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Membership renewal

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    I too looked at my account. Since I purchased Series 3 it says my membership is good through December 31, 2009. I assume I don't to pay anything for any shows that are aired new in 2009 and will have to renew for 2010. I hope this is right. In wet and windy Iowa.


      I sent an email to contact but have not heard back yet. I didn't get the newsletter either, but, found a copy of it in the newsletter section under the purple bars. Hopefully, someone will address this soon. Sandi in FL


        It seems to me the offer is an incentive for new paying members to join so we would not be eligible. Didn't we get a bit of a discount when we paid?

        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          I sent in a contact question yesterday I think because I'm very confused. It seems like signing up now overlaps my purchase of series 3. I haven't heard yet and I'm not going to do anything until I understand it better. Gloria feeling a bit stupid


            I am not an expert and definitely e mail under contact to act but as I understand the system if you are a member for season 3 you can watch those shows through December of 09 but if you want to see season four you have to join up again and that membership should be available soon.

            I definitely want everyone who is not a paying member to join for season four so we can finally push this over the top so the whole business begins to make a profit. All of the partners at ARJJ have worked like crazy and this is still a work in progress. Those of us who love this site and the shows need to support it with our $$$$$$$. (This is not a paid commercial just an observation from a loyal member)



              Lin Joa - You are very perceptive! Because of all the past confusion with the different series we are changing to semi annual or annual MEMBERSHIP - This is much more understandable straight forward. IF you have been a star member up to now, for you this changes nothing - you will just renew when it is time. Because of this change, we are going to change the "stars" . We will explain all of this in an e letter - but is because of SOOO many requests to make the system easier - and we think we have. Thanks everyone!!! We appreciate each and every one of you!!!


                Ann, I would like to support the site with my $$$, but I have to admit, with our unemployment looming over us, I am thinking this is a luxury and I will have to bow out after my membership expires in December. I am sad about it, but if you don't hear from me anymore, please know it was not an easy choice! I will miss all the friendships I've made here, not to mention the daily blog, the forum, the shows... I might consider the 6 months membership when the time comes, but I know the year subscription is over my limit. I'm not looking for sympathy, just stating the facts.


                  Unemployment is hitting hard and about to get even worse here in MID MI. I am a nurse but it even hit the hospital as no one has insurance to cover surgery, medical care, etc.

                  Currently I am working out of my stash and only buy what I need to finish a project... it is great for creativity cause I have to adjust design to accommodate lack of a particular fabric. ... but I am making it fun.

                  I know that a lot of quilt shops are hurting cause fabric/ hobbies are considered a luxury.

                  As to signing up for the Quilt Show... I have been unable to do so more because we only have dial up... satellite and cable are too expensive.... and we are not in an area that can get faster speed connections... too rural. I get the DVDs cause that has been the only way I can participate in the show.


                    Originally posted by AlexAnderson
                    We will explain all of this in an e letter
                    I'll look forward to the e letter, because from what I can see so far, there is no way I can ever see the episodes of Series 3 which have already aired, because I have not yet purchased that series.



                      Sadly...I too have just not been able to sign up after the first go around. I still have one in college...and tuition is going up AGAIN..this is twice in one year.
                      While I am in better shape than many...we still watch every penny.
                      My husband and I are not exchanging Christmas gifts this year. And my holiday list only has my son and MIL on it. No exchanging with friends or other family members.

                      I haven't bought a quilt magazine for a long time. I do look at them at the news stand. But truthfully...there are a lot of patterns and such which are offered free on the 'net. I am sure I will not be without a project!! However, I buy some fabric when I need it for a backing, borders and such.

                      I am very concerned for our friends and family members. Two of my buddies have run out of unemployment benefits.


                      " Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"
                      Margo Channing in All About Eve (Bette Davis)


                        I just chanced upon this subject and got thoroughly confused. I've seen no Newsletter from TQS like you are talking about. I guess I'll just go to My Account and the Newsletters to see what's happening. I've signed up for everything so far and think that I'm covered at this point.


                          John wrote about this in the Forum under "Calling All Series 3 members" or something like that. Apparently, TQS will be starting a yearly membership just like a quilt guild starting Jan. 1st. This will replace a series 4 membership. That's how I understand it, anyway. He said for Series 3 members to wait until further notice to purchase this new membership. Hope this helps.


                            I just posted in a similar thread...I looked at my account and according to it, I am covered until 12/31/09 because I bought series three at the same time I bought series was a special deal at the time. So I hope I can see everything they put on in 2009. It has been very confusing.

                            Nancy in NC


                              Yeah, I think I'm good until end of 2009 also. My account says that. So I figure I don't have to re-up until --- maybe next year at Quilt Festival here in Houston.


                                I did get the newletter today and was totally confused. It sounds like I have to come up with another fee before Dec 31 to view series 4, but I can view series 1, 2, and 3 until Dec 2009. New members will never have the opportunity to go back and view the old series? Am I getting this right?

                                What is the deal with the star system changes? What happens to our charter member status?

                                I thoroughly enjoy TQS and the community here. But, like many others the economic woes are starting to impact our lives. We were able to retire early. Now it looks like I'll be polishing my resume and hope to find a job to fill in the gaps. As someone earlier said, I'm not complaining. We've been very blessed. But, now it looks like it might be time to cut out the fun stuff and get down to business again.


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