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    Hi, I too, am from QYW. My name is Sheri (catec7 is my screen name). I have been seriously quilting for about 8 years. I live in the country and have my own quilting studio with my longarm. I currently work fulltime teaching 7th grade prealgebra. I hope we are able to keep touch with old and new friends.


      Welcome everyone from QYW. What a lovely lot of new friends to get to know. TQS is a very friendly bunch of people and we hope you will enjoy being here with us. :-)

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        I am so excited I finally made all the right moves to get here.
        I very seldom post but check this out every morning and maybe some other times during the day.

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          I just read this thread and I am so excited to welcome all the new friends to the TQS forum. You will like it here..and it will be fun to get to know each of you.

          Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


            Thank you for all the warm welcomes. It will take me awhile to learn to navigate the board, but what I see looks really great.

            Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


              Woohoo--I found you all--and I've even seen a few names from the past! (Littleflower!--Remember us?)

              Thanks for all the nice notes and welcome messages. I know change is good (change is good...change is good...) but some of us were on that QYW message board for over 10 years. I've met so many online and real life friends while cahtting about our quilts, projects, home lives, everyday minutiae. Part of my daily routine. And D&D have been very good about putting up with us.

              So--hi everybody! Happy to be here.
              To tell you a little about myself--I'm Toni from Milwaukee (Go Packers! Oh I don't know why I said that--I'm really a baseball fan. Go Brewers!) and have been quilting for about 12 years, starting after I sold my coffee house. My DH and I now own a small computer business for wich we work a LOT. I've just recently began making studio (or art) quilts and have joined the Milwaukee Art Quilters Group. I still make many traditional quilts, especially since I now have a darling little grandson named Lukas for whom to make piles of stuff!

              I'm looking forward to seeing my old buds and making new friends here at TQS.

              Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                Hi there!

                I, too, was on QYW, and did not realize that it was closing, although it was clearly headed that way.

                I've been on this board, too, since its inception, and you will love it!

                ON QYW, I was Beth, MI.

                Here, I am BethMI




                  It's nice to have all you new folks join us! I hope you feel comfortable enough to add photos to your profiles so we can put faces to the new names!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Happy to see so many familiar names!!! I too started out on Alex's forum and moved to QYW along with many..... I'm Patsy....from Wisconsin.... happy to join you all!

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Hi Everyone,
                      I found the site - Thanks Deb.
                      I too was on Alex's MB then moved to QYW. It has been a great way to meet and "talk " to friends with the same interests. We have laughed and cried together for many years. I'm so glad to see many of my friends on this site. My screen name here will be frannylyn since franny was taken (I don't think franny could be me from years ago but maybe).
                      I'm happy to be meeting new people here. I'm a quilter of 20+ years. I lived in Houston for 9 yrs and never went to the Houston Quilt Show - truly a crime. That was when I first started to quilt. I have been married to a wonderful husband for 35 yr., have 4 children, 1 grandchild and a new one on the way this summer, and 2 grand dogs. I live in SW PA - GO STEELERS. I work as a consulting dietitian and love to read in addition to quilt. MY UFO list is long, but my main project is 50 yr quilts. I make a quilt for each member of my immediate family when they turn 50, or soon after that. I have one more to finish for those over 50 then 3 more for those yet to turn 50. Both sets of parents received a quilt for their 50th anniversaries.
                      Hope everyone has a great week.


                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



                        I’m Margaret and I joined the QYW group in 2008. I just started quilting a couple years ago and already have "acquired" a long UFO list. I have been married for 6 years. We don’t have any children but we love to spend time with our nephews and niece. My husband and I also have a Sheltie and a cat. I would have been lost with out my QYW buddies, local quilt guild and sister-in-law (Stacey - she got my on QYW) last year when I took over guardianship for my dad who has Dementia from my mom who got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We recently moved into a new house and I quit my full time job to stay home as a homemaker and full time caregiver for my mother. Quilting is my sanity and am involved with local groups and clubs. I will miss QYW but am thankful for a new spot to share and “talk” with my old friends and hopefully make some new ones.



                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          I do remember all of you and am excited to have you here on TQS!
                          While I haven't posted much I have kept up on the QYW board.

                          Check out the blogs too - if you click on "The Forum" tab there is a link over to the should be able to read them easily.
                          When I post I link over to my blog.
                          Happy Quilting!

                          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                            Well, glad I found it here. And, glad to see some names I know!! I feel like I learned how to quilt on the QYW board! I learned SO much from the ladies there. Glad we have another home

                            Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                              What was the QYW Board? What does QYW stand for? Thank you!

                              Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                                QYW stands for Quilts Your Way. It was a MB some went to when Alex closed her AAQ MB several years ago. Anne

                                Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


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