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The Prayer List

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    I'm on it JaneAnne.

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      Praying for this dear woman and her children. May the Lord protect them and give them success in getting away from the abuse. Praying for all those who are helping. Thanks, Jane

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Rosemary, I'm glad your DH is home, and I hope the rest of his recovery goes smoothly! Karen, prayers for your daughter, and I look forward to seeing you in Houston. JaneAnne, prayers for that mother and her two children. Prayers for all those in harm's way of the nasty East Coast storm, and prayers for all others who could use it.


          I'm watching the news and praying for all those affected by hurricane Sandy. What a monster!

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            We only lost power in New England for 3 hours yesterday. The wind was fierce for those hours between 2 and 6. My relatives in Northest PA had less rain and wind. Looks like it went west as it went north. Prayers for the people in NY and along the coast northward and for those in the cold weather inland.

            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


              I haven't posted for a while. My ribs have healed, finally!!!!!! Thanks for all the prayers. I went to my hemotologist yesterday and my iron numbers are good. I could still stick to a magnet if I came near a big one. LOL Now to a more serious subject, my friend Sheila's grandson was in a serious automobile accident and has extensive brain trauma. He was in a motorcycle accident about five years ago and was finally on the road to recovery and the ability to live a productive independant life and now this. The doctors are telling his parents that they need to be ready to make a decision soon about his life. He is not on life support yet but the brain function is really iffy at this time. Please pray for Jonathan, his parents and grandparents, Charles and Sheila. Sheila is not a quilter but she is one of my biggest cheerleaders and loves all the things I do so we have a very special connection. Thanks for your prayers. God is Good, All the Time, All the time, God is Good. Hugs, Ann


                I'm glad to hear you're healing, Ann, but so sad to hear about Jonathan. I'll say extra prayers for him and his whole family.


                  Ann, glad you are doing well and I will pray for Jonathan and his family.


                    Ann, praying for all of you and Jonathan.


                      Ann, it's good to hear that you are doing better :-) I am so sorry to hear about Jonathan. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.

                      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                        Praying for Jonathan and the citizens affected by Hurricane Sandy. Our DD's boyfriend is from NJ and his family came through it safely as well as our DIL's family in the Boston area--thank God. The family you are remembering is still safely tucked away. A sticky situation as far as the husband/father who happens to be a public service employee. One of the drawbacks of living in a small town since those in public service are held a little higher in the eyes of the court. God is bigger than all of this though, so as things progress legally, pray for an overriding sense of faith in the words of the mother and children. Thank you again for your prayers.

                        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                          Jane, prayers going out for "the family"

                          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                            I'm sorry I haven't been commenting as I should here on the prayer list but I have been trying to keep up and pray for all the needs listed. You all mean a lot to me and I feel privileged to pray for you. I have to admit that sometimes I get mixed up, or forget, exactly who made which request and I have to go back and try to find it and read it again. But when I get like that it just makes me even more grateful that I know God doesn't forget or get mixed up! ever! And each and every prayer request is important to Him and He has it all under control.

                            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                              Karen, your daughter's migraines sound like a taste of HELL! My 39 year old daughter has had them since high school, prompted by her menses and the cycle. Definitely related to hormones. She had none, however, while pregnant. Thinking positively that perhaps your daughter might have that benefit too! She finally uses Imitrex and finds good relief if taken early enough.

                              She also finds certain scents really trigger it. I think the hospital (I'm a nurse too) should be willing to take a look at the 'scents' in response to being informed, but then, in this employment market, it's probably a little scary to 'make waves!'



                                Hi everyone! When I got home from Houston, there was some news from Nancy Wooten ( about the results of her Pet Scan she recently had concerning her cancer treatments. To recap, Nancy has been undergoing a long series of chemo treatments to reduce the size of a large tumor behind her knee that made it very difficult if not almost impossible for her to walk. The results were not as good as we were hoping they would be because other parts of her body have been affected too. I received her permission to share some of her words with you:

                                "I just got back from an appointment with my oncologist. I start another type of chemo next week with a new type of drug. The odds are at 30%, but hey it beats no percent!!...Thank you for the offer of asking the TQS prayer warriors for help. I would really appreciate it if you could do that.... I believe in the power of prayer....Thanks for the prayers, I'm sure I'll need them and I'm sure they are working!"

                                She has been one strong trooper through this whole ordeal the past year and has kept her spirits high regardless of how tired she was from the chemo treatments.

                                I'm getting long winded here, but I remember the first time almost 2 years ago when I first saw photos of a beautiful prayer shawl Nancy had made for a friend who was very ill. This lady has always answered "the call to help" when someone needed her support and prayers. Will you please put Nancy on your prayer list and pray that this new chemo drug helps her. From the bottom of both our hearts, thank you so much.



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