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    I have just found this post from Limbania on Facebook

    'Too much s9 (stress to 9tj potency). Got the nurses running to stop an allergic reaction to chemo. Working on preventing a anaphylactic shock. Antihistaminic and analgesic to stop it and get rid of the pain on my spine, lower down very high blood pressure and continue with the treatment. Gee, the excitement doesn't stop. '


    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      Thanks Pam, praying!

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Praying for Limbania as well as the others.

        Update from me.....
        Had trouble getting Mattie in with a counselor due to our insurance and the limited choices combined with her work schedule at the restaurant. In the meantime, she decided (yes, again) to move to Georgia and live with our cousins. She is convinced she can get a fresh start there. Guess time will tell. It will be a few weeks before she leaves so when the counselor finally returned our calls we decided she would go ahead and go even though she's leaving. It was a disaster. Long story short, the woman was very unprofessional and I'll just leave it at that. Mattie said it was the biggest waste of her time ever. I told her she could try another counselor in Georgia if she wants but she said she's done with therapy, that it's a joke. I am just hoping and praying that having relatives there that I know she loves and respects will be a help. Thanks for all your prayers. I really do appreciate it.

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          Oh my goodness, poor Limbania!!! She certainly doesn't need this on top of everything else! I pray the nurses and doctors figure it out so Limbania can get on with her recovery! Thank you for posting, Pam!
          Kalynn, I'm really sorry to hear the counseling didn't work. So frustrating!! Maybe the change of scene will help Mattie. At least she'll be farther from the no-good boyfriend! Big hugs, Robin


            Talked to our daughter earlier today. Unfortunately the news about our dgd's father is not good. When they did his surgery, they removed over 60 lymph nodes from his neck and throat area and sixteen or so were cancerous as well as the fact that they could not get all of the cancer from the tongue. So chemo and radiation are in order. He is staying with his Mom and Dad who are old world imigrants with limited English skills and are having a hard time dealing with the after care that is necessary. So our darling 15 year old granddaughter is one of his primary caregivers. He has a "pik line" (not sure of the spelling but an implanted line with a port for the administration of medication) His mom has not been able to learn the process so DGD is administering pain medications to her dad on a regular basis. Plus he has a feeding tube that his mom is having trouble with so DGD is administering the feedings when she is there. This is not good. I love Isabelle's dad dearly and his parents are wonderful people but they are getting old and their English is limited even after many years so their understanding of all these procedures and how to carry them out is impaired. I sit eight hours away thinking, I maybe could handle this stuff if actually pushed to need to but it wouldn't be my first choice of things to do and even if I was there I probably wouldn't be welcomed in to help. No way a fifteen year old should carry this burden. OK now you have listened to my rant and rave because I am so FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!

            So please pray for my DGD, Isabelle and her daddy, Frank. And please Lord, give me Patience(and I want it RIGHT NOW!!!!!!) Forget the last of that prayer and answer the first.

            Hugs and prayers for all on the list especially Libiana and Libby.



              Ann, I am so sorry to hear this. I agree that it sounds like a very bad situation for everyone and I will be praying for all concerned.


                Ann, many many hugs to you and your granddaughter

                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  Ann, I am so sorry to hear about this very difficult situation. My prayers are definitely with your DGD and all the rest of the family. I understand your frustration completely and wish there was something more than prayers could be done to help.


                    Ann, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I pray for help for the entire family (and patience included for you).


                      Thank you Pam for posting updates, I greatly appreciate it.

                      Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. The good news is things got under control and also the lump is barely there anymore and the lymph node is hard to feel too. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. One more chemo and then by the beginning of July surgery to get out whatever is left and the lymph node to make sure no cancer remains in my body.

                      Ann, we'll keep on praying for your DGD, her dad, his family and you and your family. No kid her age should go thru something like this and I wish there was more I could do other than praying. May all involved have the strength to get thru this hard time and may Frank have a full and speedy recovery. Mega hugs for you and all.

                      Kaylynn, we'll keep on praying for the best for your daughter and your family.


                        Ann, while I understand that your DGD should not have to do this, I also understand that it may be something that she is compelled to do. It is the only thing she can do to help her dad. She will never have to wonder if he could have gotten better if she had done something. Just some thoughts. I will continue to pray for Frank and the family and that you DGD has the strength and courage she needs to do what she feels she needs to do.


                          Ann I continue to pray for you your DGD and DSIL.

                          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                            Please pray for my son and daughter in law who's marriage is under incredible strain at the moment.

                            Thank you.

                            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                              Originally posted by pam7040
                              Please pray for my son and daughter in law who's marriage is under incredible strain at the moment.
                              Oh Pam, I'm so sorry to hear this!! Prayers coming your way! And big hugs, too!


                                Praying for them and for you too Pam. And a mega hug for you.


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