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    Thank you to everyone in the military, past, present, and future, that's devoted their lives to take care of all of us.


      Thanks Lorna. I hope you have time to check in at TQS every now and then. Hope you get settled in a wonderful place and get back to quilting soon.


        It's very quiet here this weekend where are you all? am I missing something

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Well I was at EG meeting yesterday afternoon and we were working on some purple inchies that are a) for a branch project for the region, and b) to become part of our new branch banner. What I need to get on with is an 8-9" square embroidery of the herb marigold for my part of the surround of the banner, and to help Izzy with the design of her square for the banner too.

          Other than that I have completed the first quarter of my miniature don't recall if I've mentioned this before and have started the second.

          Still waiting on any further information about my new job ie start date, etc. - I have come to the conclusion that a herd of snails stampeding through porridge would be faster.....

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            "A herd of snails stampeding through porridge"! I love it! Mind if I borrow that phrase Rosemary?

            Wendy, I machine quilted the rainbow baby quilt yesterday. It looks so much better quilted. Today I hope to put the binding on. This is my husband's birthday weekend so we are partying! Had a lovely paella dinner at a local winery last night. Yum!



              Hurrah Geneva you got the better of it. Glad you like it now. Happy birthday to your husband save us some cake :P

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have been away every weekend for the last 5. This one is unexpected and extended. My MIL, 94 yrs, has been in the hospital for the last 4 days. She has been at deaths door so many times and each time she seems to bouce back. She is on the mend again but she sure has become increasingly frail. I am the person in the family with the most flexible schedule so am usually the first there and the last to leave. I do have lots of other support and she is hospitalized and will return to a nursing home. So I am not doing the heavy work so to speak. But it sure is hard to watch. I do have tons of quilting stuff to share but not now.


                  Take care, Lois. I know it is a difficult thing to be the main caregiver, and it's hard to see someone we love diminishing before our eyes. You will be a great source of comfort and strength to her and the rest of the family. Prayers going up for you and your loved ones. All blessings and hugs.


                    I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, Lois. She certainly has been having her ups and downs. I know it's very stressful for you, even if you aren't doing the "hard" work. You are both in my heart and thoughts.


                      Hugs to you Lois and take your time to get your breath we will still be here and thinking of you. Lucky family to have you.

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Lois, hugs to you. It may not seem as hard work but I think we all know how hard your part can be. Take care

                        living in Central Denmark
                        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                          Hugs to you Lois. I would echo what Terrie says, as she says it so eloquently, although I don't have the experience.

                          Geneva, feel welcome with that phrase, if you don't fancy porridge, you could substitute custard :whistle:

                          living in Central Denmark
                          Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                            Lois, These are hard but loving times. Take care of you. Wallow in the memories, hugs and love.

                            I had a friend whose husband passed away and she told me with a smile "I loved him to death." I've always thought was a very sweet way of putting it.

                            Hugs to you my friend! geneva


                              Lois, I am so sorry for the suffering your MIL is going thru at this time. I recently lost my 96 year old MIL. She lived about a mile away from us and so my husband and I were the caregivers until Hospice came in. MIL did not want to go to nursing home and so we worked hard to keep her in her home. I learned more about my MIL in those two years of care-giving than the I did the previous 40 years. I will always treasure the time I spent with her and the wonderful memories. Take care of yourself, your family still needs you.


                                Thanks for all your concern and good wishes. I am doing fine and getting my rest. Other family members will be one on one with her the rest of the week and I will go home for a while. We may have some seriously tough decisions to make regarding the balancing act required to manage heart and kidney failure. The blessing is that the only time my MIL was confused was when her oxygen levels went down to 70%. They are now being managed in the mid 90's and she is perfectly capable of doing some serious decision making. She and I are engaged in some very important conversations. It's a hard but good time. Treasure life. Make every day count.


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