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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    My spools are blue--remind me of blueberries. Dawn I love the spools and drools! My package went in the mail today to Rosemary. I sure hope the postal service takes good care of them!


      As I was trying to think what colors I wanted, came up with Key Lime Pie so mine are mostly light greens.


        Thanks for the explanation, Rita! I guess I'm just not worldly enough to recognize some expressions. If something costs much more then we had anticipated, we say things like "I almost fell over backwards" or "I almost fainted!" And, I think your spools must be a Florentine Souffle!

        Jane, Thank you for adding Key Lime Pie to the mix! This is going to be a great meal....I mean quilt!

        djane, How's the weather up there? It hasn't stopped snowing here all day! But, I'm loving it!

        In beautiful Northwest Montana


          Originally posted by Scoopie
          djane, How's the weather up there? It hasn't stopped snowing here all day! But, I'm loving it!

          In beautiful Northwest Montana
          Dawn--It is too cold here to get much snow although we have had a dusting. It was -36C here this morning and with the windchill it was below -40! No buses ran today so I had a quiet day at work.

          I am loving all the talk of reels though--one good thing about our cold winters. They make for perfect quilting weather.


            Rita, I make a wonderful spinach dish called Spinach Madeline, which is basically a creamed spinach with seasonings. It's very tasty, so that's what your reels can be.


              I was lucky enough to get into group C !! I have been scanning through the messages here and notice that some are choosing colors. Do we need to mention to others in our group of our color choice . If so how do I know which colors are spoken for in group C ?. I just want to do everything correctly.

              By the way -20 here tonight in central Min


                Snowed all day here,too, Dawn ! About 12 inches from 8 am to 4pm ! Big cotton balls! But warming
                now and turning to rain at our elevation! Not so nice. Skiers are over the top, tho' !! Good for
                quilting !! Rita...fresh greens are very special this time of year ! Yum!


                  Originally posted by debbydo
                  I was lucky enough to get into group C !! I have been scanning through the messages here and notice that some are choosing colors. Do we need to mention to others in our group of our color choice . If so how do I know which colors are spoken for in group C ?. I just want to do everything correctly.

                  By the way -20 here tonight in central Min
                  Deb, you don't need to mention your color choice. Just have fun with it!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Originally posted by debbydo
                    I was lucky enough to get into group C !! I have been scanning through the messages here and notice that some are choosing colors. Do we need to mention to others in our group of our color choice . If so how do I know which colors are spoken for in group C ?. I just want to do everything correctly.

                    By the way -20 here tonight in central Min
                    Deb, we are all just so proud of our little wonders, that we are sharing what we have made! We are a little excited here! No matter what color group you select, I know it will be different from everyone elses! And, we will all love it! Just have fun and tell us what color you have selected, or keep it a secret. The option is yours to enjoy!

                    In beautiful Northwest Montana


                      I'm all done making my spools - finally! I started over with a bigger seam allowance to get to the right finished size - I hadn't thought that pressing my seams open would do that, until the other members mentioned it happening with their units too. I've got grayish-blue units - not sure what food that might be, probably blueberries again (in group A). Ready to ship them, along with a FQ each to thank Rosemary and Lorna for all of their upcoming sorting and counting. Thanks ladies!


                        Beautiful photo of your meringue blocks! Mine will be a Moda Fig Tree peach colorway. Washed, starched and ironed them today. Hopefully with the snow coming to NW Illinois it will be a good chance to stay home and sew!


                          Hola to you all wonderful ladies!

                          I haven't been in the forum for quiet a while but, got lucky to find out about this exchange and even luckier to get a couple of numbers. One in group B and one in group C . Sounds like we'll be ending up with some yummy quilts, in fact Yummy Friendship Threads is how I'll call my quilt.

                          Now, to figure out a good food related name for my 1st set of reels is challenging. I'll be making them with bright prints on black background fabrics. The second set is another challenge since I'll be using shades of gold fabrics. Any ideas? You are all so creative that I'm sure someone will come up with great names :idea:

                          I'll be sending a couple of FQ for Rosemary & Lorna too. Thank you both for putting together another wonderful exchange. I participated in the HST exchange and loved it.


                            Originally posted by heartnsoulquilts
                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Originally posted by heartnsoulquilts
                            Loving everyone's reels!! Mine are turquoises and teals... wonder what food is that color??

                            All I can think of are those Icee sweet crushed ice cones with turquoise syrup in them!! LOL
                            Heinz baked beans! :lol:

                            'Beans, beans, they're good for the heart,
                            The more you eat them,
                            The more you ***t'

                            Hmmm, the Heinz Baked Beans I've had have been a nice caramel brown... Are they turquoise in England??? LOL
                            No, I was just thinking that they were still in the tin! - can opener anybody?
                            :lol: :lol:


                              Margo reminded me last night/this morning about guidence for fat-quarter gifts.

                              Personally speaking I like clean, clear colours, I like batiks, & hand-dyes (despite the bleeding & the need for colour catchers). I have a long term handsewing project in mind which involves greens (but some-how I keep geting side-tracked :wink: ). I have plenty of Pinks already in my stash.

                              Hope this helps.


                                Well I have two sets of greens winging their way to Rosemary so one set will be spinach souffle and the other spinach madeleine! There is so much food in this quilt already that I think that we will be asking "does my bum look big in this" :!: :mrgreen:

                                Rosemary, love the new profile photo/avatar - but with a grin like that I worry for the hamster! :lol: :lol:


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