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Chinese Whispers

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    Yeah, otherwise we would have had to call ourselves the Silent Whisperers across the Pond! Not likely to happen here.


      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


        Originally posted by PosyP
        Label designs are starting to run through my head, but what size do we need it to be?

        By the way, personally I like my kale in Bubble & Squeak - mashed potato & cooked kale mixed together and then fried - yum!

        Can I have my wee dram as blackberry whiskey? I have a better chance of getting to it with DH about.... :wink:
        Of course you can Can't stand whiskey so my wee dram is actually Vodka :wink:

        As the quilts can be from 24”x 24” to 40”x 40” what about a label something like 8” to 10” square (is that big enough for what you plan to do) with the -

        Group name - Whispers across the Pond
        Order number of quilt
        Name of member

        What does everyone think :?:


          Fine by me Maureen. Only thing is the rules say minimum 24 x 24" and max 40 x 40". We wouldn't want anybody to be excluded because they got the wrong size.


            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
            Fine by me Maureen. Only thing is the rules say minimum 24 x 24" and max 40 x 40". We wouldn't want anybody to be excluded because they got the wrong size.
            Duh ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: Obviously my fingers does not know the difference between 0 and 4 :roll: :roll: :roll: You are quite correct Rita it should have been 24”x 24”. Glad you are looking out for this senior :lol: :lol: :lol:

            No excuse :wink: but I had to make arrangements to get my car uplifted on a repair trailer tomorrow. Not only a big hole ripped in the tyre but damage to the car Luckily I have a protected no claims bonus for life So my head was filled with other things at the time. :!: :!:


              Well, things much the same...dense smoke, being on the wrong side of the campfire ! :evil:
              I dry my basil to use all winter long and make a lg. batch of pesto to put in the freezer. My 6 little
              plants have made a last growth spurt...glad someone else could use it ! As for the Kale, I use it in
              lots of ways...much like spinach. It tolerates our temp. in summer and other greens don't do well.
              A favorite is a potato soup that uses kale and Italian sausage. And chopped in an omelette with mushrooms !
              Printing labels is fairly easy... I'm sure something good will evolve. Good luck with the auto, Maureen.
              Lois ...found you on the map ! What a pretty front door !
              I agree...if we can't talk about the quilt...we have to talk about other things! :shock: Silence just isn't any fun !
              Off to the sewing room...maybe I can get something done today !!


                Well, here we go with food. It's getting close to having soup weather and I want the potato, kale and sausage recipe. Sounds good!


                  Originally posted by loise98
                  Well, here we go with food. It's getting close to having soup weather and I want the potato, kale and sausage recipe. Sounds good!
                  I want the recipe as well Marilyn. I have never had Kale. I know it has a green curly leaf but don't know what t tastes like. We make Potato and Leek soup here. The Kale soup sounds lovely and it is coming into the soup weather here as well.


                    You girls are sure having a great time! The rest of us feel left out. Would you do one thing for us, please? When this is all done (next year) could you post pictures of all your quilts? I think it would be great seeing them in the order made. Thanks!


                      I'm fairly sure pictures will be flying as soon as we are able to do so !


                        Originally posted by lorra
                        You girls are sure having a great time! The rest of us feel left out. Would you do one thing for us, please? When this is all done (next year) could you post pictures of all your quilts? I think it would be great seeing them in the order made. Thanks!
                        Yes, Cathy, I was intending to do that at the end when all the quilts have been handed in and displayed. I am sure it will be a terrific exhibition. 8) 8) I am afraid you won't see any photos before then.

                        The exhibition is not next year; it is May 2014 (long, long time)


                          Lots of time for chatting and Cathy join in or start another group entry, you've got until 23rd September to get the entry in

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Hi whisperers, I have all the paper work filled with the cheque ready to register us for the Chinese Whispers Challenge.

                            Two things –

                            1. I have to tick a yes or no on the entry form which says – Do you give permission for the images of your quilts to be used by LLQS (Loch Lomond Quilt Show)? I am sure everyone is happy about that but I have to ask and not assume anything. Please let me know so I can get the form posted.

                            2. Is everyone still 100% happy about taking part in this challenge? If you have had a change of heart, please let me know by email. There is no shame in that, as I know it is a long time to the end. Better knowing before we start.


                              YES and YES....Marilyn


                                YES and YES... Nancy


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