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The Prayer List

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    Prayers are going out to all the TQS family who need them. Has anyone heard from Limbania? I have been praying especially for her and her family.


      I heard from her over a week ago. She has been going through a lot of testing and had more to go through last week. That is all I know.


        Thanks Ritzy. Please tell her we are all praying for her.


          ThanksRitzy, I had been wondering about Limbania too.

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Limbania has asked me to update you all (copied from a facebook message)

            'Dear all,

            Thank you for your prayers. After lots of tests, seems like the cancer is only in the lump and lymph node. Nowhere else, thank God!
            I'm getting started with chemotherapy tomorrow, Friday March 8. Will have 4, one every 2 weeks with a combo of 2 drugs. Then 4 more with a different drug, one every 2 weeks also. In the meantime I've been getting treated by a Naturopathic Oncologist, to strengthen my immune system and hopefully get minimal short and long term side effects and sequels from the chemotherapy. I will be combining traditional and natural treatments/therapies.

            Please keep praying for us and for the treatments to work and get me healthy again.

            Hugs and blessings,


            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


              Thanks for the update Pam. I have been thinking about Limbania and was wondering how she is doing.
              More prayers going her way.


                Pam, please let her know that we are all thinking of her and so glad to hear that the news wasn't as bad as it could have been!

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Pam, please let Limbania know that her friends on the Forum are sending healing thoughts her way .

                  from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                    Originally posted by gynconnie
                    Pam, please let Limbania know that her friends on the Forum are sending healing thoughts her way .
                    I second that

                    living in Central Denmark
                    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                      Positive thoughts streaming your way, cara Limbania! Thank you so much for the update, Pam!


                        Thanks for the update Pam and so glad that Limbania is being treated so swiftly. Love and best wishes from me, Rita.


                          Pam, thanks for the message.
                          Limbania, we all praying for a quick recovery. God be with you!

                          Please pray for my neighbors. Wife was found comatose yesterday by granddaughter when she got home from school. She was flown to closest city, then later flown to St. Louis. She passed away this morning. She had a brain aneurysm which burst. Her and her husband were always together. This is going to very hard for him to get through. They have 2 grown daughters who can use prayers too. Thanks everyone.


                            Thanks ! Pam...for the relay.
                            Limbania...powerful thoughts of positivity winging your way !


                              Pam, thank you for the update on Limbania. I will continue prayers for her that the chemo works with minimal side effects (Dear God, no side effects at all would be even better!).
                              Cathy, I'm adding prayers for your neighbors!


                                I thought I had already posted this but I don't see it. Maybe I forgot to click on submit.
                                Cathy, my heart goes out to your neighbors and I will keep that family in my prayers. Also, still praying for Limbania as well as the other needs mentioned here.


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