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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Thank you everyone for your kind words! Yes, Geneva it was a LOT of work! But, well worth it! Our Featured Quilters don't typically do story cards, But after hearing you talk about doing yours, I decided to do them. And people read them! One lady even said she enjoyed the fact that I listed problems that I might have encountered in that particular quilt. Who can't relate to THAT!

    Yup, Nancy! See you very soon! Can't wait! I keep looking for the vendor numbers to be posted, along with a floor plan. Some years I can find it ahead of time, other years I just have to wait until I get there. Loved you Carol BFG leaf quilt!

    Speaking of Carol BFG, Rosemary, that stripy triangle quilt that you mentioned is one of her patterns. It's all on bias, so I'm not sure it would be much fun to try it in miniature. And, I think your trying to do a quilt with pieces less than 1/8" wide for your logs is insane. Mainly because there is very little room for the seam allowance to lay behind the main body. Have you started making it yet? Is it paper pieced?

    Thanks Sharon! I'll be mailing my quilt to PIQF on Tuesday. Not much time between the 5th and the 9th, considering the 9th is a holiday of sorts. Also, have fun as Featured Quilter! It is a way cool experience! And, congrats!



      September was a busy month for me first off Embroiderers Guild meeting, started with the agm which went relatively speedily. Then we moved onto the tea & cake section, only this time there was glorious chocolate and cream and fruit confection :woohoo: (at least 11 of the 5-a-day ) to celebrate my two quilting awards from this year. When I got home I discovered that DH had put my friends up to it because he is so proud of my winnings :woohoo: :blush: B) )

      Dawn, the one with the 1/2" x 1/8" pieces is the purple/orange/yellow one and it was done as 1/2" strip sets with 1/4" seams pressed open and then stitch and flip on graph paper with 1/8" seams.

      This was followed by mad sewing frenzy for Izzy's cosplay outfit (had the fabric since the beginning of the year, but been putting it off because of all the gathers!). Brenda, you were right about using a ruffler foot, luckily I have one from my gran's handcrank, and it fits onto my treadle, phew! I also had a go at 'fork pleating', although in my case I used my tweezers instead.

      Nearly ended up pulling an all nighter, because it was wanted for yesterday, but managed to get to bed before 4am :P . Izzy is in love with it and doesn't want to take it off. What is good about it is that it is 4 separate pieces and she will be able to wear the black blouse and skirt as separates.


        Dawn, what is the name of the strippy triangles pattern, I tried googling Carol BFG, but it only seemed to come up with Roald Dahl's Big Friendly Giant :dry:


          Sorry, Rosemary! My Bad! Her name is Caryl Bryer Fallert Gentry. She used to have the Bryer Patch site and sell patterns and hand dyed fabric. She now only makes art quilts to sell. Semi retired, I guess. Anyway, this particular pattern is called Illusion. You can get it through Joy's Fabrics (.com). I'm not sure who else sells it. If you have trouble finding it, I can send you mine. Let me know.

          I know (an love) the little orange/purple/yellow quilt that you are holding. I was referring to one that you spoke of recently that you planned on making (I thought) in the future. You said you would probably make each log 1/12 of an inch. My thoughts on this is that there would not be enough thread count in 1/12” to make for a secure seam, nor would there be enough room for the seam allowance. But, that's your headache, not mine.



            And to continue, the part that did not get posted, congrats again on your winnings and your parties! Your fruit and chocolate cake are to die for! I just took a virtual bite! And, Izzy’s outfit is wonderful. It’s quite obvious that she wears it proudly!



              Rosemary, glad the ruffler worked out for you. The outfit is gorgeous and I'm sure Izzy will have tons of fun in it. Hopefully you can get it off her now and again to clean it!


                Lucky, lucky Izzy! Fabulous outfit - no wonder she‘s loving it! Congratulations for your wins - your DH is very right to be so proud of you. Fabulous cake - chocolate, strawberries & and currants - the perfect combo!
                :P :P :P


                  Rosemary amazing all round you are so skilled. Good for hubby :cheer: :cheer:

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Rosemary, that outfit for Izzy is stunning!!! Wow! No wonder she loves it!! And thanks for sharing your chocolate fruit concoction with us; delicious!

                    I've finally hit a routine (ish) for my weeks, and am diving into sewing again. Fronts/tops of 2 pillow shams done for a friend/customer, need to quilt & assemble and on to the next pair. Going up this morning to finish (Hopefully) quilting my nephew's quilt and get that off my list. Joined an online (Facebook) workshop with Gyleen Fitzgerald for her Starfecta pattern; starts today, new posts once/week for a month, and the group stays open for 3 months....surely in that amount of time I can get the top pieced amongst all my other things. I hope! Maybe it will be the "carrot" that motivates me to get moving on all the "must do" stuff.....

                    Happy October, everyone!

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Izzy has had dire threats made if she doesn't look after the outfit and makes sure that it is hung up on hangers rather than the floor because I am not going to iron it if it does get screwed up on the floor!

                      Dawn, now I recall, it is the Laura Nownes sampler quilt I am planning on making in 1/12th scale - one I can track down the lawn fabric I dyed at the same time as the Egyptian cotton I dyed for Caught Red Handed. Still I might have time to look for it properly now :whistle:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Heather enjoy your workshop, sounds fun.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Rosemary- congratulations again on your winning mini's and Izzy's fabulous ruffled outfit!!


                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Rosemary, ditto what everyone else said. Amazing!!!


                              Hello everyone! Hope this finds you well and happy. I am back from the east coast. We were taking care of our 8 and 6 year old granddaughters while their parents went on a tenth anniversary trip. It was such fun. I brought them an embroidery project and we had fun working on them. Aren't they sweet?! :kiss:

                              Thanks to Sharon and her husband Jerry I have a picture of my quilts at Pacific International Quilt Fest! Color and Passion 1 won "Best Use Of Color." yay! It's so nice to have a picture of the quilt with the ribbon. Thank you Sharon!! And Sharon won a ribbon also! I'll let her share it with you.

                              My prayers go out to those in Northern California. What a horrible thing to happen. Being from that area I can't believe all the devastation. This has certainly been a difficult year for many, many Americans. So much sorrow and loss. My heart hurts for them all.

                              Take care everyone....


                                Congratulations on the well-deserved ribbon, Geneva! Looks like you had a lot of fun with the grandkids. Lovely projects!


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