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My january bom

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    I've ordered Sharon's stabilizer and halo, too. I will try her method on the April BOM, and am anxious to see how her stabilizer compares to Ricky's Stable Stuff. I have some of that left over from another project, and hope he gets it back in the TQS Shoppe soon! I liked working with it.
    Of course, what I would REALLY like to order is a long arm!! :roll:
    The Tin Lizzie she's offering looks really good....
    In the meantime, I'm loving my new Bernina with the BSR.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I posted my March BOM in progress (it needs to be stitched down)here is the stabalizer I used, I like it because it comes in 60" wide!!


        Originally posted by DamarisEstrada
        I posted my March BOM in progress (it needs to be stitched down)here is the stabalizer I used, I like it because it comes in 60" wide!!

        Your blocks look so nice together, great job.


          I love your green fabrics Damaris


            Thank YOU!! Batiks!!


              Originally posted by DamarisEstrada
              I posted my March BOM in progress (it needs to be stitched down)here is the stabalizer I used, I like it because it comes in 60" wide!!
              Looks great, Damaris! I'll wait until you add the star before I include the picture in the collection of the first 12 completed!

              And, thanks for the head's up about Jukebox! Their stabilizer may be worth trying, too! I LOVE the fabric inks they sell. I used them for several projects, including the quilt I made using my grandchildren's artwork. (It's on my profile)
              Leaves the fabric soft, and is washable!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                WandaM, I am with you, the needle turn was way to slow for me, so I decided to try another method. It looks like needle turn, but is faster. At the rate I am goin I will never get caught up.
                Agnes in Warsaw NY


                  Well, the stabilizer from Sharon Schamber is here. They are really quick with shipping (I ordered from Sharon's daughter, Cristy at Purple Daisies, and shipping did not cost much! I really did not expect the order this soon considering that I ordered really late Saturday! I'll let y'all know what I think about the stabilizer.

                  Happy Quilting,

                  Shiner TX



                    Please do give us a comparison of the Stable Stuff and Sharon's stabilizer. They sound very similar. I'd like to give her method a try--I've tried every other method!


                      I would like to know if the Halo works as well as it seemed to in the video. Has anyone used it??? :?:
                      Agnes in Warsaw, NY


                        Originally posted by RuthMcI

                        Please do give us a comparison of the Stable Stuff and Sharon's stabilizer. They sound very similar. I'd like to give her method a try--I've tried every other method!
                        That's what I'm planning for the April block! I may also order some from Jukebox quilts. I want to compare how they are to work with, and how the prices compare. Sharon's comes in a 5 yard piece, but I don't know how wide it is. Jukebox's is by the yard but is 60" wide. Ricky's is available on a wide roll or in packages of 8-1/2"x11" pieces ready to run through the printer. Maybe they are really similiar except for the size, which may dictate which ones you would want to use for any specific project. I'll let you know what I learn.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Margo, could you post some directions for use with the Sharon Schamber stabilizer? Can it be used for hand applique? Thanks, Sally in NE Ohio

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Wanda - I can't wait to hear what you think of Sharon's stablizer!!!!!! I went to JoAnn's and found some Pellon feather weight stablizer..... it was pretty good to use, but I was soooooooooooooooooooooo disappointed with my results :shock: ops: (I really distorted the background fabric sticthing down one of the stems with multiple leaves). I was so disappointed and know that I will have to take all the stiching out and start over.... that I DIDN'T quilt tonight!!!!! :x I don't know if I didn't baste enough, or I held the fabric too tight and distorted it in the process..... but it was disappointing. ok, so after letting myself have a little hissy fit, I know that this is all a part of the learning process and that I need to "get back on the horse" and try it again!


                              Originally posted by Sallyquilt
                              Margo, could you post some directions for use with the Sharon Schamber stabilizer? Can it be used for hand applique? Thanks, Sally in NE Ohio
                              I've recently learned of this technique from Sharon's website and look forward to trying it when the stabilizer gets here.
                              Go to the "free area" of her site and watch the video about needle turn applique with the blue bird!


                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Margo thanks for the Sharon Schambers needle turn video, the blue bird pattern. I have been watching, and I like her technique. Will have to try it. Thanks again.


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