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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    YEA!!! I'm coming off the sidelines and no longer a LURKER!!!

    For my yellows, my "REEL foodie title" is Jiffy Baked Corn Casserole.

    Prayers and hope for a speedy recovery for your husband, and strength for you.

    Love listening to you sing...BEAUTIFUL voice!
    Brings back memories of my wonderful trip to Ireland.
    I will definitely use iTunes....Thanks for the info!


      Originally posted by anniequi
      YEA!!! I'm coming off the sidelines and no longer a LURKER!!!

      For my yellows, my "REEL foodie title" is Jiffy Baked Corn Casserole.

      Prayers and hope for a speedy recovery for your husband, and strength for you.

      Love listening to you sing...BEAUTIFUL voice!
      Brings back memories of my wonderful trip to Ireland.
      I will definitely use iTunes....Thanks for the info!
      Lurkio, Lurkio, wherefore art thou, Lurkio?

      Just hope it is not cooked in a jiffy bag/envelope :wink:


        No, not baked in a bag, but a glass/ceramic baking dish. The recipe will definitely follow after I have the meal my DH is preparing while I computing.

        "Jiffy" is the brand name of a yellow corn meal and wheat flour mix.
        For those who can't find these 8.5 oz boxes, fine polenta can be substituted along with flour.

        I will use the equivalent measures for our U.S. , but excuse me if I err.....I'm sure someone will come to my rescue.


          I love those little boxes of Jiffy Corn bread. They are fast, easy and fill my old fashioned pie pan.
          DH can just about finish the whole thing at one meal, saving me unwanted calories..
          There is nothing like good old fashioned hot corn bread.

          Cookin, I am so sad for your pain, know that God is always with you even when we are not sure...
          He is a good God and Heaven is going to be so unbelievably awesome when we all get there.
          Streets of the purest white gold, colors that we have never seen before. As a quilter I can hardly wait to see these colors..
          Not that I'm in a hurry to go but the Bible really tells of its beauty.
          I'm so luck to have a Father like God! God Bless you and Keep you in His loving arms... Hugs quilting sister!

          Any word on the reels yet?
          I am saying prayers for the postal workers and their safe delivery of everyones packages. Sure can't hurt right?


            Welcome out of the shadows Anniqui - go on post a photo, we won't laugh! Debbie love the new avatar - who's the handsome devil beside you? Are you showing off a new man? Or maybe he's been there all along but I didn't notice until I got my new bionic eye! One down and one to go. I will have X-ray (or do I mean X-rated) vision in two weeks time. In the meantime I am a little lobsided. :wink:


              Rita - Sounds like it went well. Great! Hope the other goes just as well and you enjoy your new vision, whether X-ray or X-rated! Both sound interesting!



                Rita, glad to see you are in great form between eye surgeries. Sounds like the first one went pretty well. Wish you well on the second one too! Renata


                  Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                  Welcome out of the shadows Anniqui - go on post a photo, we won't laugh! Debbie love the new avatar - who's the handsome devil beside you? Are you showing off a new man? Or maybe he's been there all along but I didn't notice until I got my new bionic eye! One down and one to go. I will have X-ray (or do I mean X-rated) vision in two weeks time. In the meantime I am a little lobsided. :wink:
                  Did I miss something? anniqui has the default avatar on my computer. It must be that new eye you got that allows you to see things that just aren't there. :? :? :? Lois


                    Lois go back to page 122, its djane who has changed her profile photo ;-)

                    Rita, I'm so glad the eye surgery went well. Definitely lopsided. Even if stitching is difficult for you at least you can raise a glass or two or more to Lorchn tomorrow ;-)

                    DH had cataracts done a couple of years ago and had one very shortsighted and one longsighted eye for six weeks. It was very difficult for him to do anything. However what he hated most of all was me having to be his chauffeur :lol: :lol: :lol:

                    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                      Thanks Pam. Well at least I only have two weeks between the eyes! They told me yesterday that I could go back to driving when I was ready because apparently I had reached beyond the driving standard. I can't use my glasses even though they have removed the lens from the right side because it is giving me double vision, so DH is going with me today while I pick up my son from school, just in case. Makes you wonder about how many people are out there on the roads with poor eyesight!

                      While I am typing this we are having the most dreadful hail-storm. It's the 11th May and we are having a hail-storm!! :roll:

                      I will certainly be toasting Lorchen on her big birthday tomorrow, and with pleasure.


                        Rita -- I didn't read correctly the first time and thought you said "x-ray vision". LOL Wouldn't that be something!! We are the hail capitol of the US here in Colorado.
                        Have a wonderful day everyone.

                        Hugs, Sharon


                          Latest News from Headquarters

                          I'm chewing my finger nails down to the quick whilst staring at the letter box! Fingers crossed for tomorrow's post, otherwise it is waiting for next weeks' deliveries.


                            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                            ... Debbie love the new avatar - who's the handsome devil beside you? Are you showing off a new man? Or maybe he's been there all along but I didn't notice until I got my new bionic eye! One down and one to go. I will have X-ray (or do I mean X-rated) vision in two weeks time. In the meantime I am a little lobsided. :wink:
                            Hi Rita--it is my one and only love! We were at my niece' s wedding on the weekend and it always makes me nostalgic and so thankful for my wonderful husband.

                            I am so glad to hear you have one bionic eye! Hope the next surgery goes well too.


                              Congrats on your eye surgery. It’s wonderful to see again without glasses. You’ll be flying into surgery for the second eye surgery. My DH had cataract and corrective lens surgery on his left eye Ap 30. He was back at work after his check up the next morning. The Dr couldn’t believe how well he had healed. DH loves his new eye. When he asked the Dr why everything was so bright? The dr said his cataracts had dulled all the colors and he’s finally seeing clearly again. Next surgery is in June if DH can wait that long.

                              Rosemary, I’m in no hurry for my reels. Don’t worry. The second package will arrive. We’ll have to give them a special name. R2R, Reels to Remember. I’m uploading my backing fabric. I forgot about buying it on my trip back from Mother’s in Ap. I purchased it at Mary Jo’s in Gastonia NC. She has a lot of eye candy and I was in and out in an hour! This piece was calling me. It’s by Kaufman and also comes in a sepia color.


                                Jeanne, R2R is a great name for the wandering reels and your backing fabric is absolutely fun! Does anyone have ideas for the background fabric for the Wot RoTT quilt that would really make the reels stand out? I've seen a few fabrics I like but am concerned that I might be too conservative in what I'm looking at... I keep looking at light-colored batiks and Moda Marbles... Anything else I might want to think about?


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