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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Just wanted to let you know my reels arrived here in Wickenburg, AZ, USA in this morning's mail :lol: .

    Loved the mail person today because she brought not only the reels but a small wallhanging made with 30's fabrics from a 10" block exchange from another online group to which I belong (picture below). Thank you again, Lorna and Rosemary, for all the work and effort you both put into this exchange--love my reels and am so glad some came from other countries and not just the US.


      Yeah Jane - does that mean you will be finished first? :lol:

      Rosemary, love the new Avatar!


        Not by a long shot--still need to figure out how to use these in a border around the HST's from that exchange. I wanted to do the tree of life and have enough of them for that, but not sure how the reels will look around them. So, may need to find another pattern. They're all in the same container now, though, so they may do a Vulcan mind-meld and help me come of with a good one


          Rosemary, and Lorna, Questions for you...

          Rosemary, Are you saying that everyones blocks are waiting to be shipped? :?: :?: :?:

          Or did some of the groups ship already?


            OOOPS never mind I just read Janes post... Guess that answers my question! Sorry I missed that....


              Originally posted by golfjane
              Just wanted to let you know my reels arrived here in Wickenburg, AZ, USA in this morning's mail :lol: .

              Loved the mail person today because she brought not only the reels but a small wallhanging made with 30's fabrics from a 10" block exchange from another online group to which I belong (picture below). Thank you again, Lorna and Rosemary, for all the work and effort you both put into this exchange--love my reels and am so glad some came from other countries and not just the US.

              The wallhanging is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. can't wait to see what you do with the reels!


                Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                OOOPS never mind I just read Janes post... Guess that answers my question! Sorry I missed that....
                I got my reels today! Yahoo!


                  Today was my luck day... I got reels in the mail box from friends I have never met...

                  Where did the reels come from??? All from the USA except for 6 of them... Kind of surprised about that but that was my group... I'm kind of a numbers person so was wondering about fabrics from far away lands... How many blocks will I get from over seas? Now I know...I got 3 the other 3 were from Canada... You guys count just not as over seas blocks... LOL!!!! I LOVE EM' ALL!!!!!!!

                  Starting the process of color arrangement/placement... Tell me do you recognize any of these???? One was a lone wolf, no name tag.... Only 3 that needed a trim up all others were perfect sized. GREAT JOB all you Wot RoTT'ers!! I'm so happy and I cant wait for the rest of you to get yours and post photos of your progress..... Cold and windy in SD. I'm loving my reels!!!! This was fun... Think I might do it again.. Hee Hee!

                  Aren't they just beautiful???? I feel so rich today!!!! All these jewel tones!!!

                  Bren... "giggling"


                    Wow! You are smokin Bren!! Love your batik background and brown spool tops!

                    And yes, I see one of mine in there!! Tres Cool!!


                      You received a beautiful assortment of colors! I love them! Thanks for sharing your new reels pic. You're having perfect sewing weather in S.D.
                      Happy Easter Everyone!


                        Wow Bren you're all set and good to go. Love your background fabric and yeap! I see one of the reels I made in the picture

                        I'm another of the lucky ones. Got my reels on the mail today also Feels like Christmas in Spring :lol:

                        Thank you again Lorna and Rosemary, you rock ladies :wink: love the beautiful label.

                        Thank you all reel friends for participating and making such beautiful blocks love all of them!!!

                        Have an awesome Easter !!!


                          I'm feeling jealous that mine haven't come yet. But, really, it's a good thing. I have a quilt that must e quilted in the next month and it was taped to my dining room floor for three days for basting. We were out and about for a great part of those 3 days, but still, that's how long it took me to get it basted. The running around is almost done, but there's the shop hop this weekend that my daughter and I might do, not sure if we'll make it.


                            It's fun to see the reels arriving! While I'm waiting, I'm working on, "Tree of Life" applique portion. I need to stitch the stems, leaves and berries. Then I'll add the bird center design at top and bottom. This has been a fun quilt to make from Edyta's book. Lots to do while I'm visiting my 85 yr old mother later this week. She's making a cathedral quilt by hand and she's going to teach me while I'm visiting her. Off to make my 11 hour drive. 8)

                            The white border fabric won't stay after quilting. It's there to help with bias edges for me to work on while appliqueing and then send to longarmer.


                              Lovely quilt Jeanne. And how nice to have your mother to teach you something at 85. I hope I will be doing the same at that age. Have a good and safe trip.


                                I really like the Tree of Life pattern too, and the applique around the border. Very nice, Jeanne, hope the one I'm going to do turns out as good as yours.


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