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The Prayer List

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    Ritzy I have Rich and his Mom and family members in my prayers...this is certainly a difficult time for them all.

    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


      Thanks so much for your prayers for my friend Pat. I heared today that she is under Hospice and that she might only have a day or two left.
      Please pray for Gary her husband and for her children and grandchildren.and the rest of the family.

      Also going to the memorial service for Don my friend Lynn' husband tomorrow. Please keep Lynn and family in your prayers too.

      I have kept up with every ones requests, and hope that things are going good for everyone.

      Margarita in Auburn, CA

      Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


        hi all, please pray for friends of ours who husband/dad died suddenly. He was having gastric bypass, and they couldn't stop the bleeding. His name is Chris, their girls went to school with my boys. Everyone is in shock. Thanks


          A prayer has been said for his family. What a horrible shock for them all.

          Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada



            Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


              Two of dd's best friends are facing surgery and are in need of prayers. Eve who is in her mid 40's needs a complete hip replacement. She has a congenitally deformed hip which has now gotten to the stage where she is constantly uncomfortable and her walking is affected. Her surgery will be Aug. 18. Marilyn has a brain aneurysm and will probably be having her surgery Aug 11 unless they postpone it to Sept. due to her neurosurgeon going on vacation. Either way is traumatic for her and waiting could be dangerous. She has almost no family to support her during this time so dd is one of her main support persons. So please pray for both these women (and for dd Alice so she has the patience to be a single Mom and a support to her friends during this time.

              On a praise note, I just had a routine blood check and my iron levels are holding up there. So no treatments until at least September and if I am lucky I will be able to hold out longer. God is Good, All the Time, All the Time, God is Good. Ann


                Ann will keep your friends in our prays. Glad to hear your good news. How I am asking that you all keep my Aunt Dee your prays she is have surgery on Thur she is getting the gastrick band done thanks Happy ps she is a new quilter


                  Anne and Happy a prayer has been sent for each

                  Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                    Hello Ladies, remember me? lol...
                    I've been in & out of town all summer it seems, with little time at the computer, but I've snuck in to check quite a bit, and think good thoughts about all of you lots of the time.

                    This may seem small, but if you've experienced mental health issues I think you'll understand my request. Please say a prayer for George (yes, CuriousGeorge) who is at summer camp and having a difficult time. He has serious ADHD & some social disorder issues (not Asperger's like his brothers, but something, possibly bipolar?), is at a specialized camp which is dealing with him as best they can, but he's having nearly nightly meltdowns where he's raging out of control. He's on medication but it just isn't helping. If he can't bring it down a little he may be sent home, b/c it's just not fair to the other campers for the counselors to have to spend so much time with him, and when he's like this he frightens the other kids (who all have their own issues as well).
                    I just want him to be able to stay till the end (13th) he's having fun in the daytime, and he got sent home from another camp last year (who didn't GIVE him his meds, thus he was out of control most of the time) I just don't want him to feel like a failure.
                    And yes, a little prayer for me, as this is terribly stressful. I'm also packing the twins for college, which is going ok, and I beleive they'll be ok, so I'll really be able to give George and his problems my full attention when school starts.

                    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                      you have been in my thoughts, and now will be in my prayers. I have been using the basting method you suggested, and it is wonderful! I did three quilts, the ones I started with my mom, and I will write up and put in the stories section on the site. We also drove down to Jamestown yesterday, and I thought of you when we passed Potomac Mills, (you once mentioned it to me!) and the Fredricksburg sign! Good luck with the school packing and moving and it's ok to cry! I still do it each year!


                        Ann, Happy, and Florence your requests have been added to my pryaer list.

                        Margarita in Auburn, CA


                          Flornece I hpe this work out for George will the boys be at the same collage


                            Florence, I am so sorry our dear George is having a hard time at camp this year. Please tell him his extra Grandma is thinking about him and sending him good wishes and support. He is a good kid and I hope he will overcome this hurdle as well as other in his future.
                            On a not so nice note, a friend of ours through our RV club and our seniors park has just been diagnosed with stomach and pancreas cancer. She seemed to have stomach flu last winter but we now know it was more than that so please send up prayers for Loris while she struggles with these problems. Ann


                              Florence, George is in my prayers, I hope his summer is somewhat wonderful.
                              Ann, prayers for Loris, hoping she finds some peace in her health struggles.



                                DD's friend Marilyn had her brain surgery this morning. Earlier than planned but better sooner than later given the dangers. Alice was at the hospital with her most of the day and spoke to her after the surgery. Marilyn is doing well given the circumstances. So now we pray for a complete recovery. Thanks for your prayers to date and continue to pray for her recovery, Ann


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