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My january bom

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    Great star Mary Kay....I love your background.

    Dana in Olive Branch, MS


      Ditto to Dana's comment on the background fabric Mary Kay! I love it!


        Me too, Mary Kay! What kind of stabilizer did you use?

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Mary Kay, great fabric for the background! That is going to give your blocks so much energy!


          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Still working on my Jan block. I am a newbie at needle turn applique. I have done other methods of applique, thought I would try this. Sure is different. So far my favorite means of applique has been raw edge, with blanket stitch , either machine or hand. :roll:


              Mary Kay--I, also, love your background fabric!


                I confess to being a person that dissects and studies things more than most. Okay--I'm anal-retentive and obsess about the most minor of things. :lol: :lol:

                Any how, my question of the day is what type of lily do you think is January's block and what is the circle in relation to the lily? At first, I thought it might be the stamen but the flower is in the closed position. :?:

                Or perhaps this is a lily that I have never seen that never fully opens or it is a made-up version of a lily and now everyone knows why it takes me so long to finish a block! :shock:

                Can you tell where I am in the block?

                aka ladyquilter

                Troutdale, OR
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                  Ladyquilter--you make me laugh. I don't think :? the flowers are suppose to look real.

                  aka ladyquilter

                  Troutdale, OR
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                    Oy! My goodness, the questions! A simple answer from me, I don't know! Maggie

                    aka ladyquilter

                    Troutdale, OR
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                      I never thought to question the type of lily. Now that you mention it , it does not look like any lily I have ever seen. That is good, means I can't mess it up. Just go with it and enjoy the process is my opinion. :lol:
                      Agnes in Warsaw NY


                        Mary Kay,

                        I love your background fabric. What kind of stabilizer do you use? I've ordered Sharon Schamber's stabilizer, now I'm waiting! I think using the stabilizer will help me with the needle turn. I'm not satisfied with what I've done so far on the Jan block, so I decided to change my method!

               sound like me sometimes. I think things to death! But my delima has been what applique method to use!!! I hadn't thought of the lily, don't know what it is suppose to be.

                        Happy Quilting,

                        Shiner TX


                          Originally posted by WandaM
                          Mary Kay,

                          I've ordered Sharon Schamber's stabilizer, now I'm waiting!

                          Wanda, you will love Sharon's stablizer. That what I used and it is fabulous!!!


                          aka ladyquilter

                          Troutdale, OR
                          <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


                            JoJo, you make me laugh because you remind me of myself!!! I was even going to blog about this and may yet :-) I have spent so much time thinking about this BOM and trying to decide which method of applique, etc. I even did an internet search in January to see what lilies look like and was trying to decide if I should embroider those little things that stick out (whatever the technical term is) or do I want circles or yo yo's or what. I have all my fabrics and everything lined up to go and may actually make progress soon :-)


                              I am going to order Sharon's stabilizer too. I am looking forward to trying it. I am also ordering her new Halo, quilting aid.


                                Judy, are you going to do two blocks again for March?


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