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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    A Limerick in honour of our esteemed Australian quilter who's spools have taken the long route and so have made the anticipation even greater :

    There once was a quilter called Toni
    Who sent off her spools express pony
    It's a long way to York
    Should have sent them by stork
    That poor Aussie quilter called Toni



      Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
      A Limerick in honour of our esteemed Australian quilter who's spools have taken the long route and so have made the anticipation even greater :

      There once was a quilter called Toni
      Who sent off her spools express pony
      It's a long way to York
      Should have sent them by stork
      That poor Aussie quilter called Toni

      :lol: :lol: :lol:


        Wow what an amazing day already and it has only just begun. I just ckd my email and there' an email from USPS that says a pkg is scheduled to ship 3/31/12 " today, from Lorna! :shock: "Today is my birthday!" What an awesome present... :wink: But how did she know that? :?: :?: :?: Thanks Lorna! That is the best present I could get! It is suppose to be 80 degrees here today and I will be thinking about that all day!


          Bren, HAPPY BIRTHDAYHope you have a great day.


            Thanks Rita!


              Happy Birthday, fellow Aries !


                Thanks Marilyn, I always tell everyone I was almost an April fools baby, BUT "I fooled them!" HA!


                  Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                  Thanks Marilyn, I always tell everyone I was almost an April fools baby, BUT "I fooled them!" HA!
                  :lol: :lol: :lol:
                  hbty, hbty, hbdB, hbty!!


                    Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                    Wow what an amazing day already and it has only just begun. I just ckd my email and there' an email from USPS that says a pkg is scheduled to ship 3/31/12 " today, from Lorna! :shock: "Today is my birthday!" What an awesome present... :wink: But how did she know that? :?: :?: :?: Thanks Lorna! That is the best present I could get! It is suppose to be 80 degrees here today and I will be thinking about that all day!

                    Happy birthday!



                      Happy Birthday, Bren. My husband is an April Fool's baby

                      And, Lorna, thanks for the email letting us know you mailed our reels. You and Rosemary have done an outstanding job in organizing this whole project and I'm not alone in being very grateful.

                      And everyone else for the wonderful recipes...such a terrific group of ladies.


                        To Bren

                        'Happy Birthday to you
                        Squashed tomatos and stew,
                        Bread and butter in the gutter,
                        Happy Birthday to you!

                        (at least it is a bit politer than the other version I know :lol: )


                          thanks everyone An A W E S O M E day! got to go fishing and everything!


                            Washington you a very happy belastend Birthday, Bren. All the very best!


                              I'm hoping that my set is still waiting for the slow boat from Australia. I haven't gotten an e-mail from the post office that I know of. My husband says he didn't think that he deleted it, but in the past we have gotten e-mails saying that either USPS or UPS have something on the way for us and it is always a phishing thing.


                                Sorry. Your package is still waiting. I was only able to mail about 13 packages.


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