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    Thanks Rosemary, I have put the rules on page 1.


      Rosemary, what do you mean, your husband has been threatening a holiday in Scotland – it is beautiful country. :lol: :lol: :lol: Is your husband’s background not Scottish :?: :?: :?: [/quote]
      yes he is Scottish, born up there, but when I say 'threatening a holiday in Scotland' I mean that he has been talking about it for the last 18 years :roll: In this case a 'a threat is not as good as a promise'[/quote]

      There you go now, start planning now for a romantic holiday in Scotland in 2014, you never know the threat may indeed turn into a promise. :lol: :lol: :lol:


        Originally posted by scottishquilter

        There are rules of-course and they have to be adhered to. No rules for making the quilt but the size but things like no discussing it or letting any of the group see a photo of your quilt or explaining anything about it. That is why I don’t want anyone discussing her quilt or process on the Forum or in emails to the other members as it will spoil it for everyone else and it is against the whole concept of the challenge. God, I sound like a right bossy boots (and you are right – I am) :twisted: :twisted:
        Well, since your in charge you've got all the right to be! :wink: :wink: Now, I have a question boss It was mentioned at the beginning, I think by Rosemary, if my memory is no playing tricks on me, that when we mail the quilt to the next person in line we can send her a photo and description by e-mail, to get a head start on planning the design, gathering fabric, etc. Is that going to be part of our group rules? I really think that can help a lot. What you all think?


          Originally posted by Limbania55
          Originally posted by scottishquilter

          There are rules of-course and they have to be adhered to. No rules for making the quilt but the size but things like no discussing it or letting any of the group see a photo of your quilt or explaining anything about it. That is why I don’t want anyone discussing her quilt or process on the Forum or in emails to the other members as it will spoil it for everyone else and it is against the whole concept of the challenge. God, I sound like a right bossy boots (and you are right – I am) :twisted: :twisted:
          Well, since your in charge you've got all the right to be! :wink: :wink: Now, I have a question boss It was mentioned at the beginning, I think by Rosemary, if my memory is no playing tricks on me, that when we mail the quilt to the next person in line we can send her a photo and description by e-mail, to get a head start on planning the design, gathering fabric, etc. Is that going to be part of our group rules? I really think that can help a lot. What you all think?
          I'm planning on doing that, unless I'm told not to. It makes sense to me. But I'll definitely do as I'm told. I hate being the boss at anything, so I try very hard to be a good follower!



            Originally posted by Limbania55
            Originally posted by scottishquilter

            There are rules of-course and they have to be adhered to. No rules for making the quilt but the size but things like no discussing it or letting any of the group see a photo of your quilt or explaining anything about it. That is why I don’t want anyone discussing her quilt or process on the Forum or in emails to the other members as it will spoil it for everyone else and it is against the whole concept of the challenge. God, I sound like a right bossy boots (and you are right – I am) :twisted: :twisted:
            Well, since your in charge you've got all the right to be! :wink: :wink: Now, I have a question boss It was mentioned at the beginning, I think by Rosemary, if my memory is no playing tricks on me, that when we mail the quilt to the next person in line we can send her a photo and description by e-mail, to get a head start on planning the design, gathering fabric, etc. Is that going to be part of our group rules? I really think that can help a lot. What you all think?
            I think, because we are international that will be fine. Sending a photo of the finished quilt and a description to the person who is next in line (and only to that person) is acceptable. Mind you, I think when you get to actually see and touch the quilt it might say something completely different than you though. What is everyone else’s opinion on this?


              I'm in favour of it (but then I would be, would't I) My thinking for this idea is that we would get a general idea of what we have to interpret, and will then have the duration of the posting time to think and sleep on it, then when we get the actual quilt, hopefully we will have dreamt up some half ideas that can be boosted into a final plan a bit quicker, than if we were just waiting for the postie. Lots of thinking time is nearly always an advantage in my opinion.


                I think it's kinda fun that we all played a game like this when we we kids...far flung as we are !! 8)
                A bit of a head start would be nice...but I do think seeing a quilt in person, so to speak, would be
                a big help to me ! Of course, there is some risk and expense involved with mailing them around .
                I see this as just the cost of playing the game . :roll:


                  I am happy with the idea of emailing a photo of the finished quilt to the next person on the list. (So long as it's not a delaying tactic - it has to be the finished quilt....not a... I am nearly done, you just carry on and I will send it to you later, kind of emailed photo... but none of us would do that would we :?: :!:


                    Of course, not, Rita! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                    I agree that when we get the quilt in hand, it may be different than what we anticipated based on the photo... nevertheless, the photo from the person who just completed the quilt to the one about to start, gives time to start thinking and sketching and playing. Then when the quilt arrives, we will not be starting tabula rasa.


                      Originally posted by idaho
                      I think it's kinda fun that we all played a game like this when we we kids...far flung as we are !! 8)
                      A bit of a head start would be nice...but I do think seeing a quilt in person, so to speak, would be
                      a big help to me ! Of course, there is some risk and expense involved with mailing them around .
                      I see this as just the cost of playing the game . :roll:
                      E-mailing a photo and description of the quilt will be just to get an idea of what we're getting while the actual quilt arrives. It won't substitute the quilt been mailed, but will give some time for thought while in transit.


                        :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


                          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                          I am happy with the idea of emailing a photo of the finished quilt to the next person on the list. (So long as it's not a delaying tactic - it has to be the finished quilt....not a... I am nearly done, you just carry on and I will send it to you later, kind of emailed photo... but none of us would do that would we :?: :!:
                          I don't think any of us would do it. In fact I think the e-mail should be sent out the day the quilt gets on the mail. It'll have to be a photo of the finished quilt.


                            By the time those eyes got on the screen there were 3 more posts!! GeeWhiz! I can't type fast enough !

                            I'm thinkin' we're all pretty good about following the rules !


                              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: hopefully this one will get there fast enough!


                                :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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