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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Way cool Geneva! Congratulations! My Hoffman Challenge hummingbird has also been juried into PIQF! Maybe your wonderful bright colors will attract my bird, and our quilts can play together. And, I'm excited for you to be getting a new sewing machine! Like Nancy, I have a new (2 years old) machine. So, now I have a big Brother. He's due for his first check up. He already has over a million stitches on him.

    We have been blessed with a little bit of rain! With more expected throughout this next week. We can finally see across the lake after 3 weeks of smoke. Here's what we saw on everything two days ago....



      Well TQS will be represented very well at PIQF. I also have two quilts juried into that show, but one is currently at MQX in Springfield and then to PIQF. I recently, a month ago, purchases a new sit down quilting, Artistic SD-16 by Janome. They are very new and I love her.

      Good luck to everyone entering into shows.


        Lounge lizards rule PIQF!! B)


          So my hubby and I decided we needed to get away and will be attending PIQF, yeah. Plus Frontier tickets were very cheap! So let me know if you have a quilt there and we will take photos. My email is-


            Sharon, hopefully you received my email. I do want a picture of my quilt hanging at PIQF!

            Well, Friday and Saturday were the days of our local quilt show, where I was Featured Quilter. A reporter and photographer came out to my home on Tuesday, and on Wednesday there was a full page story (page 3!) about me and the show. Half of the page was a picture of me. Not something I was expecting, and it was a little overwhelming. Anyway, being Featured Quilter was humbling and ever so gratifying and probably one of the best experiences I have ever had! Many people came to the show simply because they had seen the article in the paper, and wanted to meet me and see more of my work. One lady even came ONLY to see me and my work. She paid $5 to get in, spent 10 minutes with me, and then dashed back to her caregiver job. Very humbling!

            Here are a couple of photos of my booth with people enjoying my quilts.

            Way cool! Now to put the house back in order. I spent the past few months making and finishing up quilts to fill the booth! And, writing all of those story cards!



              Hi Dawn -

              Your quilts look wonderful hanging in your booth! I'm glad the show went so well!! See you in a couple of weeks.....


                Fabulous Dawn, what a lovely display of beautiful work. Congratulations, I'm so pleased you had a good audience.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Congrats Dawn, yes I did get your email and will happily send pictures. I will be getting the privilege of featured quilter later in October. It is very humbling and a privilege. Looking forward to going to Santa Clara to see all the wonderful quilts.

                  Sharon in cold Colorado, no snow but rain


                    Congratulations on you booth Dawn, the photos look awesome. I particularly like the strippy triangles/diamonds in the second picture (it would possibly work in miniature nicely too )


                      Congrats, Dawn, looking great!


                        Congratulations Dawn , your booth and your work are beautiful


                          Congratulations Dawn! Your display looks wonderful. It is a humbling and exciting experience.... and lots of work!
                          Now you can rest and make some quilts for fun!

                          Hugs, geneva


                            Love the booth, Dawn!!! Well deserved. You all consistently make me feel I'm brushing up against greatness here....


                              Congratulations, Dawn!!

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Congratulations Dawn! Honor of Featured Quilter is well deserved!


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