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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    I had to unsubscribe due to way more emails into my inbox than I can handle. When I was a moderator of a yahoo group we could get a daily email with all the emails from the day attached to one email. Is that possible with this forum???
    Mary Hawkins


      Digests are not available.

      Just check in to see what’s being posted as you have time,

      This board is very active right now.
      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        This is why Alex wants us to prewar her the fabrics.


          Finished 2 of each block.
          I am also working on several other things.

          Working on the back of a quilt for my husband. The front is a large turtle, the back is a combo of blocks that are made from several of our grandkids. Took me a long time to figure out what to do with them.
          I’m surrounding them with 2 rounds like log cabin, then playing with other fillers.




                This is sideways


                  This is sideways.


                    second blocks


                      I have three books on blocks: Around the Block with Judy Hopkins, Around the Block Again by Judy Hopkins, and The New Ladies' Art Company Quick & Easy Block Tool..I had decided I didn't need to order the book Alex is using, because surely with these three books, all giving multiple sizes, just like the book Alex is using, I would be fine. And if I wasn't, I would just pick another block.

                      Well, of course, the first two blocks weren't in any of those books. It was no problem, they were easy enough to look at and do the math. However, her promo for tomorrow shows the block, Flock. Guess what? I actually have it in Around the Block. In that book, it's called Flock of Geese. It's funny how blocks go by so many different names, although this is at least close.

                      Anyway, I am laughing tonight. Three books and on the third block, I finally have the block, no need to do math tomorrow!


                        The first two blocks - my solids are Northcott Toscana...


                          The first 2 blocks: (my solids are Northcott Toscana).

                          Golden Gate:

                          Double X:


                            Mary Hawkins, I know how you feel, because when I was doing Sizzle I also got overwhelmed in my inbox. Thanks to Barbara Blacks great idea to just hit
                            Recent Topics at the top next to Index, you can see all the new posts without having them come one at a time to your inbox. Kaffee Mystery Quilt had 37 new
                            posts when I started looking this morning. Way too many for the inbox. HelenW


                              Emma, you can unsubscribe to avoid getting e mails for replies to the topic, as you have done. Then, when you go to the forum, pick the Recent Topics tab at the top of the forum screen and you'll see the topics. Then all the posts for that topic can be scrolled through quickly without having to select and read each one. This forum is more active than I have seen it in a long time, thanks to Alex and her It's a Mystery to Me quilt! I'm so glad to see so many interested new members and perhaps even new quilters! Welcome to TQS. Kathy


                                Thank you, my box was over flowing, I think I will like this better.


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