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The Prayer List

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    Prayers being sent out to Ricky's father, Teri, Ritzy and all the needs of TQS family.

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      I'm sorry to hear about Ricky's DD and his health problems. Prayer is going out for his quick return to feeling good and for you also Ricky.

      Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


        Rickey sorry to hear about your DD hope all is well soon

        Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


          Been praying for your Dad Ricky. I hope he is getting better.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            So sorry to hear of so many trials this week while I was gone, but will post a bit of cheer, George "made it thru" camp. He had fun, is ambivalent about whether he wants to go again next year (if they'll have him) He made some friends, and we see his doc tomorrow to see if any meds need changing.
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Ricky you and your Dad and Mom are on the prayer list along with Ritzy's family.
              peg in mo
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Sorry about your loss Terri. What an ordeal to lose someone you love so young after he made it thru last year.

                And Mary, suicide is such a thief. My heart goes out to your friend as well as my prayers.

                Ricky, hoping your dad's problem is resolved or quickly on its way. Hugs to you all.

                Thank you all for the prayers a week ago. I sometimes underestimate stress because I live alone and can pretty much control my schedule aside from work. But I do work for a very difficult company in terms of stress and my family has always been a good source of drama (aren't they all?!). Anyway I've been really trying to get some quality sleep and it did help.


                  My prayers go out to Ricky, his Dad, Ritzy, Isabel and her Mom & Dad and the rest of the TQS family that is in need of Godly help. Just know he is always there with us - just let him in. Bobbi


                    Hi all, I haven't been on in awhile as I was traveling visiting family with my son. But you all have been in my prayers each day, and I know we can all pull through everything as we have prayers on our side.
                    God bless


                      Hello, dear friends, I just talked to Beccah and she is so angry with God today--please pray for her. I am not sure you all know this but Isabel died on the 17th and Beccah is just so angry she didn't get to care for her baby. I have no words to help her so please for me to have wisdom. Thank you.


                        Bless your heart, Ritzy. I wonder if anyone could have the right words for Beccah (and all of you) right now. Just BE there for her, as I know you are. She gets to process this in her own way and time. Thank goodness she is expressing the anger! It's grueling as a parent to watch a child suffer, I know. Again, we're here for you.
                        When my sister's daughter passed at a very young age, so many people just didn't know what to say. My sister said she loves it when people talk about her daughter (still - 27 years later). Keep her memory alive. I remember someone saying "The mention of her name may bring tears to my eyes, but it also brings joy to my soul." Rest in your faith and know that you will all get through this, walking together.


                          Rizy Iam sorry to hear about Isable but she is in a better place and just be there Becca will need you love Happy


                            words escape me, I can't imagine the loss. but my prayers are with you. I have a son born with a birth defect, 13 operations in his life, I know how upset I was and I read so many books and prayers as to why and how come. didn't get any answers! but my faith became stronger. A friend told me that this baby was in heaven and God knew I could take care of him. Maybe God just needed Isabel with Him. words escape me, yet I rattle on.
                            you are in my prayers.


                              Ritzy our hearts break with yours and Beccah and all your family during this trying time. But we know God in his wonder loves us all EVEN when we're mad at him. Let her, even help her, express those emotions and get them out. They're as real as the sadness and grief she bears. God will be with her thru it, and will hold her close.
                              Praying for you all,


                                Ritzy - I, too, have no words to express my sorrow in your loss. Just know that I am thinking of you and Beccah and the rest of your family during this time. May God bess all of you. Mary


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