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    Yes, indeed ! Ritzy hmy: It is a creative wonderland in there !! And so little time !!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


      Well, Renata, if those are your scraps wound around the foam boards, what on earth do you do with 'scraps' that are small - like the kind that Rosemary uses for her teeny, tiny itsy bitsy quilts?
      Ritzy - nice work place - I like your wall of fame!
      Geneva - love the view.

      What is this thread anyways? Oh ya - it's CW - that's why we're talking about our workspace and such. "Inspired by Libby?" Hmmm...still working on my now huge, fat tree trunks for the BOM 2015 - FAT trees :unsure: really fat trees - may have to do another one... :unsure:


        Rosemary, I can use foam board because I really don't have a huge stash and I tend to make a mess when trying to pick out fabrics for a project and then have to spend time folding and putting everything away. With the foam board-wrapped fabric, I can pull out as many as I want and don't have to taken them off the foam board to audition. Then I put them away like you would books on a shelf. I really like your Weed Whacker quilt and particularly like the pink background you put it on. I'm definitely putting that one on my list of "want to make quilts"--it looks like a lot of fun to make.

        Rita, you'd be surprised that what looks like a huge stash is not, because every piece of fabric on that shelf is 1/2 yard or a fat quarter. The shelves they are on are actually a set of CD holders. It all looks bigger than it is. That said, there's a fairly well coordinated set of fabrics among those that I can make a few quilts from (but I'm not prolific like you!

        Ritzy, I love your sewing room--it reflects controlled chaos and even a few pictures show your creativity and verve! Love it!!!

        Nancy and Lois, I totally I agree with you that working on "the real thing" makes a huge difference. Great satisfaction in finishing it and not giving it to my sister to longarm... even though she would have done a fantastic job. This quilt is my work from start to finish, with all its imperfections (which, surprisingly, I can live with!).

        Terrie, ya wanna see how I keep my smaller scraps? Well some are just in a few shoe boxes divided up by color (here are my brown scraps) and others are cut up for pineapple quilts as you see in the box on the left and the ones on the right are different size strips, starched and cut and ready to go (where I don't know, but they're ready to go! :lol: Oh, and if I leave my scraps out in a basket before they get put away, look at my avatar to see what happens to them!

        Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind comments about my niece's quilt. I am so happy it is done and I am now ready to tackle the other projects on my list... anyone want to see how I keep my project lists? :lol: I have to say, working with the submarine community for many years has taught me a lot about attention to detail. I guess I just can't shake it off!


          I forgot to say that the top shelf of fabric belongs to my friend Kathy. Also, the wolf quilt on the design wall is her's that will probably never be finished because she need to stitch all that black down and she doesn't like tedium.


            Ritzy you work like me! Lovely to see the mug rugs again.

            I've loved seeing all your rooms but we need to see Kathy's (Tribblemom's) reorganised space to give me some inspiration.

            Renata I like your little boards, do you put a bit of tape to stop them unravelling?

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Ritzy I felt instantly at home when I saw your sewing room.

              Renata, your organization is wonderful! I wish I could be that organized but I get swept up in making another quilt and my organization plans go awry! But I have been seriously thinking about cutting down some of my regular cottons ala Bonnie Hunter style. I've been making quilts since 1981 and still have fabric from then. All the pieces of leftovers are drowning me!



                Originally posted by "twiglet" post=126727
                Renata I like your little boards, do you put a bit of tape to stop them unravelling?
                Wendy, I use 1/2" sequin pins, one on each corner, placed in at a diagonal so they barely graze the foam board but the tip of the pin does not go straight through and scratch me when I pick one up. These pins are shorter than applique' pins here, which are 3/4" in length.

                BTW, I buy a big piece of foam board (cheap in quality and price), then cut it down into 24 pieces 4"x6" with my rotary cutter and 6"x24" ruler. Because the board is not as sturdy as more expensive ones, the rotary cutter goes through it like butter!


                  That is a great idea Renata!
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Karen, I buy the foam board at the "Dollar Store," in case you or anyone is interested.


                      You just read my little bitty mind which was wondering where would one get foam board cheap?
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        I'm enjoying seeing everyone's quilting space. Some are a little too cluttered for me, but I understand that means you are more creative. Mine is still a work in progress as I still have 2 homes. My plans were to set up my city space for making how to videos but that hasn't happened yet. Right now I'm carrying projects back and forth so they're usually in plastic bags or bins on the floor. This is my city space as of right now. Mostly portable so I can easily move things around as needed. The only fabrics I have here are batiks and what's needed for a few projects.

                        Nancy, I like the view from your window. My sewing machine cabinet is also by a window at my country home but there's seldom any snow. In fact it was quite warm today.

                        Geneva, I like your ribbon display. That gives me an idea on what to do with mine.

                        The foam boards are really nice, Renata. You can see all of your fabrics easily. That would be fun to do if I only had the time and the space for all of my bins full of scraps.

                        Rosemary, those are some tiny pieces on that quilt! That must have been a challenge.

                        Ritzy, your inspiration wall makes me want to get all my orphan blocks out of the bins and hang them up. But how do you sew on the sewing machine with a table up against the front of it?

                        I'm still hoping to do some how to videos, I just don't know when. The camera I bought last September still hasn't been used. My trigger thumb is almost back to normal now so I could get started soon, except there are other things that have changed since then. The week before Christmas my sister-in-law fell and broke her upper leg and will be in rehab for at least another month. About that same time my daughter became very ill. She hasn't been completely well for some time but was still able to function. Now she needs my help so I'm having to rethink my priorities again. Thankfully her husband has a flexible job and can take care of the children (ages 3, 5 and 10) and do the shopping and cooking. Now that we know her recovery could take a while, I've started helping her get her house back in order. I actually enjoy organizing, so it's not really work for me, and those of you with the messy rooms will kind of know what I'm up against. Tomorrow I tackle the kitchen.

                        They are both the reason I've been able to pursue my creative outlet over the years, by doing much of the bookkeeping for me. Hopefully things will get back to normal for them soon.


                          Gee you girls have been busy! I didn't realise how long it's been since I've been on the forum - so much to catch up on! I have taken some photos of my sewing room, now I just need to go and look for the iPad in my daughter's bedroom so that I can upload them. I may be some time......................


                            Good to see you Robyn.

                            Annis I send good wishes to your sister in law and daughter and the rest of you supporting them.
                            Being so organised is going to help you cope.

                            Your city space is well organised for coming and going, it needs some of our clutter

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Annis I really enjoyed those tiny pieces. And since everything started off with 1/4" seam allowances, once I moved to sewing on the treadle, it actually came together fairly easily. Here is hoping that your SIL and DD make steady and good recoveries.

                              Robyn, nice seeing you again. Hope it is not too scary in your daughter's bedroom. Bet she uses 'floor hooks'

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Thanks everyone for sharing their creative spaces. Messy or neat, it is where we get things done.
                                Here is one end of my sewing room with my design wall and sewing machine.

                                Then here as you turn to the right you see the sewing machine and my cutting/ironing area.

                                And finally as you keep turning right is my fabric and book storage shelves.


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