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Mug Rug Exchange - Do it yourself style!

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    Renata I think you are more the 'saucy sailor' than the 'crusty sailor'! Love your mug rug and your card. Norma what beautiful work. You may have one espresso but then it's back to work for you or we will have to put you in the scuppers with the hosepipe on you... :lol:

    And Marilyn, your mug rug is gorgeous too. Jane what a great mug rug. I am really loving seeing all these different mug rugs.


      Okay, Rita, I like the saucy better than the crusty but not the sauced, okay? :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Jane, what a pretty mug rug for Marilyn! LOVE the cowgirl boots! :P :P :P


        So glad you like it, Marilyn. The little basket is from the pattern by Edyta Sitar. Would like to figure out a way to use my HST's and spools from the other 2 exchanges with those little baskets, but haven't figured it out yet. I'd love to hear from anyone with an idea for a design on how to do that.

        And having been "born" in Wickenburg, AZ (#1 cowboy town in AZ) just had to have the boots on the back. :lol: :lol:


          Originally posted by Renata
          Okay, Rita, I like the saucy better than the crusty but not the sauced, okay? :lol: :lol: :lol:
          I suppose that depends on whether you have been at the 'rum fanny' or not :wink: - ah but then I am forgetting that rum is unlikely to have been standard daily rations for you


            Substitute Limincello for rum

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Norma, beautiful mug rug AND beautiful card!

              Jane, the postage stamp basket is just perfect!

              from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                Originally posted by Renata
                Jane, I love what you did with reproducing the smaller design into the center--so original, delicate and beautiful. Congratulations, Norma, on receiving such a beautiful mug rug.

                Speaking of Norma and mug rugs... I could not concentrate anymore on Chinese Whispers until I did this posting. Last night I found in my mailbox a very nice note from Norma on an embroidered card--so beautiful that I thought I had received two mug rugs!

                Oh, what a beautiful mug rug! and the detail and thinking that went into it exquisite! a beautiful flower with muted fabrics that mimic an ocean wave for this crusty old sailor... the colors of the ocean along the coast between Corsica and Sardegna on an early spring morning, and then a golden ochre fabric with an underlying hint of pale blue green (I might be mistaken on the colors but they are just gorgeous). I've never seen the edging done the way Norma has and I am hoping she will teach me how to do it. I'm in love with this mug rug, Thank you, Norma! :P :P :P

                I wonder if this posting will be enough to go back to Chinese Whispers or if I'll just have to have an espresso in my Sardinian espresso cup before going back to work! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                So, Renata, I think I must answer you here to get you calmed down to be able to whisper again :lol: :lol: :lol: .
                I'm happy, that you like it and I see that it goes well to your cup. The fabrics are my own dyed and monoprinted and I happen to love the golden fabric, too. I will teach you how to do the edging.
                Thanks for your emails. I will answer them shortly

                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  Hey, I am way behind in this thread. I wasn't recieving email notices. Jane & Zarra, all these rugs are just gorgeous. Hope you do a tutorial on that edging. I have some ready to mail. Some crazy stuff demanding my attention here. And then I got the spring cleaning (or rather purging) bug and when that bug bites me I'd better take advantage because it seldom gets me. :lol: Then I wonder what the big deal was when I get started and so happy to be rid of things I no longer need. :!: Actually, not much cleaning has happened but now that some stuff is gone it would be easier were I so inclined. I think I'll sew instead. ops: It's so much more interesting.


                    Lois I am so with you there, sewing is so much more interesting than cleaning. (I spent most of today cleaning as the house had reached the critical point of almost no return. :roll: :lol: )


                      Originally posted by PosyP
                      Originally posted by Renata
                      Okay, Rita, I like the saucy better than the crusty but not the sauced, okay? :lol: :lol: :lol:
                      I suppose that depends on whether you have been at the 'rum fanny' or not :wink: - ah but then I am forgetting that rum is unlikely to have been standard daily rations for you
                      You're right, Rosemary, we don't have rum rations... that's why I used to hear of some sailors in the old days (when I first joined up) resort to Aqua Velva because it was the only thing with alcohol in it on board ship. :roll: YuCK!!! Rum rations seem much more reasonable don't they?


                        Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                        Lois I am so with you there, sewing is so much more interesting than cleaning. (I spent most of today cleaning as the house had reached the critical point of almost no return. :roll: :lol: )
                        That is my exact routine. I wait for that tipping point. When things reach a certain state of disorder my creativity wanes then nothing much gets done. On the other hand, sometimes there is a spurge of creativity and when I emerge from it I find myself wondering where all the mess came from. I've been told "creativity is messy" and I believe it. I haven't figure out how to keep order as I go, but I keep trying.


                          Lois, I will make a tutorial, but I'm very busy the next 3 weeks, so it must wait till after then.

                          After that I'm available for exchanging more mug rugs if anyone wants to play :roll: :roll: :roll:

                          living in Central Denmark
                          Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                            Soon enough. I want to play some more but I got a bunch of stuff going on right now and I am up next for the Chinese Whisper Challenge. I may have to wait until after Aug.


                              Got this beauty on the mail a few days ago. Not a mug rug but, I thought you might enjoy seeing it. In the begging I couldn't figure out whom it was from. Royal Mail but, the name didn't sound familiar. And just suddenly, right before finishing opening the envelope I thought, Lorchen!

                              Sure enough. And here it is...

                              Double click on the photo to see the beautiful decorative stitches.

                              Needless to say I love it!!! Thanks a lot Lorchen!


                                Here are other gorgeous goodies I have received in the last couple of months. Thank you Nancy, Wendy, Renatta, Rita, Rosemary, Maureen, Marilyn and Pam. Love them all. Each of them had put a smile in my face and warmth in my heart, while I'm going thru this hard time. I'll treasure them always. There was also some yummy chocolate in beautifully colored wrappers, needless to say, they're gone. My kids, DH and I loved them.


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