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CW challenge for anyone. Guide on 1st post

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    I'm too busy to jump in, but I will follow and comment like crazy :lol:

    living in Central Denmark
    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


      Sorry to read you got hurt Lois. Prying for a favorable outcome and full recovery.

      living in Central Denmark
      Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


        I like your challenge Wendy. Although not understanding point 3 either. But I'm in. This might help me get my mojo back.

        living in Central Denmark
        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
          Wendy, yer on! But....not sure I understand this.... "be willing to post your quilt to any participant who wants to show them"....could you elaborate please?

          Lois, Wendy didn't mean to break your don't have to do the challenge if you don't want to. :lol: Don't have a broken arm, it's too difficult to quilt with one. Hope you are okay.
          Sounds interesting Wendy but like Rita I also am not sure what you mean!!!!! Need some more information.

          Poor you Lois, I hope you are getting everything you need? Have you to wear a 'stookie' (a plaster cast)


            Thanks for your kind wishes. Not quite as ouchy today, but still waiting for x-ray results. Thank goodness this didn't happen last summer. It was my time with the CWC. From the comments and observations the x-ray technician made, my husband, a pediatrician who reads few x-rays, thinks I may have a small compression fracture just above my elbow. I have full use of my hands and fingers, rotating my wrist is quite painful and I have some but extremely limited motion in the elbow. I cannot bare weight on the arm but today I can hold a cup of coffee in my hand. Just can't get it to my mouth. Yesterday I couldn't hold anything heavier than an empty paper bag. My fear is that in order for healing to take place they will immobilize my hand and wrist. Arthritic hands and wrists should not be immobilized. They freeze up. That's not good news for any quilter. I so much appreciate your well wishes. There is no one other than all of you who can understand the real pain involved here is the fear my hands and arms won't work very well in the future. Thanks again.


              Hope you are okay, Lois!


                Oh, Lois, I'm sorry to hear your news! And I'm definitely praying you can be healed without being immobilized!! Big hugs!

                Wendy, sounds like a fun challenge! Once I get my Hoffman challenge quilt done (has to be in Denver on July 18), I can think more about it.


                  Humm...seems as if we're combining mini with journal and mug rug? and adding direction with a theme??
                  :? :mrgreen: Is that sorta close?


                    Yep, Wendy. I'm in and thanks for coming up with a new challenge. Speedy recovery wishes going to you, Lois. I sure appreciate the fear and worry about your ability to quilt after an accident with immobilization. When I partially amputated my dominant hand index finger in a van sliding door a couple of years ago, I warned the doctor that it was my most important finger and I couldn't lose it, or any feeling in it, because I am a quilter. Sufficiently intimidated, he even asked for my "professional" opinion of the stitches he placed. LOL! (They were actually pretty good...although I would have chosen a different color.)
                    Anyway, wishing you the same positive outcome I had.

                    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                      Thanks Charae. I just returned from the orthropod and it is broken into the joint. Sounds awful but the good news is they don't cast these breaks. I am to use my hands but not lift more than 5 lbs with that arm. I am to try to extend the joint more every day. He offered a sling and I chose to have it for going out in public. I want to look as if it's not alright to bump into me. I am so relieved. Now I've got to find someone to do the garden work and i will work at keeping all these joints in my hand and arm mobile in the sewing room. I might have trouble with the rotary cutter. But if all else fails I could work at getting the place in proper order. Whew!


                        Love your positive outlook Lois, hope it heals quick and becomes less painful so you can do the stretches

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Hugs, Lois. Glad it does not have to be immobilized. Still, please take care. Perhaps this is time for a die cutter of some sort if you can't use the rotary cutter.

                          I am interested in this challenge, but not committing to it yet. I am in the midst of finishing up a show quilt that has taken me months and months so far and may be another month at least. Then I have some clothing I have to make...I have a trunk show in October and I want to make a black denim embroidered casual slacks suit that I have had on my list for some time for the fall. But I'm thinking of taking some months off from show quilt making after I finish my current quilt just to make some clothes and do some other things. Maybe I can slip this in.

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                            That's good news, Lois! I'm so glad! I hope the pain diminishes noticeably each day as your motion returns! Hugs, Robin


                              Great, Lois!!

                              in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                                Lois, I'm glad to hear your good news. Take care! Hugs

                                living in Central Denmark
                                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


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