Well it looks like Ricky is BIZZY So he CAIN`T do this blog right now....Jean


                        I'm so thrilled to have found this site and the free Rhapsody lessons (well, ok, I had to pay to join, but the value for money I'm getting here is worth it!). Anyway, in the 3 or so days since I joined I have made my skeleton and am finally happy with my choice. I had to make about 10 different skeletons, and then revise the chosen one about 4 times, but I think I am done now! Though one should never say never.....

                        I've raided my stash of fabrics. For a person who rarely uses hand dyes for anything other than applique, I have a sizeable stash. I do need a few bigger pieces though for the background. Oh dear, I need to go fabric shopping.

                        For those of you who know (and are still reading), it seems the background is fused down, and the applique is machined down? Or have I got that wrong? I'd much prefer to applique using needleturn, but that might not be possible with a fused background. Darn.

                        I've also pre-ordered Ricky's new Rhapsody book. Looking forward to that one! This process has really stretched me colour and technique wise, but thats a good thing I think. I will post my skeleton in a little while. If anyone is looking I'd appreciate a critique. I did discover a `lazy river' last night (despite being convinced I had no such thing in my skeleton :roll: ).

                        ETA: skeleton is in profile now.


                          Hi Ruby, glad you have joined us.
                          Your skeleton is lovely, but might be very difficult to piece. Actually the background (skeleton) is pieced and the applique is added by fusing and machine stitching. I don't see why you couldn't do needleturn if that is your preference, but you probably wouldn't want to fuse it!

                          I've got my applique all stitched, and am working on doing some bobbin trapunto in the un-appliqued sections. Finally after a full evening searching the web, I found the thread I wanted to use for this. Hard to find a non-metallic thread heavy enough to get the effect I wanted.


                            Hi Ruby! Your sketch is great. Aren't you glad about the "lazy river" hint? Mine went all around my sketch. I'll be glad when my life settles a bit and I can get back to my quilting.
                            Sherry in S. MS


                              Originally posted by ipquilter
                              Hi Ruby! Your sketch is great. Aren't you glad about the "lazy river" hint? Mine went all around my sketch. I'll be glad when my life settles a bit and I can get back to my quilting.
                              Sherry in S. MS
                              Hey, Sherry,

                              My `river' went all around my quilt too. I would have had to make a much smaller quilt to do that with one piece of fabric! As it is, I'm already thinking I need a bigger quilt to accomplish the applique I want (but I won't go there: Im just adapting as I go instead. I'm lazy like that ).


                              You've done the applique already?! Thats great! I think I will be about five years making this quilt at the rate I am going. Well actually, I moving along quite fast, but I think the sewing part will slow me down. I have simplified my skeleton again (not by much), but I think it's still going to be a mighty challenge to piece. Oh well, the worst that happens is it doesn't work.

                              And then I will sulk. 8)

                              I can't wait to eventually see what everyone else comes up with in the end. Thanks for the info about the piecing, it helps a lot.

                              Rebecca (RubyTuesday)


                                Hi Vicky, Ritzy and everybody,
                                Thanks for reminding me that there still is a forum.
                                I am fine! I still have a caught( from to much searching for the bears in the woods) but no worry I am OK.
                                I am still working on the baby quilt sewing a lot and unsew a lot.
                                It seem it will never get ready. But it is a jewel. I think I like it so much that I don’t want to give it away.
                                Do you now that feeling. You are making something for someone else and when it is almost finish you want to keep it.
                                You work so hard on it. I always hoop that they appreciate al the work you have done.
                                Well I have to do my best to finish it off this week and than I show my quilt to you.
                                Now Vicky, me Cheerleader??????? :lol: I can imagine myself with a kind of tutu skirt ore dress I guaranties it will be hilarious. :lol:
                                But if you mean I have to cheer you up. Well no problem. When you reed all my faults it will be big fun.
                                I watch the forum most everyday, but I always have to little time. I surf the net for extra time but I just can't fine some.
                                Do you know were I can find some extra time?......I have to do some housekeeping, ironing, making dinner, preparing workshops and making handbag for shop.

                                Last time I made two handbags for a shop in the Netherlands, The stitch Cottage and they were lost in the post. Men... was I mad. :evil: :twisted: :lol:
                                I had spend so much time for nothing and had to do everything again. Lucky my parcel can back just in time.
                                But I still have to finish one handbag.
                                I am very excited from the 18 till 21 October we have ore National Patchwork happening.
                                Great exhibit and lots of shops. yes!!!!!!
                                I wish we could go together. Now have I to hit the shower my physiotherapists (Jef Barbé) expect me at 09.00 am.
                                He is my cheerleader. I am in pain and he is telling jocks. But together we are a great team. I am fit and he gets rich.
                                By by
                                Lots of love from Belgium.

                                Ricky are you there....... Ricky....... Ricky where are you...... What's about the Rhapsody quilt? Do we have to wait for the book?


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