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printing problems

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    printing problems

    I am unable so print the small house number 1 to the correct size. The one inch square is not coming out square. The width appears correct but the height is short. Can you please give me measurements of the top and bottom of each of the 2 blocks (4 pieces) I could also do with a width measurement on each. I am using a HP Office Pro 8720. I have tried accessing the PDF through both an Applke and Windows 10 computer and still have the same problem. I need advice as since the one inch square is not exactly square, by increasing the percentage may make the height correct but the width will be too high. Hope I can solve this weird issue which I have never had before

    I have just checked small house 2 and the one inch box does equal one inch square and the height through the centre of the bottom section is 3 and 7/16 . The width at the top is 2 and 7/8 .

    small house 1 the box measures 1/16 of an inch short in height and 1 inch in width

    Turquoise01, have you tried using A4 as the paper type? Several people found this worked for the two pattern pages
    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Just tried it and it was the same. It is just curious how it is only small house one that is affected. Could you please give me the measurements for each section. I am afraid if I adjust the scale it will fix the height but make the section too wide. Is there a way for you to send me a correct sized printout by email. I am desperat


        Originally posted by "turquoise01" post=153934
        Just tried it and it was the same. It is just curious how it is only small house one that is affected. Could you please give me the measurements for each section. I am afraid if I adjust the scale it will fix the height but make the section too wide. Is there a way for you to send me a correct sized printout by email. I am desperat
        Another issue many have had--using a browser that doesn't work well--try Safari or Google Chrome, if you haven't tried that. You are gong to have to figure out what it takes to print accurately.

        I REALLY hesitate to give the measurements for fear people will go nuts checking themselves. Here is what I have and the photo shows how I measured--through the center, including seam allowances. These are the HEIGHT of each unit.

        FAIR WARNING--if this causes a huge stir I will remove it.

        Small House 1, Top 7.25" Bottom 4.125" or close
        Small House 2, Top 8" Bottom 3.375" or close

        When sewn together each house is 10.875" or close. The bottom edge from outside edge to outside edge, not factoring in the curve, is about 2.125"

        Unlike squares and rectangles, there is not an EXACT measurement--the designer did not provide them. These are MY measurements and they formed a complete circle that fit the inner and outer roads.
        North Alabama, USA
        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


          Thank you Barbara. I am so sorry to have troubled you when it looks like I am the only one experiencing this printer issue. I certainly did not want to create a fiasco. I am using Safari on both an older Apple and a new updated one and have the same results. I guess I will blame it on my HP printer. I am most appreciative of your measurements as it gives me a gold standard to work with, I may have to add a few little spacers to get the circle. I will just have to wait and see. I can't thank you enough for your advice and prompt replays. You have certainly gone above and beyond I just want to thank you. I know everyone values your time, patience and knowledge as we embark on this journey.

          Thanks bunches


            You are definitely not the only one with printing issues. Use the Search box to find many posts about printing. Once you figure out the settings you need it will be all good

            North Alabama, USA
            "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


              Why doesn't the 1"scale box on pattern not measure the 1"? The one on the pattern measures a 3/4 " square. I measured this before I printed the pattern.


                Mountainmama7330, there are any number of reasons for printing issues. Use the Search box above, type in printing and that should bring you many suggestions for finding out what your printing issues are. Use a computer not a phone or tablet, change Browsers, try A4 paper, print from a download file, not a view file—many things that have worked for others.

                The 1” box must be exactly 1” or nothing will fit together later.

                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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