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    Cher--great job!

    Vancouver, BC Canada


      Your quilt is spectacular. What a wonderful gift. Gloria


        Absolutely gorgeous!!!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          So beautiful Cher. Thanks for sharing it with us.

          Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


            It's done! I've posted a photo! I'm going to enter it into 2 small local shows, one in August and one in Sept. I'll let you all know how it goes.

            It was definitely a challenging project for me. I have SO MUCH respect for Ricky after tackling it. He's so precise and accurate in his piecing and I am definitely not as precise as he is. And he's the one who doesn't use precise seam allowances! Go Figure!!

            On to the next project.....

            Happy July 4th everyone. Are you wearing your Red, White and Blue?

            Nancy in sunny, yet chilly Western NY

            Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


              Nancy, your quilt is gorgeous--wish I could see it in person!

              North Alabama, USA
              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                Nancy, Love it! Such wonderful movement with the colors!

                Maggie in E. central Illinois

                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                  Cher and Nancy, what fab quilts! Well done on the completion of them.

                  North Alabama, USA
                  "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                    Okay, I'm a bit late, but I just started watching the Rhapsody quilt lessons and was I surprised to get to the Wilderness Adventure. You see, I just saw a bear on my drive home today. Put me in a wonderful mood because I LOVE bears and I only see them about once a year on average (this was the second siting this year). So you can imagine my surprise in my bear happiness haze to come across Ricky on a bear quest! Granted, his quest was several years ago, but it was still fun!

                    For the other bear fans out there, here is a picture of a bear that was in my yard:

                    In this picture, he has left my yard and is enjoying my neighbor's bird feeder (and giving me the evil eye for taking his picture).




                      Please be careful if the bears are that close to your house!
                      Read this!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        We live in bear country so are very aware of the risks. And are very careful with things like food and trash. That picture was taken with a telephoto lens while I stayed near my door. You have to be responsible to be able to enjoy the bears!


                          Thanks for sharing the bear photo! I am a fan, too. We used to have a bear visit our bird feeders every night when we lived in Colorado Springs. We set an alarm thingy to alert us to his (her?) arrival, so we could watch him, but alas, it never worked. I've seen a small one here at our condo in Montana, and we had one roaming the neighborhood this spring. (Kinda scarey for going on a walk!)

                          In beautiful Northwest Montana


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