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My january bom

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    Linda, Torrance is about 17 miles south of Los Angeles. Right now we're on vacation visiting with family in Las Vegas, NV--Tomorrow we're heading for Laughlin, NV--we don't gamble, but it's a great place to RELAX. (and eat good food!!! :lol: ) Margo, I'm glad you're telling everyone to ENJOY the BOM's instead of sweating perfection. I can't think of a single quilt I've made that's perfect, either! My family thinks I'm the most talented quilter in the world, and that's what counts!


      bravo!! Margo bravo!!


        Originally posted by lwiniger
        bravo!! Margo bravo!!
        WHEW! It's nice to know I have a few supporters! I was kinda afraid I would be tarred and feathered, and sent out of the room without my laptop!! :shock:

        Really, ladies...and Peter!....enjoy it! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff!

        If you aren't thrilled with how your blocks are turning out, just tell yourself that this whole thing is practice, and you will make another perfect one later! Have fun! Be proud!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by WandaM

          I'm still working on Jan's block. I started I'm using Sharon Schamber's needle turn method with her light weight stabilizer. It's working wonderfully. I'm still having problems with my curved points on the stars...loving the straight pieces! :lol:

          My perfectionism is getting the better of me in this project! I have to keep reminding myself that I am a beginner and it will get easier and better. All these stems and leaves are scaring me! ops:

          Enjoy the process!
          I hear you. I was talking to my sewing group, "The Thimble Buddies" , the other day. It always seems that there is someone watching me and criticizing what I am doing, quilting wise. Well one day I realized it was ME. Ever since then I am more relaxed and having more fun. Go for it.


            I hear you. I was talking to my sewing group, "The Thimble Buddies" , the other day. It always seems that there is someone watching me and criticizing what I am doing, quilting wise. Well one day I realized it was ME. Ever since then I am more relaxed and having more fun. Go for it.[/quote]

            yes, sometimes it's hard to determine the criticism from the suggestions.


              Margo, I teach a class now and then for quilt friends and local guilds. I always give the participants permission to use my mantra--"This quilt is not going to Paducah...this quilt is not going to Paducah...this quilt is not going to Paducah..." All the members here are welcome to use it, too, LOL.

              Pat in Rockport, TX


                You ladies are just great! And fun! Thanks for the encouragement!

                Margo, thanks for the pep talk, I really needed it! I've been stuck in this mind set that my quilts "don't measure up", so why finish them." The big question is really "who is judging these quilts?" Well, Agnes is right, it's ME!!! Thanks for the kick in the rear!

                Over the last few months, I've realized that I really enjoy the quilting process. I shall tell myself now, "FINISHED IS BETTER THAN PERFECT!" I will take it one leaf (or stem) at a time!

                Pat, I shall use your mantra, but change it, "This quilt is not going to Houston Quilt Fest..."

                I love TQS!!! Thanks for reminding me that this is my "applique learning quilt"!

                Happy Quilting,

                Shiner TX


                  I usually don't chime in very often to the forum discussion, but I just had to this time.
                  Margo---I loved your pep talk. GREAT ADVICE!!

                  I have to share a funny story with all of you regarding my February block. My son has been bringing home a pet rat from school every weekend since he started a new semester in Zoology this year. Well, a few weekends ago he put the rat (in a cage) next to my sewing machine. We keep it in this room (closed door) at night so our cats don't get any kind of 'rat' craving. Well it turned out the rat decided he had a craving of his own "February block craving". I made the mistake of leaving my February block draped over the top case of my sewing machine and the rat cage must have been a little too close. He managed to get a hold of the top left corner of my block and literally chewed holes in the background fabric. When I first noticed it, I was very upset and wanted to scream!! After a few days went by, I decided to sew a new corner on my block and not stress about it. I'm not sure yet if I will do the entire block over again or if I will just point out the seam on my "finished" quilt and tell my "rat story". Sorry this got so long....

                  Lori in MN ENJOYING THE PROCESS
                  Happy Quilting,

                  Shiner TX


                    Lori, love your rat story.
                    Agnes in winter wonderland, Warsaw NY


                      My 1st quilt was a wall hanging. It is NOT good ops: But I have it hanging on the wall because it was the start of my passion. I do so much better than that wall hanging but always far from perfection. I don't care. I just love the process. Gloria


                        Love the rat story, Lori. My goodness, don't we have some experiences!!

                        Nancy in NC


                          I know that I'm getting a little off-topic here, but I wanted to share a link with you that I just found this morning while I was wandering around Bonnie Hunter's cool site.
                          It's by Tonya B Ricucci, and concerns HAND QUILTING which I know NOTHING about!!!
                          The reason I'm posting it here is that it's a real attitude adjustment for quilters who are too stressed! You know who your are!! :wink:

                          Anyway...I'm not the only one preaching that it's OK to have fun!


                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Love the web site, Margo, thanks.


                              Lori don't do the block again!!!! Just repair it. What a great story to hand down the generations. LOVE IT!


                                Originally posted by BBGirl
                                Lori don't do the block again!!!! Just repair it. What a great story to hand down the generations. LOVE IT!
                                I agree, it is part of the quilt now. :lol:


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