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Membership renewal

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    Membership renewal

    Love being part of TQS community, but I'm confused about signing up for the new series. My information reflects that I signed up for series 1 and farther down that I signed up for series 1 and 2. I know it was a "deal" to sign up for more than one series at that time. It seems that my only option now is to pay the $24.95 for series 3. When series 4 arrives, will I again be paying $24.95 because I will already have paid for 3? I can't sign up for series 3 and 4 and get a break on price again? Or should I be waiting a while before I sign up for series 3 in the hopes that it will be a package with series 4? It seemed to me that I have to sign up before January to continue my subscription uninterrupted.
    Thanks for a little help on my question.

    This is an excellent question. I have noticed the same with mine and I am wondering what to do....



      Then I am confused about what I have already signed up for and what I need to sign up for. If we just did 1 & 2 then I need to sign up for 3?


        Hi all,

        The Gold Star and Star Members this year purchased Series One. The Gold Star only represents that you joined prior to April 1, 2007. You can watch the series you purchased over and over as much as you want until it retires from the website - which is posted.

        Series Two begins in January. If you want to watch series two, you must purchase Series Two. We just recently offered Series Two for sale, and Series Three for sale - and we included a combo purchase if you want to purchase a double series and save a bit.

        Your subscription is for 13 shows - all within ONE series.

        If you don't purchase series two, you will be able to continue enjoying all the features of the website with your Series One purchase until Series One retires - at which time, if you have not re-subscribed for another series - your membership will revert to Basic Member limited privileges.

        Hope that helps - - Ricky in Japan


          Thanks Ricky. I was really confused as well. I found that if you click on the "My Account" tab along the purple bar, you get a different (and easier to understand) breakdown of what you already have and what you need (and need is the correct word!). When I clicked on the "Purchase A Series" button on the right side of the home page, it stated that I had already purchased series 1, but a little further down it said that I had also already purchased the series 1 and 2 bundle, but I know I haven't. Thanks for the clarification -- and for making my 4-year-old ask when we get to go to Japan!


            I think the confusion (at least for me!) happened when I clicked on "purchase a series". At the bottom of that page, it shows that the 2 series discount for series 1&2 was purchased on the same date that I purchased series 1 and the dollar amount is $42.95. I only purchased Series 1, but I guess when I did, it "voided" the option of purchasing 2 at once, so that option is gone.

            When I click on "my account" like Bridget mentioned, I see correctly where only Series 1 was purchased.



              Thanks, Bridget, for heading me towards "My Account" which did indeed make it clearer. And thanks Ricky for the explanation. I think I know what to do now.....BUY, BUY, I can continue enjoying the benefits!!


                I just spoke to Bob - and although I understand why it was set up the original way - we have cleaned it up to be less confusing. Thanks everyone!!!


                  I just renewed my membership!!! I love it that we sign up for shows in 2008 and our membership allows us to watch them until the end of 2009!!
                  Not to mention, I'm excited about Monday! A New Yorker is the Legend-I can't figure out who it might be.
                  Eileen in NY

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    When will series 2 begin?

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      If I remember right, Series 2 is scheduled to start in early January and there will be a new show every 2 weeks for the entire year if you signed up for both 2 and 3.
                      Eileen Keane, NY

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        I just got the emailed newsletter, which states that everything is changing, and instead of buying a series, you will now just buy 6 months or 12 months. It also seems that there is no way you can buy the right to see episodes you missed.

                        I haven't bought series 3 yet, so it seems there is no way I will ever be able to see the episodes 301 - 09. This doesn't seem fair - I was planning to buy series 3 at some stage when I when finances allowed. In fact I am not in a position to buy a membership right at the moment anyway, so can't take advantage of the "offer" to get Nov - Dec free.

                        I'm a bit disappointed that now I will miss all of series 3 - I suppose I can wait for a DVD to be issued, but it would have been nice to have some warning of the impending change.


                          I am also confused about the new system. I have already purchased Series Three so will if I renew my membership now that means that I will not be getting the last two episodes of 2008 free but if I wait until after the last episode of 2008 then I will not qualify for the offer. Can anyone out there help please? Maggi :?


                            I must be missing a newsletter, I didn't see anything about how to purchase shows. Can someone forward it to me?

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Eileen- I didn't know anything either and just put "membership information" in the search spot (under newletters) and got the newletter telling about it. Sounds like they are switching to a annual membership rather than buying the show seasons. So at this point we sign up for the first 6 months of 2009, or the whole year.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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