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Hello and Welcome

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    Hello and Welcome

    Hello and welcome to all of the current and former Quilts Your Way members. I'm excited to have this new playgroud so that our group can continue to keep in touch. I hope to see all of you here as I will be stopping in occassionally. Have fun!


    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      Yes....what Pam said.......

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Originally posted by debbieQYW
        Hello and welcome to all of the current and former Quilts Your Way members. I'm excited to have this new playgroud so that our group can continue to keep in touch. I hope to see all of you here as I will be stopping in occassionally. Have fun!


        Who and what is/was Quilts Your Way?

        aka ladyquilter

        Troutdale, OR
        <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


          Debbie and her husband started a message board after Alex closed hers a few years back, called Quilts Your Way.
          Deb &amp; hubs recently decided to close the message board and invited the members here to The Quilt Show.


          Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


            Thanks Teri.

            aka ladyquilter

            Troutdale, OR
            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


              but isn't she a few years late with her welcome? We've been here for almost 4 years.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Whatever the reason, welcome to any new members! I look forward to meeting you and maybe find out what "Quilts Your Way" was all about.
                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  Eileen, there are still quite a few members over @ Quilts Your Way and more may be joining us soon.


                  Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                    Hi everyone,
                    Thanks for your interest. I have just notified the Quilts Your Way members of the change. Quilts Your Way is a quilting message board that I started after Alex closed her MB on the AAQ website. Now that we must close the Quilts Your Way MB, we are inviting members here to TQS forums to continue to keep in touch and meet new friends. The Quilts Your Way group is a great group of quilters and I'm sure you will enjoy getting to know them and seeing their work. They are a talented group. You can see some of their work at


                    Keep quilting!

                    Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                      My name is Pat and my username is beehappyquilts. I come from Quilts Your Way MB. I have been quilting since 1996, have a quilting studio, am a longarm quilter, wife of 40 years, mother of 3, grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 2. I do hope we will be welcomed into your group and we can all get to know each other.

                      Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                        Hi everyone. I am Rhonda from the Quilts Your Way forum. QYW was my first experience with a message board and Loved it! It will take me some time to get used to this new format. i have been married for 43 years, have 4 children from 42 to 18, and 8 grandkids from 22 to 1. I am a paraeducator in a middle school and have 4 sheep along with 4 cats and 1 elderly dog. Hope to get to know you all!

                        Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                          Welcome everyone from Quilts Your Way! We can get to know all of you much better if you can post a photo and some of your quilts on your profile. (Hint, hint) Our Forum is mostly for quilt related questions, and keeping up with our current (and past) BOMs. But, we have a members blog where we talk about anything and everything! We share pictures of grandkids, quilts, pets, family, Christmas gatherings, quilt shows, etc. We talk about the weather, quilts we are working on, shows we have gone to, shows we hope to go to, our health, our kids, our pets, when we are up and when we are down. TQS is a wonderful supportive group, and we all learn so much from each other. Looking forward to PHOTOS!

                          In beautiful Norhtwest Montana


                            Hi everyone,
                            Deb &amp; Dan we will miss your message board but sure know lifes curves.
                            I'm Lori, a quilter for nearly 17 yrs, wife, mom and gramma.
                            Quilting/sewing is my therapy or I like to say drug of choice :lol:
                            I'm from qyw forum have enjoyed the friendships and sharing ......


                              Hi all - my screen name on this site will show as cripskid but I am Ms Marge from the QYW forum. I joined the Quilt Show back in 2007 and signed up as cripskid. Not to worry, I am not gang related -lol- the cripskid name came from one of our heifers who's mom was named Crip due to an injured foot. We didn't know what to call that particular heifer and the name cripskid was a natural. Crip was a special cow also. We no longer have any cows but it was a great time of our lives although a whole lot of work when we both worked full time to "support" the cows! :roll:

                              I am very saddened to see QYW closing down as it has been a haven for many years. There is a great bunch of gals on there (and at least one guy) and I hope they jump over here and join in. I hope we will all be welcomed here and get to know all the quilters that frequent the site. It will take some getting used to the different format but will certainly give it a try.

                              I made my first quilt when I was 19 and then didn't make any for like 20 years and have been quilting ever since. I have a very long UFO list that I hope to whittle down this year. I have been married 33 years, 3 kids, 2 step kids, 8 grandchildren and 2 great granddaughters. I live in WA state in a very rural area known as the Methow Valley. I am retired and loving it.

                              Thanks to the quilters who have already welcomed us and be sure and check out the Quilts Your Way site to see what we have been up to.


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