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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Hi everyone. Well, we are back from PIQF. What a fabulous quilt show! Fantastic variety of quilts and exhibits and, of course, the venders. HOwever, the lunch was even more expensive and tasted terrible. So pleased that Sherry won BOS. The quilt just glows and pictures don't do it justice.

    ok, I entered 2 quilts and received. judges choice for Flourish but no ribbon for the other. THe judges ribbon is such an honor. Before we left on Saturday we went back to show to check out some venders. I was in the quilt area and Mary Mastuda (her twin is Roberta Horton) came right up to me and wanted to see my quilt. OMG! I met a quilt star!!

    Jerry and I enjoyed finding and shooting Geneva and Dawn's quilts. They were wonderful. We also enjoyed very much the international exhibit.

    Unfortunately, the smoke haze from the fires north was very bad. It changed our touring plans. On the plane home we met a family evacuated from Santa Rosa and were going to Florida to family. They didn't know the status of their home. Also, the plane was very late arriving in San Jose and we didn't get to our door until 2:30 am; dang we are getting too old for that, hehe.

    All in all, it was a wonderful trip and good to get away and really good to be home. When I get my act together I'll post photos.

    Sharon, in not as warm as California, Colorado


      Congratulations to the winners.
      Do they have a miniatures class I could enter next year?

      Good news I have found the lawn I dyed at the same time as the cotton for Caught Red Handed, so I can get going with my tidgy version. :cheer:


        Rosemary, they didn't have minis.


          Rosemary, here is the link to the Mancusco shows. They have several shows all year long all over the country. You could check and see if they have a miniature competition in one of the other shows.

          Good luck! geneva


            Originally posted by "genevacarroll" post=142487
            Rosemary, here is the link to the Mancusco shows. They have several shows all year long all over the country. You could check and see if they have a miniature competition in one of the other shows.

            Good luck! geneva
            Just checked, and the only have one competition open at rhe moment, Rather confused by the title of ‘World Quilt Florida’ but is only for people living in Florida :S does that mean that the rest of the world doesn’t exist to Floridians? :huh:

            Ah well better luck next time.


              That is odd that the World Quilt show in Florida is only open to Floridians. Hmm....

              Rosemary, You could try the AQS shows. They also have several throughout the year. Though most shows are ending for the year, but they will start back up in January.


              Happy hump day! geneva


                Insanity calling!

                I’ve started starching my hand dyed lawns ready for ‘Caught Red-Handed’ the 1/12th scale sequel.....
                Having a bit of trouble working out if I have 5 or 6 different shades inch: :huh: and trying to remember what and where I placed them in the original :blink: I’ve also drawn up a partial life size drawing and am beginning to wonder whether I might have bitten off more than I can chew..... :dry:

                On the up side Empress Mills were having a wadding sale on so I have bought a 3metre length with plans of using some of it for my bog coat quilt.


                  You can do this! (I wouldn’t even attempt making a 1/4th scale, and here you are working on a 1/12th one, I don’t think your insane,, just a glutton for punishment! (I hope that statement means the same thing to you as it does to me) I will be waiting anxiously to see what you do. And of course, I’ll be rooting for you to get a BIG ribbon, nothing 1/12th scale.
                  Keep us posted.


                    If anyone can do this, Rosemary, it‘s you!
                    I believe in you! And I look forward to looking in on you during this journey. :P :cheer:


                      I look forward to your project too!

                      Barb :-)


                        Rosemary, a challenge is good for us. Now, take deep breath and jump in the deep end.
                        You got this and we will be here for you!
                        Can't wait to see how this quilt evolves.
                        Take care, geneva


                          Don't know how close my monitor is but I'm thinkin', when cut small, there will be many more shades !!
                          Will be fun to see how you develop it ! ! I don't think I have the patience anymore ! inch:


                            Hmm crazy woman. So on the original you had normal blocks around the outside and 1" ish in the middle so does this mean you are doing 1/12 scale of the whole quilt so we'll need a magnifying glass to see the centre blocks? :blink: :blink: :blink:

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Rosemary, I wish you could have been standing next to me as I viewed the miniatures at the Houston International Quilt Festival! You would have been in awe of one called Copper Pennies! I just got home late last night, so have not downloaded my photos yet, but when I do, I will post a picture it for you. It is probably 1/12 scale. And so precise! If I’m remembering correctly, it was a pineapple block. I also saw an incredible piece by Philippa Naylor. It was called Wearable Art, and must have been only 12” square. It won the $5000 prize for Merit Quilting. Although it was a wonderful piece, I wonder how a 12” quilt can win that prize amongst beautiful whole cloth quilts 10 times the size. I will post that one too. Have fun with yours, and I hope it is a big winner!

                              Since I work small, there are a few show I cannot enter. My normal 2 foot wide work cannot go to the AQS shows. But I know that the Spring AQS show does have a mini category. Google AQS shows for the details. Other shows to check out are the IQA shows (, Road to California (yup, that’s the name of the show!) and the Mancuso Quilt shows. (Can’t remember if Mancuso has minis.).

                              I had fun stalking my jester quilt, and talking to people about it. It was probably the smallest quilt in the Whimsical category, but she showed well. The glittered fairy frost fabric that I used for the mask sparkled really well in their lighting. I was pleased! Now I’m off to unpack!



                                Dawn I saw it on FB and it doesn't look small to me at all. Beautiful, lovely for you to be pictured with it and be able to share with those viewing it.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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