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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Yeah, I just Googled YOU, too! You have PAGES on you! And, I just found out at some point you published a book! How cool is that? You are famous on Google, that's for sure!

    In beautiful Northwest Montana


      Not sure but looks like "Garden Tour" post is spam...


        where do I find the tutorial by Margo?


          got it!


            hello bren
            i just saw that you are number 34C
            that means you are the 34th participant in group c (each group can handle exactly 41 participants)
            some people are signed up twice, i.e. once in group a and once in group b - group c was only opened up when it was found that more people would like to join (at this time it was no longer possible to sign up more than once)

            being signed up in:
            List (a) will give you enough reels to make the centre of Edyta's Spool Quilt.
            List (b) will give you enough reels to make the centre of Edyta's Spool Quilt.
            List (c) will give you enough reels to make the centre of Edyta's Spool Quilt.
            being signed up in both Lists (a & b) will give enough reels to make up Rosemary's Version of Edyta's Spool Quilt, with some spares for borders etc. - some of us who joined very early on, got to sign up twice and those of us are doing 2x41 reels - i.e. 82 reels

            BREN: as you are in list C (and C only) - you send in 41 reels
            and don't forget to make one for yourself so that you are certain to have "your own reel" as well

            please see rosemary's posts in pages 1 and at the end end of page 2 where she explained her group numbering...
            she and lorna will do their best to send us the most wonderful mix of reels from all 3 groups - i just know these will all be fabulous fabulous fabulous (and if perchance i do get one of my own back - i'll have a travel-experienced reel of my own - yeah!)


              Lotti, I couldn't have put it better myself, thank-you.

              As for anyone interested in my version - what you see on the screen is as far as it has got on paper, the little squares represent 1", I am thinking of doing an inner border from the offcuts of my narrower reels. And just recently I have been wondering about changing the angles of the reels in the border to squash another 2 in either at the top & bottom, or on the sides.

              If anyone else wants to have a play with the basic design (hint, hint!) and put it up here, while we are waiting for the post etc, It could be fun - It's got to be easier than writing songs, right ! :wink:


                Originally posted by Scoopie
                Originally posted by romira
                Regarding including your name & address in your Forum post, I have found that the Forum
                comes under Google searches for all to read. The only block to non-members of TQS is that
                they are prevented from seeing photos or making a post themselves.
                I think it's wise to Google oneself occasionally to see what's out there.
                OMG! I just Googled myself, and find me all over the place! Mostly quilting stuff, but what a shock! (And, some of you are right there with me!) I Google myself a couple of years ago, and was nonexsistant! I kind of keep a low profile and am in disguise on Facebook. You will never find me there. Well, I guess I've come out of hiding!

                In beautiful Northwest Montana
                I just tried this - I seem to be getting around the world a lot, all over america, australia, I even found an obiturary :shock:
                but only 2 on the first 3 pages seem to be about the 'me' me.


                  Rosemary, an obituary doesn't sound too healthy :wink: :wink: :wink:

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Originally posted by Scoopie
                    Yeah, I just Googled YOU, too! You have PAGES on you! And, I just found out at some point you published a book! How cool is that? You are famous on Google, that's for sure!

                    In beautiful Northwest Montana
                    The book is for real, but I've got to tell you that a lot of the photos attributed to me are NOT! :?:

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      I Googled myself and it returned pages of results but not one entry of the first ten pages was actually referring to me. I ordered a Margo Clabo's Ultimate Book of Quilt Labels, though! So far, sewing my reels has gone pretty smoothly. :lol: I credit following Margo's tutorial, using my Ultimate Seam Guide and ironing the strips straight on a gridded surface. What I hadn't realized until yesterday is that the Ultimate Seam Guide was designed by Annis Clapp! :!: We have so many accomplished, talented and even published members here!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        [quote="Lorna1021"]Good evening Wot Rotts,

                        1. I will provide the return envelope (free from, I wanted to use the Tyvex envelopes but shipping was a lot more expensive and varied by location. I decided Flat Rate was the way to go. Having the return envelopes ahead of time will allow us to sort as we go. (She is so clever!) These are flat rate envelopes that will ship anywhere for $4.95. I will buy return postage with money you send to me. I experimented last night and can make the return labels and buy postage all on line. This will save time at the post office window. REPEAT-- YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND A RETURN ENVELOPE

                        2. When mailing your reels, you will have to complete a customs form at the post office since it is coming overseas. Inside your envelope you please include the following:

                        - reels in ziploc baggies, each baggy clearly marked with your assigned number and group (a,b,c)
                        - cash or check for $4.95
                        - completed customs form (PS Form 2976) that you put inside so I can use for return shipping. (Yes, a second customs form! One on the outside and one on the inside for me to use.)
                        - return address clearly printed so I can create labels/postage online and print out

                        Lorna -

                        When you checked with the post office on rates did they give you what the rates would be after the postal rate increase? I know that the cost of letters is increasing on Jan 22 but I don't know if the cost to send packages is. I just don't want you to be shorted anything if the cost is going up.

                        Orlando, FL


                          Originally posted by SpiritsFold
                          I Googled myself and it returned pages of results but not one entry of the first ten pages was actually referring to me. I ordered a Margo Clabo's Ultimate Book of Quilt Labels, though! So far, sewing my reels has gone pretty smoothly. :lol: I credit following Margo's tutorial, using my Ultimate Seam Guide and ironing the strips straight on a gridded surface. What I hadn't realized until yesterday is that the Ultimate Seam Guide was designed by Annis Clapp! :!: We have so many accomplished, talented and even published members here!
                          I checked out Margo's label book from our quilt guild's library. It was very interesting, as labels are something I have a hard time with. I'm glad to hear someone is using my seam guide. Mine never leaves my machine. Of course it doesn't always mean perfect seams as we found out making these reels. It depends on the fabric, the machine, the cutting, the pressing, etc., etc. But I know it has helped me and once I know where to position the fabric for the method I'm using my blocks turn out the same almost every time.


                            Finally came up with my color for the will be Green Tea.
                            We'll need something to drink with all the yummy Chocolate, Butterscotch,
                            Key Lime pie, etc.
                            Bought Margo's book as well. Where can I find the seam guide?


                              Hi I am packaging up my reels...I am thinking they should be called Tequila Sunrise. Is everyone writing the name you have come up with your reels on your package just for fun? I just thought of that as I am writing. Although I already have my labels done and in place so probably won't open them up again. Now i am rambling....Anyway the food names are fun to describe our color choices.
                              I am so glad I found this will be great fun to see where all my new reels come from! I had just told my husband that I could not start a couple of new quilt designs until I finish my UFO's. He thought that was reasonable. 2 hours later I am spending time making strips to send to people far away so that I have a whole new quilt design to do anyway! Sneaky, huh? 8) One has to keep entertained on these cold Montana days.


                                Originally posted by romira
                                Finally came up with my color for the will be Green Tea.
                                We'll need something to drink with all the yummy Chocolate, Butterscotch,
                                Key Lime pie, etc.
                                Bought Margo's book as well. Where can I find the seam guide?
                                Roseanne, you can order Annis's seam guide from her web site!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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