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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Geneva - How was the Art Walk in Fullerton?


    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    Comment tB


        Barb, Thanks for asking! It was wonderful. There were quite a few people who came that had heard about my show and then there were people who were walking by and saw the quilts through the window and stopped in. I'm really pleased with the turnout. Many people told me how much they liked my work.

        Here is a short video my daughter in law took of the venue. The venue was perfect!


          Beautiful quilts ! So wonder-full to see them up and displayed all in one place!!

          Was thinking about you...what with all the smoke! As bad as it is here...I know you might be worse!
          What a shame about that fire in the Columbia Gorge!! We have fires closer to us now but the big smoke is
          coming out of Oregon and Wash. Montana's smoke isn't as big a problem here....Wondering about
          Dawn Siden and how they are faring with all this?


            Thanks Marilyn! It was a great showing...

            The smoke here is awful. I have literally lost sight of the mountain in front of us, too much smoke to see. We are getting smoke from all the Oregon, Washington and Montana fires. There is no wind at all to blow any of it away. Which is good I guess for putting out the fires. I feel so bad for the Columbia Gorge. It's a beautiful place, or was... The light coming into our windows is a weird orange color. I have stayed inside since we returned Sunday but must go out today to take care of my mom. I'm dreading the ache I'll get in my chest and the sore throat. Ugh! At least we are safe from fire.... Stay safe Marilyn! I hope Dawn is ok also...



              Glad you got lots of visitors Geneva. Your quilts look spectacular in that setting.

              The fires and conditions sound horrendous I hope the rains come soon and help put a stop to it all and now all these hurricanes on the other side of the continent. Thinking of all my quilting friends. Hoping Dawn is ok too.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Geneva, I could just say "ditto" as to the smoke and not seeing the mountains. It is aweful here! I went shopping yesterday, and some people were even wearing dust masks or scarves over their mouths and noses. I came home with a sore throat. My lungs were compromised around 20 years ago, so I have to be careful. Never dreamed it was that bad out there! Won't go back out for long time!

                Congrats, Rosemary! I always did like that tiny quilt! We don't get cups here, just ribbons. How cool for you!

                And, Congratulation Sharon on you Fair wins! Our winning quilts do not go any further than our local fair. Kind of sad!

                Sorry I haven't been around much lately! This Featured Quilter thing has become much more work than I thought it would be! So, I have been staying focused. Only two more weeks! Then I may never quilt again!


                  Thought as much ! Here's a couple of pictures for those who don't get this "fun"! :sick:

                  There's a ridge line of trees out there ...not far.

                  I can't capture that sickly orange light, but that is the sun! Yuck! :sick:


                    Congratulations, Geneva! It sounds like your showing was a big success! Your quilts sure do look beautiful, and so diverse, in that setting!!

                    We're even seeing the smoke here in Colorado. It's not as bad as you guys are getting, but it is blocking out the peaks and changing the colors in the sky. It's interesting, but I'm not having the respiratory problems with this visible smoke that I get with the smoke that you can smell but not see. The invisible stuff just kills my asthma and gives me sinus headaches, coughs and chest pain. But I'm not noticing anything with this visible smoke beyond a slight headache. Very strange, but I'm certainly happy with it!


                      Good on ya, Geneva!! Glad you had a good turnout. Your colors are spectacular; I'm in awe of your work.
                      Between smoke in the Pacific Northwest, floods in Texas and Louisiana, and Irma tracking toward Florida and the East Coast, it's unbelievable! Please keep safe everyone!

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Thank you everyone for the nice thoughts.

                        I thought I'd accompany Marilyn with some pictures of the smoke here. My asthma doesn't like this!
                        This is was taken from my sewing room window today.

                        This is what it usually looks like.

                        I sure hope Irma doesn't do too much damage. This has been a crazy year for weather!

                        Good thing we have important quilt work to do inside our homes! B)

                        Take care, geneva


                          Oh, Geneva, those photos really show the amount of goodness.

                          Praying for those fires to be put out soon, and for the safety and health of everyone getting such smoke from all of them. Boy, this has been the year of natural disasters, hasn't it?


                            Congratulations Rosemary. Your miniature is unbelievable. Beautiful!!!
                            Geneva, congrats on your showing too. You are all so talented!!
                            Hope everyone stays safe from the fires, floods, hurricanes, and etc. Yes it is great we have inside work to do. Ready to go downstairs now and get busy.


                              Hey! Anyone going to the Pacific International Quilt Show please check out my two quilts, "Color and Passion 1 and 2". They were juried in! I'd love to have a picture if anyone goes.

                              And in other news, Sybil has decided to leave me for Mr. Fix It. Well, actually, I finally decided to give Sybil her walking papers and buy a new machine. After much thinking, comparing and stressing I decided on the Bernina 770QEE. Sybil is 10 years old has over 6 million stitches and as you are aware, rather persnickety causing much frustration. I enjoyed using the 770 at the store and am excited to move up. And, Mr. Fix It gave me a trade in amount for Sybil! Don't let the door hit you on your foot pedal on the way out Sybil! :P

                              It's still smoky here. But at least the temps have cooled down. I hope the fire staff can get the fires out soon. They must be exhausted.

                              Happy weekend! geneva


                                Congratulations, Geneva! Both on your quilts and on your new machine!! My "new" machine (2 years old now) is also the Bernina 770QE and I love it! I think you'll be very happy with the change!!


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