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CW challenge for anyone. Guide on 1st post

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    Welcome to the other side of life Wendy. You will enjoy it so much. My only problem with retirement is wondering where all my time goes. I think I accomplish less now that I am retired than I did when I worked full time. Oh well, I have all day, whats the rush? Judy


      Free time.. :lol: :lol: :woohoo: :S :silly: :silly: :lol:


        Wendy, now the Honeymoon with that new machine can begin! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: We're waiting for some eye candy. Long as we're breaking rules. You could post early.


          My DH retired from teaching three weeks ago, and is beginning to get antsy. I've suggested quilting, but he didn't seem interested. :unsure: Any advice? Everyone is telling him to 'take it slow'.

          I like the "inspired by Libby" challenge idea. Honestly, however, I really didn't 'know' about her until she had the stroke and there was such an outpouring of love and expressions of care etc. So, my 'experience or inspiration' of Libby is how the quilting community pour out to her. . I may have seen a show with her, or snippets of her teachings, but at one point, all those 'great' quilters were all still in one box. Obviously she is a super-star, in both talents and personality. If I get to do the Challenge this time, it would be on that theme. I've looked up some of her stuff and it really is awe-inspiring!


            Terrie, since your dh was a teacher, maybe he should take a class in something that interests him and see if it leads to a hobby. Maybe check with your local Park and Recreation Dept.


              What about voluntary work something completely different to teaching it could lead to a new hobby.
              Over here we have distance learning courses on all sorts of things. I'm sure you must over the pond and U3A (University of the 3rd Age) which gives an opportunity to get involved in all sorts of activities physical, social and intellectual. Perhaps he can start a group if he's struggling to find an interest.

              I'm definitely going to have protected time for my new machine now and start by making thank you cards for my leaving presents and party.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Wendy, congratulations!


                  Wendy, congratulations on your retirement. You will have loads of spare time now - yeh,right. :lol: :lol: :lol:

                  What is your new machine?


                    :lol: I'm lucky to have a Bernina 560 to play with

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Congratulations on your retirement! After I retired, I was so busy that I soon began to wonder how I ever found the time to go to work. I am glad you have a new Bernina to play with!



                        Thanks Judith it's going to take me a while to switch off but it's the same when I go on holiday so I know in a week I'll be chilled.

                        Better go and get some inspiration from Libby is there a good place to look. I remember the show with fmq twisted ribbons but from all the quilts made for Clara she did lots of wonderful things

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Originally posted by "rehak" post=125744
                          Since this is an informal challenge, I think you should do whatever fits in with your time and interests. Whether you make something new or not, I think we'll all want to see what you've already made.....
                          Ummmm - you've already seen them, (stands on one leg whistling tunelessly) they were my white horses muggies, machine piece the background, reverse applique and then cutaway. I know Rita got one.

                          Guess I really ought to try something else, like the ribbons idea.....

                          Wendy you are still currently on 'holiday mode' I doubt it will really sink in for a few more weeks yet. Fab looking cake you had.

                          Terrie could you tell DH to go and tidy away his papers from work or something boring - you know things that need to be done, but you will find something, anything else to do instead (a bit like asking the kids to tidy their bedrooms, or do their homework :P )

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Congratulations Wendy! I know you will take to retirement like a duck to water - or should that be a chook to grit? Anyway, I wish you a long, healthy and happy time ahead with your new machine.

                            Terrie, men and retirement is a difficult thing. My brother retired in January last year and has now taken on a 2 year job abroad because he nearly went insane at home all the time. Did your DH have any hobbies when you met him first? Maybe its time to dust off the train set or something. How about golf? Or tennis? Or badminton? Or something active to keep the old ticker going. Unless he retired because of ill health I can't see why he should 'take it slow'. Good luck, I hope he doesn't drive you mental hanging around the house all day. Maybe a pottery class?


                              Happy retirement Wendy. Have you made a to do list of all the things you want to do?
                              Hang gliding.....pot holing.....bungee air ballooning ......
                              the list could be endless and of course a bit of sewing.
                              Hope you and Ingrid are getting on did name your new toy Ingrid didn't you?


                                Originally posted by "twiglet" post=125780
                                Better go and get some inspiration from Libby is there a good place to look. I remember the show with fmq twisted ribbons but from all the quilts made for Clara she did lots of wonderful things
                                Her thread play DVD is available to star members right now, so that's a good place to start. She goes over her twisted ribbons, her reverse applique method, working with shears and bobbin play. She's also known for stitching circles using the Bernina circle tool. And, of course, doing a search on her quilts will give you loads and loads of inspiration!!


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