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    Limbania you and your family are in my prayers. Our Lord is with us on the mountain top and in the deepest valley so you are always in His care. He will be with you through this unexpected turn of events. Keep in mind you are deeply loved.

    My prayers continue for the requests of the TQS family. I wanted to thank you for praying for Tim. He will start orientation at a factory in a town just south of us and he and Beth will be moving up here from Georgia in late February. They will be staying with us for the first month and as God provides, they will move into an apartment here in our area! Now I have to come clean here--my preference was to have them move directly into an apartment of their own. Because I was thinking about me and mine. Then I went on a drive over to a quilt shop about an hour and a half away. During that drive I was impressed upon by the Lord that He had a plan and I needed to get on board. When I finally gave in during the return trip I was suddenly peaceful and happy simultaneously. Tim was still here, not having returned to Georgia yet, and I fessed up that God changed my mind. He was thrilled. On the way to the airport he told DH that he knows I will be good for Beth. Who knew? Well, God, for one. So now I'm looking forward to having a housefull again. Still need prayer though, because I'm just me--hopelessly flawed--but not too proud to ask for help.



      Jane, His ways are always the best and we know that and yet we still oftentimes try to work things out our own way, don't we. I'm thinking you have some very special times ahead with Beth!


        Hey Jane, look at it this way, you have someone else to infect with the quilting bug and you will have someone else to help muck in with the chores so that you have more quilting time - surely that is a win-win situation :wink: Here's hoping that you all settle in comfortably together for the duration, and you can talk about the little things around the house that can bug you, before they start happening too often.


          Just got back from the doctor's office after getting the results of my CT scan. All is well in Rowland world. No cancer, no other bad findings, just a confirmation that I have a large hiatal hernia and diverticuli (not sure of that spelling) But otherwise all is well. Uncharacteristically, my doctor was over a half hour late and by the time I got in to the exam room, I was a nervous wreck. My blood pressure was very high for me - normal for most people but since mine runs low it was HIGH!!!!!! But I survived. DH took me out for a nice lunch afterwards and we bought new sheets and pillows for our spare bed as DS is coming Sunday. So Praise the Lord, all is well. God is Good All the Time, All the Time, God is Good. Hugs and prayers to all, Ann


            Praise God! What great news! Ann, you are such a trooper "just a confirmation that I have a large hiatal hernia and diverticuli". Just, my dear? I'll be praying for relief from those nagging infiltrators. God is Good All the Time!
            Glad you got to go shopping for new sheets. My mother gave all of us new sets of towels one Christmas because after the wedding showers no one ever thinks to give them as gifts! Later I followed her lead and gave sheets.
            Hugs right back at ya! Blessings, Jane


              Good news Anne!


                So glad to hear your good news.
                Take care.


                  Praise the Lord, Ann!


                    So glad for your good news, Ann :-)


                      Jane--so glad to hear that Tim has a job. I pray all works out well with living arrangements. God's ways are not always our ways but they are always the best.

                      Ann -- so happy that you had good news and continue to pray for your good health.


                        Joyful news for Ann, Take good care of yourself.

                        Jane, make lots of memories while your family is staying temporarily. Time flies.


                          Please pray for my grandsons, Tim & Coy. Their great-grandma on their father's side passed away today.


                            Will do, Ritzy.


                              Wishing Ann well as she feels the relief. Praying for Tim and Coy. Also praying for Limbania.



                                Our prayers to your uncle and all family members. God is Great.


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