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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Lorna just sent me both a PM and an e-mail using the little icons. I can tell you that clicking on the little envelope to send an E-MAIL is much better than doing a PM.

    When you click the envelope, an e-mail the message goes straight to someone's e-mail in box E-MAIL! Easy-peasy!

    When you click on the PM icon, a message goes to someone's e-mail in box as a link that brings them back to TQS where they have to locate the message and click to open it.
    That's kind of a PITA!!

    So...I recommend that you use the e-mail icon!

    (Thanks Lorna!)

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Originally posted by crocus999
      I declare Margo "The Voice' of the WotRott's. So steady, so gentle, so patient, so prevalent, so true. Kudos for Margo - Bravo on being able to gently repeat yourself over and over again! Were you ever a grade one teacher?
      Thanks Terrie! No....I just teach quilters! :roll:

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Well I just got sucked into the vortex of the exchange. I couldn't do the two other exchanges and this looked fun and easy. BTW getting sucked in is a good thing. Just got an email back and I am in group b, so I better get started. Excited to see what we all come up with.



          Oh, Oh. I thought I signed up before you did, but haven't gotten an email back! Wonder what I"m doing wrong? Margo, HELP!
          Barb in snowy, snowy NW Illinois


            Originally posted by quiltwhinny
            Oh, Oh. I thought I signed up before you did, but haven't gotten an email back! Wonder what I"m doing wrong? Margo, HELP!
            Barb in snowy, snowy NW Illinois
            did you send Rosemary an e-mail?? If so, she WILL get back to you. If you don't hear from her all day tomorrow, send another e-mail, and let her know that I told you to send a second one. She won't get mad! I promise! :wink:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Thanks, Margo. I'll try again, thanks to your suggestion to click the email icon, which I thought I already did! Barb

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Rats!!! Sorry I missed this one..loved the Triangle Exchange. Sent a private email to PosyP so hope I can get on the "b" list. What a great idea--I love the thread spools pattern too.



                  I would like to participate in this exchange ?. Is there room ?


                    Originally posted by debbydo
                    I would like to participate in this exchange ?. Is there room ?
                    Send an email to Rosemary (PoseyP) and she will let you know if there is still room.


                      Latest News from Headquarters

                      Last night I filled up to number 41b & then went to bed.

                      This morning I counted up e-mails and had 21 requests (& that was with only counting Barb/Quiltwhinny in once :mrgreen: )

                      Therefore Lorna & I have agreed to open a group 'c'. After which I really will have to be hard-hearted and say no more room


                      Please try to get your parcels to us by the end of FEBRUARY (Not January). The forfeit is to come up with a really good tale for us all to enjoy as to why it is late - and you still can't use the excuse that 'the dog ate my homework' :lol:


                        Hey, I got my blocks done . took the counsel of all and relaxed a bit, just powered through sewing and trimming.
                        here's a picture:


                          They look great Kathy.

                          I got some of mine done last night. Decided I didn't need to do all in one night. Hopefully I can finish my first set tonight.



                            Originally posted by kathyst2
                            Hey, I got my blocks done . took the counsel of all and relaxed a bit, just powered through sewing and trimming.
                            here's a picture:
                            ooooh nice! (they are nearly lemon meringue too, yum!)

                            Actually I think they look tidier than mine do, so what was all the panic about? :wink:

                            I am so looking forward to having so many different reels in my quilt!


                              kathy, your lemon meringue reels are looking great!!!


                                I have been accepted into group B, I have not received the ship-to address for the exchange. Did I miss it somewhere?



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