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My january bom

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    Margo, your tutorial is great as always! WOW!!! You have had almost 13,000 views! Your tutorial is popular! Thanks for the hard work! WandaM
    Happy Quilting,

    Shiner TX


      Thanks for the kudos, ladies. I don't think I'm doing anything that a lot of other quilters on this site could do a lot better. I just happen to be blessed with the luxury of time right now. I think that there are others out there with lots of tips and techniques that we could all learn from, and really appreciate TQS for giving us the oportunity to share. I loved Bridget's pictures and explanations on her web page (check the Member Blog page) about her painted and thread embellished flowers, and would like to challenge others to show us their stuff!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Aww, thanks Margo. The truth is that we're blessed with the luxury of having you!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by Bridget473
          Aww, thanks Margo. The truth is that we're blessed with the luxury of having you!

          Very well said, Bridget. Margo rocks!!!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Margo, I saw your blog post this morning so I had to chime in and be included in the "BOM excel spreadsheet", as somebody put it! Thank you so much for your great efforts! I am slowly going through your photos and instructions! What a fantastic job you have done explaining needle turn applique!

            I haven't posted pictures of my blocks, but I have finished both January's & February's, so please count me in. I am doing invisible machine applique, using Sharon Schamber's technique. So far so good. I just started March's block. At last count, I am currently participating in 4 BOM projects and (so far) keeping up! Thank you all for doing such a fantastic show and tell, sharing your blocks. I hope to get there sometime soon, as soon as I can pry our camera out of my hubby's hands (and find it)!

            Thanks again,
            Randi in SW WA


              Good for you, Randi!
              Get your hands on that camera and show us your stuff!!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Finally got my Jan BOM posted. I did needle-turn appique. Thanks to Margo for her tutorial; I found her suggestion to finger-press the seam allowances first to be very helpful. I've started the March BOM as my bias pressing bars are back in Wisconsin, and I'm still in California! So I'm going to be different and do them out of order. The March BOM is almost done! I will catch up eventually...

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Beautiful block, Linda!


                    Finally my January block is done and in my profile. Now on to the Feburary block. Sigh, will I ever get caught up. :wink:


                      Thanks, Judy. I bought the kit so there's nothing new or exciting in my blocks, but I do really enjoy needle-turn applique! Where in Calif. is Torrence? I'm visiting my daughter and her family in Dublin, in East Bay (near San Fran). We've been here 2 months, and I didn't bring much with me, so the handwork is perfect for now. We start back home on April 2.


                        Originally posted by quilter64
                        Finally my January block is done and in my profile. Now on to the Feburary block. Sigh, will I ever get caught up. :wink:
                        Your block is great! Don't worry about being behind - there's plenty of us in the same boat! Just enjoy the journey.



                          Beautiful blocks ladies! You'll catch up in no time at all!


                            Thanks for the encouragement. The needle turn is fun, I used the freezer paper on the top of the applique, method , for the January block.
                            For the February block ,I am using Sharon Schambers needle turn method , with Ricky's stabilizer. I am finding it a little bit easier.



                              I'm still working on Jan's block. I started I'm using Sharon Schamber's needle turn method with her light weight stabilizer. It's working wonderfully. I'm still having problems with my curved points on the stars...loving the straight pieces! :lol:

                              My perfectionism is getting the better of me in this project! I have to keep reminding myself that I am a beginner and it will get easier and better. All these stems and leaves are scaring me! ops:

                              Enjoy the process!
                              Happy Quilting,

                              Shiner TX


                                Wanda, I know a lot of people will really cringe when I say this, but I think that FINISHED IS BETTER THAN PERFECT!
                                I always strive for the very best I can do with the skills I have today, but I never expect perfection. My quilts are far from perfect, but I am proud of them, and glad that I worked to get them finished.
                                My first quilt is pieced, and I call it my "Eight Wadded Star" because there isn't a single point on it! LOL!!! It's really awful, but I love it because I finished it, and it's where I started, and because I've learned so much since then.

                                I think that a lot of quilters are so self-critical that they don't finish their projects because they feel like they don't measure up.

                                TO WHAT???? :shock:

                                Unless you are making your quilt to be judged at a show, I would like to give you permission to do the very best that you can today, and enjoy the process without so much self inflicted pressure! Tomorrow you will do better because you will have practiced, and maybe one day it will get good enough for a judged show, but no one gets good at anything without practice. One day you will look back at the COMPLETED quilt, and smile at the mistakes because you've learned to do it better.

                                A finished quilt is better than an abandoned one! Besides that, you have a lot of money invested to just let it sit there!

                                When you sit down to work on your project get in the mindset of "Today I GET to ____" It works lots better than thinking "Today I HAVE to____"
                                Don't think about "all those leaves and stems". Deal with one at a time. One stem isn't too bad. One leaf isn't too bad. One inside curve. One outside curve. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

                                OK...I'm off my soapbox now.

                                LIGHTEN UP AND ENJOY THE PROCESS

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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