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All Things Rhapsody

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    Glad to hear you are well. Don't overdo it. You have to take care of yourself. ritzy


      It was good to hear that you are OK. Your messages are so much fun. :lol:

      If you do find any extra time, would you please share it with me. I am always running short of time. :wink: I just finished a quilt in 2 weeks time. I didn't check the calendar and I forgot about a co-worker's birthday. So I had to scramble (hurry and work very fast) to get the quilt made in time.

      Do what the physical therapist says to do, because we need you going strong and keeping all of us in line.


        Hi All,

        I just joined recently and found the Rhapsody Quilt videos...I want to begin making this quilt, and just want to be sure the instructions and videos will always be accessible and not suddenly disappear.

        Can anyone clarify this for me...? I think this is a wonderful community and love being here!



          Hi, Karen and welcome,

          Don't quote me on this , but somewhere back in the first of Ricky's videos he mentioned that this quilt might take months. I'm sure the techies on TQS will find some way to preserve these valuable instructions for those of us who still haven't drawn a passable design. :lol: and are waiting for inspiration from Ricky's book due out this month.

          Judy in AZ where the nights are finally cool


            I just posted my Rhpsody in progress in my profile. Anybody got a hint or a clue about how we go about doing the piecing? All my applique is fused into place and I need to finish up the stitching. I'm really liking this quilt and so is DS#2 who's gonna get it. My new kitchen is big enough that I can use about half of it for a temporary studio. DH tacked up some flannel fabric for a design wall. Very handy guy--guess I'll keep him. :wink:

            Sherry in S. MS where it's starting to cool off a tad. Sigh.


              I'm lovin' those piano keys around the outside. Too Cool !!!!!!!!!!!
              Betty Ann in a bit cooler Fl.


                Sherry that's a knock-out! not a clue how to piece it, but I am sure I like it!!


                  Thanx y'all! I've had the piano key fabric for awhile. I'm glad I found a good place for it.



                    Sherry, WOW! You are doing a great job. I love the colors and the piano fabric justs pulls everything together.


                      Sherry.........I LOVE your quilt! As a fan (and collector extrodinaire) of black and white fabrics, your use of it here is great! Not only the black and white, though......the whole use of color and placement "plays" so well together! :wink: Hugs to that cute dash-hound of yours.
                      Jan in glorious fall color Spokane


                        Sherry.........your rhapsody quilt is truly beautiful. What I can say for sure is that it's so easy to see how much you love it..........and that's what really matters.

                        Dana in Olive Branch, MS



                          You Rhapsody is great. Way to go.

                          Margarita in Auburn, CA


                            Thanx so much y'all! I started the piecing today. So far it's going together pretty well. I've only had to rip out two seam lines. So far! What I've learned so far--the registration lines are really important. The stay stitching placement is important. I thought the curves would be harder than the sharp angles. Wrong! So far I've "cheated " on all of them but they look okay. :?

                            Sherry in S. MS where it's muggy and warm and s'posed to rain.


                              Got the piecing done this evening. I worked on it all day. Really--ALL day. And...the parts I did right are really good. The parts that aren't good are very not good. But, I'm okay with it. I got better at the sharp angles. At one point I did a whole seam line not noticing my bobbin had run out. Bad words real loud!! I'm probly the only quilter on the planet who's ever done that! :wink: It's still really cool looking but it sure ain't gonna lay flat. Some of the hills will probly quilt out but surely not all of them. I'm okay with that too. I designed and pieced my very own Rhapsody! How awesome is that?? Thanx Ricky!!

                              Sherry in S. MS, tired but satisfied. 8)


                                I can commisserate with you on the quilt not laying flat. I have mine all pinned for quilting, and definitely have some little bubbles that I hope will quilt out. It literally took me a whole day just to stitch the border section on, then I had to go back and unstitch part of it because it was definitely wavy. One thing that I think helped was to starch both top and back. since it will be washed when it is finished, the starch will wash out.


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