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Membership renewal

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    I've been working a bit to build up an emergency money market fund in case the hot water heater or the A/C dies, since we wouldn't want to have to get into our IRAs while the market is in the basement. We know it will come back, but it may take several years, so the fund will help us out until then. This is a good time to cut back a bit and make sure you don't have any debt, and do have an emergency fund. There's a fellow called Dave Ramsey who's on our local radio station that has a lot of good ideas for folks to get out of debt. One thing I'm not willing to give up is The Quilt Show. I'm probably not going to renew my subscriptions to Quilters Newsletter or the AQS magazine, but I'll find the $ to stay here.

    Pat in Rockport, TX


      Amen, Pat! I too, like Dave Ramsey! Good sense.


        Just a note for those of you not in the local radio area for Dave Ramsy, he is on the Fox Business Channel in the evening for an hour. We have DirecTV and it is on channel #359. I enjoy him as well as Neil Cavato.

        I will not be giving up TQS either but will probably give up a couple of magazine subscriptions.

        Take care.

        Sandy in Phoenix


          Same here....just renewed but I too will drop several mag. subscriptions!


            I'll post this here in case anyone else has been wondering this, hoping that the proper "power that is" will respond...

            I have a Series 3 membership, which I understand lasts at least through this year to watch the remaining series 3 shows (which brings up the related question--if I didn't renew (ok, that is moot because I am planning to renew) would I still be able to re-watch Series 3 next year?).

            So if I renew for another year to get next year's Series 4 and 5, AND I want to use the promotion to get a 6 month membership to give a friend, is it correct that I will have to renew on EXACTLY December 31, 2008 to be able to have a current membership through December 31, 2009?

            It seemed to me, reading the Membership email that I got, that the renewal begins when you purchase the membership and lasts for one year. In other words, it would NOT begin on January 1, 2009 if I purchased it today because it is not connected to my currently-expiring series 3 membership.

            Which leads me to wonder how the going-forward membership plan works for viewing past shows: E.g., will someone joining now be able to watch Series 1 until they expire at the end of this year?

            I'm sure it is difficult transitioning from the old system to the new!


              I just checked. I renewed for next year and my account said membership begins November 9, 2008 and ends December 31, 2009.


                My new 1 year membership also states that it is starting right now and will end on December 31st 2009.

                I'm very happy with that!!

                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  I'm confused. My account says my membership expires on 12/31/09. What am I buying if I "renew"? I just sent this question through "Contact". I'll post here when I get an answer.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    I just renewed my membership for 2009 but I didn't get a star with a #4 yet, are we supose to get one? LOL, I'm so star crazy!!!

                    Kathy is ready for 2009 - Bring it on!

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Okay,I want my Star!!! LOL! ops:

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        ok, yes I am confused, which isn't difficult!! I have a membership until Dec 2009, but I should renew for year 4 now? I also buy the DVD's, as sitting at the computer for long periods is not easy for me, do we get a break on the computer bill if we purchase the DVD's?! We have three in college, so I know we are all in the same boat. But I love this site and all I am learning and all the great quilts to see in the gallery. So I hope I'm not on a deadline to buy the next year! Am I, Alex???


                          There will soon be an announcement that will calm our fears! They aren't going to let any of us "fall through the cracks", but there will be some changes in the stars by our names.....

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Ditto,Thank You.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Joan I know I am in the same boat my membership is good until 12 /09 also I have 3 in collage 2 will be getting out in 1 going next year I e-mail them to ask that they look in to the one that have al ready paid for the next year because with that money we can get more fabric HAppy

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Kathy I know what you mean about the stars. I always kick myself that I didn't do the paid membership until spring of the first year. I was looking at the free stuff since the start and didn't decide until I think about April to join. I'm jealous that I don't have a charter star lol!


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