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    Good story Luann.

    I've had a great day I went on a workshop. It was called Treasured Splinters and run by Viv Denscombe . We made a strippy type quilt based on a photo. I used a photo a friend sent me of her farm in Australia. It's 36" x 7" which is a lot longer and narrower than I've done before. I used lots of my hand dyes, some scrim, tulle, sari silk and bits. Such fun and so much playing. I'll try and get an upright pic for you but it needs embellishing and finishing yet.

    Roll on Wednesday I'm on another workshop making a quilt from a Klimt picture called Summer Fantasy which is the same sort of playing. This is a great retreat week for me except that the old man drilled through the hot pipe on Friday so we've no hot water all weekend. Luckily a plumber is coming Monday to fix a new bathroom. I'm beginning to smell. :lol:

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Originally posted by "twiglet" post=131872
      Good story Luann.

      I've had a great day I went on a workshop. It was called Treasured Splinters and run by Viv Denscombe . We made a strippy type quilt based on a photo. I used a photo a friend sent me of her farm in Australia. It's 36" x 7" which is a lot longer and narrower than I've done before. I used lots of my hand dyes, some scrim, tulle, sari silk and bits. Such fun and so much playing. I'll try and get an upright pic for you but it needs embellishing and finishing yet.

      Roll on Wednesday I'm on another workshop making a quilt from a Klimt picture called Summer Fantasy which is the same sort of playing. This is a great retreat week for me except that the old man drilled through the hot pipe on Friday so we've no hot water all weekend. Luckily a plumber is coming Monday to fix a new bathroom. I'm beginning to smell. :lol:
      Sounds like you are having a good time regardless of the water situation!
      Keep enjoying what God sends your way,

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        I didn't mean to post it here is was supposed to be on Virtual retreat. Oh well never mind. :whistle:

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Originally posted by "anne1" post=131871
          Have you named it yet? Hope you enjoy every moment getting to know it.
          Hi Anne,
          I thought I was going to call her Lila. Acronym for Luann is long arming! But it's just not quite right. so here's the names in the running and the way for each of them:
          Theresa, after Mother Theresa because of all the good she is known for doing
          Martha, my HomeEc teacher that let me advance as fast as I wanted to when I was in her sewing class and only 12 years old
          Louise or Lois, after my Dad, Louis, who consigned a loan for me when I was 16 (women weren't even a consideration at that time) for my first sewing machine,, 385.00 U.S. dollars in 1966!! That was huge money, I was making 1.35 per hour and still in high school
          Katy, my Mom gave me free reign of her machine When I was only 8 years old! She also let me raid the scrap bag at that time for my first quilt, finished by 9 years of age
          Hazel, my Granny that taught me 'Stitchin stuff' when I was 6
          Marion, my Gramps middle name as he used all that Stitchin stuff on his handkerchiefs
          And, I could go on and on. It's plain to see that I've been blessed with a lot of encouraging people throughout my life!
          Oh, I should add to the list. Georgianna, after my hubby who has agreed to arm wrestle me for time on the machine!! I'm pretty sure I can take him down on this one. LOL He could break my arm if I did that and then I'd never get things done!! Oh my,
          So, the search for the proper name will continue and I figure that one day,it will just happen.
          Any ideas by my friends would be welcomed

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            What about shortening Georgianna to Gina.....Martha could become Marta...or Google names.
            I haven't yet named my Janome sewing machine and I've had it for about 6 years, But my laptop is Brian.


              It's October 3rd, almost time for me to jump into bed, but I figured I'd better admit to the group, I don't have a 'roots' piece to show you. I had great ideas, but somewhere along the way, I got sidetracked and it became the Mondo tote! What I wanted was for each side of that thing to represent a 'root' vegetable! I picked out the fabrics for my beets, carrots, radishes, etc. a little sky and some greens for the tops. As I started to put those 2 1/2" squares on the foundation, I realized that this thing! Gets sewed together with diagonal lines. Well, at that point, the whole idea went underground and the best I can say is, maybe I can carry my 'root' crops home from the market in it.

              Has anyone else got something to show? I may revisit this during the upcoming month and have a proper piece to show,,,


                Geneva posted a wonderful piece on the mug rug thread here's the link

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Luann, is there a pattern ( or general idea ) for that tote ?
                  Just ordered a wickedly expensive camera/lens tote - and this is giving me ideas...


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