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    Label.. hmmm....I suppose if we just put our name, the challenge, quilt no and group name it would be ok.

    Description :shock: :shock: :shock: tut tut tut go to the naughty step all of you. No talking about the quilt!

    Just wait until Maureen sees those posts, you are going to be in big trouble :lol: :lol: :lol: I shall email a picture of my quilt to the person before me :lol:

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Originally posted by Lorna1021
      Holy cow! I go to bed and then wake up to 2 more pages of comments! You all were busy last night.

      Whew!! I am glad it isn't judged. That is a huge relief. I agree with sending an email photo of the finished quilt to the next person in line as you put the box in the mail.

      I know how you feel, it has happened to me twice in the last 12 hours :shock: first off, I went to do my mini sashing on my Laura Nownes quilt and came back to a couple of pages of comments, then after sorting that lot out, I head for bed, and hey presto another couple to digest :roll:

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Originally posted by Limbania55
        Here's another question :shock: Should we consider making a label we can all use, changing only the maker's name and location in it? Like something we can print on fabric? Oh boy! I'm thinking too much ops: :wink: Can you tell I'm really excited with this project
        I like this idea 8) As soon as I read it I thought of a mini map of the world, with the names etc printed on the Atlantic section of the map. We could reduce it to just the Northern Hemisphere, and maybe lose Asia & the Pacific as well - a bit like some of the older maps ( we could even have a 'here be dragons' on it :wink: :lol: )

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Lorna, I am with you on being away for a few hours and there are pages of chit chat to catch up with.... I was busy for a couple of days and wasn't doing my usually clicking on "view new posts" and at the same time I had no email reminders. I was way behind and read through pages and pages quickly. Sure hope I didn't miss anything important.

          I think having a label to print out for all the quilts would be great. Who is the graphic designer amongst us? I would also like to have a trial run with the post. If I recall correctly, I believe I send my quilt to Rosemary (could be wrong but if I go back and check for sure I'll loose this post). At any rate, I'd like to mail something to whoever it is I send my quilt too in order to see just how long it takes. I know that is in no way assurring the really important package would take exactly the same time but it would give me some idea. At the same time, Maureen, it is okay with me that my email and home address be sent to anyone in the group.

          I continue to be excited about this project and am working to get projects out of the way so I have plenty of time to work on it next summer. Have a good day everyone!


            I'm thinking a label is a great idea.! :idea: Remember a "100 word description of the quilters' process" is
            to be included with the quilt. Guess I'm reading that right.?

            We're smoked in here today...there is a new forest fire on our district quite( not in danger) but northwesterly winds
            are driving the heavy smoke at us ! It is in remote area and near wilderness area..However there is another farther
            north that is larger and causing much disruption for people there ! Lightening caused...likely to last a while..tissues
            cough drops and eye drops on the shopping list !! :cry: YUCK !


              Stay safe Marilyn!

              I like the idea of a label as well, but don't really know how to go about it. More thought required.

              As for postage and the length of time it takes, at the moment from here to the US is taking about 5 days to a week. We have a swift-post system here that guarantees 2 days for certain countries. I guess if people send the quilt by registered post it is less likely to disappear and will probably be quicker. I don't know what that costs in the states but it is not prohibitive here.


                The idea of a label is worthy of consideration and I'll put my thinking cap on too, although Rosemary's idea was certainly worthy. Marilyn, be safe out where you are and let us know how things work out in your neck of the woods with the forest fire. As for the postage from the States, don't know what it is right now but it has never been unreasonable. I would certainly want to track the quilt to its destination and insure it.


                  Rosemary, I like the image of the globe and the Atlantic. I am picturing those maps of the globes on those magazines in the seat pockets on the airlines with curved lines from place to place to trace the route of the traveling quilts.


                    Originally posted by loise98
                    Rosemary, I like the image of the globe and the Atlantic. I am picturing those maps of the globes on those magazines in the seat pockets on the airlines with curved lines from place to place to trace the route of the traveling quilts.
                    That is an interesting variation on my idea - I have a georgous big book called 'The Mapmaker's Art', and have had a quick look in it to see if there are any images that would work, one or two possibles, but always open to alternatives.


                      I like the idea of a common label or label template. But I don't think I'm the right one to design something like that. Graphic design is not my forte!

                      I would assume that the 100 word description of our process would go to Maureen rather than to the next person in line. Seems like that is part of what we'd want to keep from affecting the next person's creative thoughts. Does that seem right to you guys?

                      Marilyn - I hope they get the fires out or the wind changes direction soon! Like you, I have a lot of trouble with smoke and will have a nasty cough even when the fire is very far away (like in a neighboring state) and you can't even see the smoke. At least fire season should be over soon. A cold front just came in here and they are expecting our first snow on top of Pike's Peak today, maybe as much as 8 inches. Weird after a high of 87F yesterday, but that's how we roll around here! You know what it's like...



                        Lots of good ideas for for the 100 words???? mail with quilt, possibly..sealed? send with someone elses' quilt
                        back to Maureen..? send separately to Maureen, maybe by e-mail ? and maybe ..because it is the quilt we are working from....
                        is it part of our inspiration ?? I'm thinkin' there is a general rule from the parent group. Maureen prob'ly can set us straight !

                        Ya,Nancy the smoke is nasty ! These fires will have to have rain and snow to put them out. They are in very rough country
                        and hard to fight....Mother Nature is cleaning up bug kill and over-growth...and we have to just put up with it ! :evil: We are
                        seeing frost at higher elevations...fall's on the way. But 90F forecast for end of the week. Crazy !

                        Off to the garden..sharing Basil for pesto and curly kale with friends later today.


                          Glad to hear they'll end soon, keep safe Marilyn. Enjoy your pesto and curley kale - ugh.

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            What do you mean ugh! I love basil and curly kale - just not together. Traditionally for dinner here on Halloween we have colcannon which is mashed potato with onion and chopped up kale, yum yum!

                            I can't believe you will have snow already Nancy, that seems far too soon.


                              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                              What do you mean ugh! I love basil and curly kale - just not together. Traditionally for dinner here on Halloween we have colcannon which is mashed potato with onion and chopped up kale, yum yum!

                              I can't believe you will have snow already Nancy, that seems far too soon.
                              What's with kale and basil? I am lost! I wonder what else I might have missed.

                              No snow in PA, yet. However, last week we were having nighttime low's in the mid-high 70's. I went to bed night before last with all the windows wide open and in the morning the outside temp was 46F. It was a bit nippy in the house too!


                                Geography, weather, recipes....I'm I on the right forum, eh? Quilting anyone? LOL I think if I had gotten into a group, I'd be too busy keeping up with the forum to do any sewing. I'll miss this when you gals begin sewing and going all silent on us
                                On the other hand...


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