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    Nice sewing/working space Kathy! The risers are a great idea, also like the white flannel over the closet door.


      Love your room Kathy, hope your son doesn't fall out of bed love you keeping a couple of shelves as reminder, I think he'll have got the message about whose room it is :lol:

      My spare bed is a divan so lots of storage under for his junk and my batting but the trays for fabric are great. I think I'll have to have a sort out. ES moved out quite a few years ago so it's time for his stuff to go in the loft. :evil:

      Another lot of bins and shelves I'd love a rummage in. We'll drop into you as well on our room raiding road trip

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Originally posted by "twiglet" post=126827
        Another lot of bins and shelves I'd love a rummage in. We'll drop into you as well on our room raiding road trip
        Thanks. You would probably enjoy a tour of local quilt shops more than my fabric stash and must attend a guild meeting, too. Truly humbling to know how lucky we are in the states compared to cost of fabric across the pond.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          I'd love to go to a guild meeting while on the trip.

          Going off on another tack as we do. Does anyone know if you can change your time zone on here, it's a bit disorientating for us across the pond

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            No Wendy I don't. Sorry. Nice sewing rooms! It's interesting to see how each of us uses our space.

            I have a story to tell and guessed this might be the ok place to tell.

            I was having quality time with Sybil my Bernina 730 yesterday. Finally, a day to myself! No grandson or mom to care for and sweetie pie off playing golf. All of a sudden Sybil's screen turned black. I waited for it to come back on to no avail then turned it off. I turned it on again and still a black screen then very electrical smelling smoke began rising from the thread guide area. I quickly turned her off as I didn't want my stash to catch fire, or my brand new home! I called the local Bernina dealer and said "My Bernina 730 has a black screen and she's smoking! What should I do?" The guy said "Get her a nicotine patch to get her to stop smoking." I love living in a small town! I talked to the fix it man, very nice, not like the Bernina dealership I had to use in Sacramento, and he said the mother board is probably gone and will be $400 to replace. Ugh!

            So I pack up Sybil, the little witch, and take her to the dealer. The fix it man meets me at the door. He takes Sybil's top off hmy: and we can smell the smoke still. He turns her on, she fires up (pun) perfectly! Screen is beautiful! He runs her through her paces, looks at her electronic boards and finds nothing. No evidence of anything broken, melted, or not working. This is why she is called Sybil! :evil: Mr. Fix it says "I can't fix something that's not broken." Doesn't charge me a cent and I take Sybil back home where we spend what's left of the afternoon sewing. Sybil purred along like she was in her right mind.

            I contacted my friend in Sacramento who used to work on Berninas. She said it is an electrical something and will eventually fail, but Sybil is worth the $400.00 to get her fixed.

            I now unplug Sybil when I'm finished sewing for the day....

            It's always something!

            May I tell one more story? I've been meaning to tell you all this.
            Before Christmas we went to a Christmas bazaar where they sell stuff that I'm not usually interested in. My husband and I came across this man and woman, in their 60's probably, selling these beautiful hard wood pens. We bought 2 for our sons. I looked down while husband was paying for them and see a seam ripper! It's beautiful wood, just gorgeous! Wait, what is that on the other end? It's a roach clip! Yup, here in Washington state pot is legal. So you can smoke and rip seams at the same time! They include a cap for the seam ripper end so you don't poke your eye out while puffing! I wish I had bought one. I am now trying to locate them. When I do, I'll show you a picture!

            Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for listening to my ramblings....



              I am truly LMAO !! :lol: Might a known ! I can see the Ad now..." improve the concentration and
              Rip without out a care !" or so darned thing like that ! Geezzzz! :S Sorry Sybil's havin'
              a snit....! Glad you have a good repair man !


                Love your tales.

                I bet if you looked at Sybil's needle that would have been glowing red as well.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Geneva--I'm so tempted to say what a trip -- and I'm talking about Sybil and the seam ripper! Love hearing about your adventures in sewing.

                  in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                    More great spaces from Cathy & Kathy!

                    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                      Geneva - I can see it now potholder
                      competition at the local quilt show! :-)

                      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                        Geneva, Loved reading your stories. Made me have a good giggle. although I sound more like Muttley from the Whacky Races at the moment, as I have just come down with a stinking cold. I'll try not to share it with anyone.

                        in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                          Rosemary I too have a cold which has started up my asthma and also a chest infection ......the joys of winter.
                          Hope you will soon be feeling better......spring will soon be here " I hope"


                            Here's my room - it's not as messy as I thought.........although I was a bit "selective" with my photos. Hope to get out there sometime today. My niece is expecting twins so there are baby quilts to make!
                            (still haven't got the hang of this new website so I hope the photos are attached :unsure: :unsure: )


                              Funny stories, Geneva, except the worry about your stash burning down! I hope Sybil gets fixed soon and I'm glad you're unplugging her when not in use.

                              For those in the US who want to increase their batik stashes, Fabric Fanatics ( is having a Super Bowl sale this weekend. All of their sale fabric is $5/yard this weekend. And there's a lot of sale fabric! You do have to pay shipping on top of the fabric cost, but it's still an extremely good deal! Their regular price for batiks is $9.95, so it's not terrible to look at their non-sale items, either. I'm not sure if they ship internationally and those costs might be too high, so I'm not sure if international people would be interested in the sale. (It's sales like this that cause me to have such a large stash!!!)


                                Loved the ripping yarn Geneva! Hope Sybil behaves herself. It's really interesting to see everybody's work rooms. Nancy, keep buying 'cause me and Wendy are going to need a good selection to raid when we come over.


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